Chapter 269 - The Other Side of Lu Qiang

It was a tight battle between the special ops and the mysterious men. Thanks to Lu Chen’s message last night, Xiu Min and his team were able to prepare beforehand for the ambush. Xiu Min contacted his friends in the federal government, and with their interference, they were able to suppress the group of men and apprehended them.

Of course, in exchange for their help, Xiu Min turned them over to the federal agents afterward. He continued cooperating with them while continuing their other investigation, and one of the federal agents messaged him to confirm the identities of those men.

Xiu Min gripped his mobile tightly after he read the message.

Mascarante. It was them.

They’re working with Albert Chen?

Xiu Min was furious and confused. They’ve yet to finish investigating Albert Chen’s background, and now he was surprising them that he’s working with a notorious mafia group here in the west?

His reach is undeniably scary and mysterious. An orphan who was powerless before suddenly became so powerful to be daring enough to kill a soldier and civilians.

Wait....., no.

He paused. There’s still another angle. Albert Chen may not be working with the mafia group, but he is a member of the mafia group as well?

Was it possible?

It seems like it would be faster if they dig into the members of the organization than checking Albert Chen’s background.

Xiu Min contacted the best person in finding intelligence within the mafia organizations then shifted his attention back to their investigation about Sgt. Fang’s death that they’ve now proved as not suicide.

Meanwhile in China.

Lu Qiang was in the court along with his classmates. His actions were the same as usual, and to the other children’s eyes, they don’t notice anything wrong with Lu Qiang at all.

However, Lu Qiang thought differently.

He had been sensing that someone was eyeing him since last week. At school and at home. He was doubting himself at first, but it continued for days and knew that it wasn’t a hallucination.

Lu Qiang trusted his guts, and just like how he learned from training, he did subtle movements to find where that person was watching him from. He wasn’t close, else the other shadow bodyguards that were guarding him would have surely already caught him.

But since he was able to keep up for a whole week without getting caught, then Lu Qiang knew that this person was different.

He mapped the entire school in his head and the surroundings outside.

His entire school is surrounded by middle to high-class houses and apartments. There are three twenty-story high apartments a few blocks away, and a ten-story high apartment just next to the school. Most of the houses are either have second floors and third floors since the people who live around here are above average in income families and the wealthy.

They have two tall buildings in their school connected by a bridge on the third and sixth floor. Lu Qiang removed the possibility of the person watching from the football field, the track field, and the gym. The basketball court they’re currently playing in is pretty close to the main building still with quite a bit of distance, and since it is an outdoor court just next to the tennis court, their surroundings are surrounded by tall wired fences to prevent the balls from being used to fly over to the other side of the wall and hit the other students.

Aside from the medium-sized trees, the only place they could get a good look at from inside would be from the ground floor of the main building, and that ten-story apartment that could be seen from where they are playing.

While Lu Qiang was shooting the ball, he was subtly moving his sight to the view of that ten-story apartment.

He was calculating the numbers in his head.

The rooftop?

Based on the angle, he can only be seen here in the court if they’re watching from the rooftop. Strangely, he can also see the rooftop of that apartment building if he stands at the far left from the window. Though, he doesn’t think that they could watch him from there while he’s in the classroom since just like he said, his classroom is pretty much out of the view from the rooftop of the building.

What he could see from his classroom were the twenty-story high building on the side, but even though it’s just a few blocks away from the school, it is still pretty far in distance. He wouldn’t be able to sense someone that far unless he’s not human.


Lu Qiang continued playing and passed the ball to his teammate as he continued his assessment.

Then I’ll take it to a different angle. If he can’t calculate based on the map, then he’ll calculate using the opposite perspective.

Because of his father’s persistent training since he was little, Lu Qiang could clearly sense where most of his bodyguards are hiding. He has about six, four of those were pretty much circling his area at the moment. One was at a branch in one of the trees, the other hidden behind the pillar in the main ground floor, the other was in disguise as a gardener, and the other was guarding the other side of the wall.

The other two were assigned farther than where he is. The first one is continuously moving around the building, while the other one that he couldn’t sense yet he knew where he was stationed is staying in one of the third-story high houses outside, a few blocks away from where the school is.

They’re both responsible for keeping an eye around the area instead of focusing their sights on Lu Qiang and it would be convenient for them to be in their current stations to alert the other four if there are suspicious persons approaching.

Lu Qiang mapped their positions in his mind and looked at them from a different perspective.

A perspective of the enemy.

The court is too open, it would be too easy for someone to get spotted. Even hiding behind the wall is impossible because there’s an eye watching from the outside.


Lu Qiang halted.

There’s a missing range.

The one eyeing outside could only see the diameter of the area outside the school, meaning he can only see one side.

Then the other one moving around is responsible for watching over the other side of the diameter.

But there’s a spot that they’re missing.

Since the other one is only looking from the inside, there’s a blindspot in his range which could possibly be taken advantage of if it’s someone who’s too good.

Lu Qiang turned his head towards the area where the other is usually stationed. Since the other side of the main building has the tennis and basketball outdoor courts, the other side was a garden.

And that garden sits directly below the range of that one person who monitors from within the building. Half of that garden is a blind spot for that person since it was pretty much next to the main building. Unlike the outdoor courts which you still have to walk for like five minutes to reach from the main building, the garden gives the person enough view to the courts.

But what about in the classroom?

Even in that position, it would be too impossible if they’re watching from the gardens.

"Lu Qiang, stop spacing out! I’m passing the ball to you!!" He suddenly heard Bai Yi Yi’s voice from behind him that immediately cut him off from his thoughts.

Lu Qiang turned to look and saw the ball flying in his direction. Instincts took over and since he was already standing at the perfect spot to shoot the ball, he caught the ball easily and immediately shot it to the basket in a smooth transition.

He continued pondering about the answer even until they finished the game. After changing, Xing Lu Yan and Bai Yi Yi dragged him to the arcade for the nth time. He would usually turn them down since he wanted to go home and see his mother as soon as possible, but since his mother was out for a business trip to a different city, and his father wasn’t home as well, he chose to stay with them and played a round of arcade.

They were on their way to play the shooting game when he suddenly realized something.

Ah! That’s it!

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