Chapter 490 - Result

"Who wants to go first?" Myer Reane asked as she looked at them.

"I'll go first." Yi Bing answered.

Myer Reane nodded and rose from her seat. "Stand in front of this machine and then state your name." she said as she brought Yi Bing in front of a machine which emitted light that scanned his whole body.

"Evan Glace." Yi Bing spoke.

"'Evan Glace', scanning." A female voice from the machine spoke. "Scanning, complete. Please wear the helmet." The system spoke.

Myer Reane handed a helmet to Yi Bing. "Fully concentrate and empty your mind." She reminded him. "Please don't make a noise." She told the three.

"Yes." They answered.

"Chief… do you know this doctor?" Shi Jiu whispered as they watched Yi Bing close his eyes while the doctor watched the screen that displayed the status of Yi Bing's brain as well as the data.

"Yes." Shou Ji nodded as she looked at Myer Reane. "She's my paternal aunt." He told him.

Shi Jiu, fortunately, is very tactful today so he closed his mouth and covered his lips after he heard Shou Ji's answer. "Oh…" he muttered.

Huo Ling, on the other hand, didn't have any reaction since he already expected that Shou Ji must be related to the female doctor. He was about to speak to ask Shou Ji something when they suddenly felt a heavy pressure upon them.

"Oh, my god!" Myer Reane can't help but exclaim as she looked at Yi Bing in horror. "Mental strength SS, spiritual strength SS…" she muttered under hear breath.

"Scanning, complete." The system spoke. "Mental strength, SS. Spiritual strength, SS." It said. "You can now remove the helmet." It added.

Shou Ji's brows raised but he just smiled. Huo Ling clapped while Shi Jiu was petrified. "Congrats, boss." Huo Ling spoke but his voice and face looked indifferent after Yi Bing removed the helmet.

Yi Bing turned and scoffed.

"You have such a good relationship~" Shou Ji spoke as he patted Huo Ling.

Huo Ling beg to differ, but he didn't say anything.

Meanwhile, Yi Bing turned to the doctor. "How about my physique?" he asked.

Myer Reane finally recovered from her shock. "You pull this handle." She answered as they moved to another machine.

"… what if I break it?" Yi Bing asked.

"… so be it." Myer Reane felt her head ached. "We need the data." She said and waved the paper printed from the first machine.

Yi Bing nodded in understanding. "Evan Glace." He spoke and waited for the system to scan his body. Then, he held the handle before he pulled it.

"CRACK." The handle broke and was removed.

Yi Bing as he held the handle. "… oh."

Myer Reane who is looking at the handle. "…"

Huo Ling. "^_^"

Shou Ji. "^.^"

Shi Jiu. "-_-"

Myer Reane regained her composure and immediately pulled the data printed. "Physique, SS." She spoke since the system of the machine can't speak anymore after it was broken.

"… thanks." Yi Bing spoke and then took the two printed papers with an indifferent expression.

"… next." Myer Reane already felt exhausted when it's just the second person.

"I'll go!" Shi Jiu raised his hand.

Myer Reane looked at him. "… you won't have a monstrous strength like him, will you?" he asked.

Shi Jiu suddenly felt guilty. "… I shouldn't have." He answered and scratched his cheek.

"… and you two?" she turned to the other two left.

"We won't… we think." Huo Ling and Shou Ji answered.

Myer Reane rubbed her temples as she pressed on the new machine. "You will pay for that machine!" she told them as she pointed the machine that Yi Bing has broken. "And this, if you broke this, too!" she added and pointed the new machine.

"Sure." Yi Bing answered as he studied his result.

Myer Reane felt stifled and she urged Shi Jiu to do the test, which is physical testing first. Shou Ji and Huo Ling laughed while Shi Jiu wanted to cry.

"Shane June." Shi Jiu spoke and the system scanned his whole body. Then, he pulled the handle.

Fortunately, this time, the handle didn't break. "Scanning, complete. Physique, A." the system spoke.

Shi Jiu, as well as Myer Reane, sighed in relief as she gave the printed data to Shi Jiu who wiped the tear in the corner of his eye. They then moved to the first machine for him to test his mental strength and spiritual strength.

"Shane June." Shi Jiu spoke before he wore the helmet.

"… fck." Myer Reane cursed when she saw the data.

"Mental strength, A. Spiritual strength, S." the system spoke. "You can now remove the helmet." It said.

"Are you all monsters?!" Myer Reane couldn't help but say as Shi Jiu removed the helmet.

… technically, yes. They answered in their mind. But, they just laughed.

Myer Reane exasperatedly sighed. "Next." She spoke.

Huo Ling walked towards her. "Which one should I do first?" he asked her.

Myer Reane's lip twitched. "… the physical test first." She answered.

Huo Ling obediently nodded and stood before the machine. "Howee Jackson." He spoke.

Light flashed and scanned his body. "Howee Jackson, scanning. Scanning, complete. Please pull the handle." The system said.

Huo Ling held the handle and pulled it.

"Crrr…" amidst the silence, they heard the handle strained.

Myer Reane. "…"

Yi Bing and Shou Ji grinned while Shi Jiu coldly sweated.

"Scanning complete. Physique, S." the system spoke.

Huo Ling finally let go of the handle, as if he was releasing Myer Reane's heart. "Your clinic… don't have a machine for SS and above physique testing?" he asked.

Blankly staring at the data printed, Myer Reane felt numb. "Our clients are all wealthy and only knows how to enjoy life, so we don't expect them to be S, or have SS or above physique, mental strength or spiritual strength." She answered and gave the data to Huo Ling before they walked towards the first machine. "In short, they all only know how to squander money. How can they be like you?" she said.

She isn't flattering them and is only telling them the truth.

"Howee Jackson." Huo Ling spoke.

"'Howee Jackson', scanning. Scanning complete. Please wear the helmet." The system spoke.

Huo Ling wore the helmet and closed his eyes. But, not a second later and they heard something crashed and then smelled something burning after.

Myer Reane. "…" well, fck me! They are all really monsters! She screeched inwardly and looked at Huo Ling with a disbelieving gaze.

Shou Ji and Shi Jiu were surprised. Meanwhile, Yi Bing's indifferent expression was gone. His expression is serious as he looked at Huo Ling.

Suddenly, they heard something whirring. "Ment…tal strength, SS. Spir… itual… strength, SSS…" it was the system. "Please rem… over the… helmet…" it said before it finally stopped.

Huo Ling was startled and then removed the helmet. "What… happened? Something burned?" he asked and sniffed. "Err… I'm sorry…?" he spoke when he saw Myer Reane's dark face.

Myer Reane didn't say anything and just took a deep breath before she picked up the result and then gave it to Huo Ling. "This will be the last one…" she said and looked at Shou Ji as she pressed the last machine on.

Shou Ji smiled as he walked towards her before he pushed the dazed Huo Ling back to their seat. "Don't worry. I am 'normal'." He assured her.

Myer Reane looked at him with a doubtful gaze before she made him stand in front of the second physique testing machine.

"Shawn James." Shou Ji spoke.

"'Shawn James', scanning." The system spoke as the light scanned his body. "Scanning, complete. Please pull the handle." It said.

Shou Ji held the handle and then pulled it.

"Scanning, complete. Physique, S." the system spoke.

Myer Reane heaved a sigh of relief before she gave the result to Shou Ji. Then, they went to the second mental strength and spiritual strength testing machine. But, before Shou Ji could move, she spoke.

"You won't damage my fourth machine… right?" she said.

Shou Ji solemnly nodded. "I won't." he answered.

Myer Reane didn't say anything.

"Shawn James." Shou Ji spoke.

"'Shawn James', scanning." The system spoke as the light scanned Shou Ji's body. "Scanning, complete. Please wear the helmet." It spoke.

Shou Ji confidently wore the helmet and then closed his eyes. Then, suddenly, they heard the machine beeped. Huo Ling and Shi Jiu were startled, thinking that the machine broke again. But, they saw Myer Reane's surprised expression.

"This is…" she muttered under her breath and looked at Shou Ji with a complicated expression. Her gaze seemed to be mixed with pity.

"Scanning, complete." The system spoke. "Mental strength, S. Spiritual strength, B." it said.

Huo Ling and Shi Jiu were surprised. Then, they suddenly remembered the condition of Shou Ji's soul. B rank is actually average, and sometimes, can be considered above average.. But to have this result while his 'friends' have outstanding results of A, S and SS ranks, his result actually looked unsightly, making him look the odd one.

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