Afterlife Department

Chapter 491 - Registration

Chapter 491 - Registration

Chel Military Academy, one week later.

"1134!" the student in the registration area called. The ID number is the one during the final registration.

"Here! Here!" someone answered and immediately ran to the front.

"1135!" the student beside the first student called as he looked around.

"1136!" the third student called, looking bored.

"1137!" the fourth student called and didn't call again since the numbers were already displayed on the screen. They are just calling as an act.

"1138!" the fifth student called with a stern face. He didn't like this task and he'd rather fight than deal with various people.

"1139!" the first student called after the participant was done registering personally.

"Wow! He has A mental strength, A spiritual strength and A physique!" the other participants exclaimed when they saw the information displayed on the screen of the participant with ID AC1134.

"The literal straight A. Hahahaha." Someone joked and they laughed.

The others looked worried though. "He will be a formidable opponent." Someone said.

The people around him nodded in agreement. Some of them have B mental strength, B spiritual strength and B physique, which is the least qualification for the participants in the Annual Challenge.

"Chief… do you think you can defeat him?" Shi Jiu asked as he watched the information of the other participants displayed on the screen.

"Of course." Shou Ji nodded as he answered. His voice is fileld with confidence.

"It's just spiritual strength. Mechas won't be used in the elimination round." Huo Ling told Shi Jiu.

"Right. The chief is stronger than the participant 1134 though in terms of mental strength and physique!" Shi Jiu spoke.

"If you already know it, then what are you still worried for?" Yi Bing asked him.

Shi Jiu immediately cowered. "… I'm just saying…" he muttered and hid behind Shou Ji.

"By the way, what were your results before when you were still an alpha?" Huo Ling asked Shou Ji.

"Oh!" Shi Jiu exclaimed when he remembered this fact and he looked at Shou Ji. His eyes are filled with curiosity, and desire for gossip as he drink water.

Shou Ji smiled. "S mental strength, SS spiritual strength and S physique." He answered.

"Pppt!" Shi Jiu almost sprayed the water on Shou Ji's face. Fortunately, he has good reflexes and he turned at the last split-second and sprayed the water on the ground. "Ack! Keh! Kuh!" he coughed as he patted his chest. His face is red from both coughing and shame.

Some people in the crowd looked their way. Fortunately, they didn't look for a minute longer since they weren't interested in them. After all, they will be opponents later.

"S mental strength, SS spiritual strength and S physique… the fck!" Shi Jiu exclaimed as he gulped down water to calm himself. "Chief… you are really very alpha!" he told him as he looked at him with his eyes filled with admiration.

"Thank you. But, that's now all in the past." Shou Ji calmly answered with a smile. Although he said that, but he obviously looks pleased.

"You're a little short with Yi Bing, though." Shi Jiu scratched his cheek and glanced at Yi Bing who has SS mental strength, SS spiritual strength and SS physique.

Yi Bing was just indifferent.

"But, the surprising one is - !" Shi Jiu looked at Huo Ling with sparkling eyes. "You! S physique, SS mental strength… but your spiritual strength is SSS!" he said as he shook Huo Ling by his shoulders.

Huo Ling's face is as indifferent as Yi Bing.

"Why do you look like this? Shouldn't you look happy or excited?!" Shi Jiu asked when he saw their lackluster expressions while Shou Ji just smiled.

Yi Bing didn't answer and just looked at Huo Ling who didn't have any reaction and is secretly observing the people. He knows why Huo Ling's spiritual strength became SSS. It is because of the Soul Fragment that Shen Sheng gave him before, which is his own Soul Fragment, making his current soul become stronger.

But, Yi Bing knows that Huo Ling's soul is originally strong, stronger than his, even. Since he is Lord Zero. However, for some reason, his soul broke and scattered into Soul Fragments. After Shen Sheng told him about this, he asked Shen Sheng the cause of Huo Ling's soul scattering. Then, Shen Sheng told him that Huo Ling's soul crashed.

Yi Bing isn't an idiot. He can feel that Shen Sheng is hiding something, and that is the cause why Huo Ling's soul crashed. Huo Ling was once the first archangel. Then, he sinned and became the first grim reaper, which gave him the title of 'Lord Zero'. Yet, no one knows what happened to him and why no one knows about him right now. They all know that Yi Bing is the first grim reaper, instead of Huo Ling – who is Lord Zero.

"Yi Bing? Yi Bing!" he heard Shi Jiu's voice called.

Yi Bing blinked and then turned to look at Shi Jiu with his icy-blue pupils. "What?" he answered.

"What are you in a daze for?" Shi Jiu asked, puzzled. "Huo Ling and the chief have already gone to register themselves. It will be our turn next." He told him.

"Oh." Yi Bing muttered and looked at Huo Ling and Shou Ji who registered themselves.

Suddenly, there was an uproar when their information was finally displayed on the screen. "Well, fck me!" the crowd roared as they sharply gasped while they looked at Huo Ling's and Shou Ji's information displayed.

"SS mental strength and SS physique… this is already defying the heavens!" they all exclaimed. "But SSS spiritual strength?! Why don't you directly ascend?!" they asked as they looked at Huo Ling's data. "And he's even a beta! Can a beta have a SS physique?! This isn't a fake data?!" they were shocked.

"This other guy, though… although his spiritual strength is B, but he has an S mental strength and S physique!" they said. "He is also strong!" they added.

"Gosh… we will be facing a bitter battle!" the others can't help but cry without tears.

"Just who are they?!" the others curiously asked.

"'Howee Jackson' and 'Shawn James'…? Never heard of their names…" they muttered and watched as Huo Ling and Shou Ji returned to their seats while Yi Bing and Shi Jiu replaced them in the registration booths.

"Looks like they are friends…" the crowd added as they watched Huo Ling and Shou Ji conversed while they sat.

"Oh, fck!" there was another uproar.

"What is it this time?! A celebrity?!" the others asked.

"Well, these four people's appearances can be considered celebrity-level… and they are all strong!" someone exclaimed.

"'Evan Glace' and 'Shane June'… the hell! Just who are these people?! Are they actually monsters?!" they said.

"SS mental strength, SS spiritual strength and SS physique… heck, a beta can have an SS physique?!" someone exclaimed in shock.

"The literal straight SS student…" somebody muttered with a blank expression and they can't help but feel sour.

"'Evan Glace'… another one whose name I haven't heard of." Somebody spoke.

"This Shane June isn't that weak, either. Physique, A. Mental strength, A and spiritual strength S! These four people aren't your average guys!" someone wanted to cry.

"But they are all betas… their physique's rank doesn't match… is the data fake? This isn't just them showing off?" someone asked.

"Well, there should be a medical certificate displayed on the Chel Military Academy's website for the Annual Challenge to verify the participants' data. Let's take a look at theirs!" someone told them.

"Sure!" the others agreed and they all opened their light brain to surf the web.

"W – what… Myer Reane?! It's that 'Myer Reane?!" somebody exclaimed in shock and his voice was so loud.

"What did you say?! Doctor Reane?! From that Reane family?!" someone asked.

"It can't be…" someone shook their head, doesn't want to believe what they found.

"But, this is the Chel Military Academy. They wouldn't post something fake, right?" someone asked in a small voice.

"Then, it was really doctor Myer Reane who tested them?!" someone said.

"It must be… no one would impersonate doctor Myer Reane, right?" someone hollowly laughed.

"It is the Reane family that we're talking about here…" someone muttered.

Shi Jiu was puzzled as he silently listened to the crowd's murmurs while he and Yi Bing walk back towards where Huo Ling and Shou Ji are.

"Done?" Huo Ling asked as he rose from his seat with a calm expression while ignoring the gazes of the crowd.

Meanwhile, Shou Ji is smiling.

Yi Bing nodded. "Done." He answered as he walked beside Huo Ling while they left the venue.

Shi Jiu forced himself not to look back at the crowd and silently followed behind Shou Ji. "Wah!" he exclaimed when they finally left and there was no one around. "So stifling!" he frowned.

Yi Bing and Huo Ling didn't speak. They know that Shi Jiu would ask Shou Ji what they wanted to ask.

"Hey, chief.. What is the Reane family? Doctor Myer is famous?" Shi Jiu asked Shou Ji.

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