Chapter 270 - Shenzhen - Dilemma

Ah! That’s right!

Lu Qiang suddenly had a realization.

He looked at his two friends who were playing the shooting game by holding two toy rifles as a weapon. He totally missed that other possibility and realized it because of this.

How can he overlook the possibility of it being done by two people? One could possibly be situated to spy on him in a closer range while the other one is responsible in eyeing him from the distance.


He did sense that he was being watched in the classroom and everytime he’s outside, and it did seem weird that he couldn’t sense it so much while in the classroom.

But how did he know that he’s being watched in the classroom?

Lu Qiang recalled that there is one of the twenty story high building apartment that could be seen from their classroom window.

Even though he couldn’t sense the person’s location, he’s still very s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e of other people’s stare. Apart from sensing the presence of the person, Lu Qiang was trained to be s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e if someone is watching him from a distance. It was a training so he knows how to move and avoid snipers in the future if he’s going to be targeted and his life in danger. Since he hasn’t fully properly trained and developed it yet, he couldn’t identify in which direction it was coming from, but the probability of it being in that building from afar was high.

Lu Qiang’s forehead creased as he stopped watching how Bai Yi Yi and Xing Lu Yan was getting overtaken by the zombies they’re shooting at on the screen.

But is it possible that his bodyguard couldn’t sense that person because of the distance?

Even though he’s being trained by his father’s men, at this point, he’s still unsure what his father really works as aside from being a CEO and President of Lu Corporation that his mother is also working at as the President’s secretary.

He even tried searching for answers when he hacked Lu Shao’s laptop once(but he got caught in the end) but still found no answers. All he knew was that it’s something dangerous, that’s one of the things he understood since he was little.

Their house security is tight and guarded by his father’s men, he was homeschooled until his mother married in and strongly advised for him to be enrolled in a normal school to develop sociability, and most of all, the trainings he had to learn and study including training his own pet, King.

He may not have had the opportunity to interact with other kids his age back then, but he has internet access. Of course, he knew that it wasn’t exactly what other normal parents teach their children, not even including teaching them to remember all the parts of the gun, how to unload and load the gun, then firing accruately to the target.

It is a fun training and hobby for an a.d.u.l.t but definitely not something a normal a.d.u.l.t would teach to normal kids.

Well, putting that aside. What he should focus on are the crows that kept circling over him for the past week, right? At least, he should show his manners and take care of those crows properly.

Lu Qiang’s thought was reaching on the edge of darkening just like his father.

"Ah! So stupid Yi Yi, look! We lost! Don’t you knkw how to target ah?! Don’t come to my house to play call of duty this sloppily or else I’ll never lend you my notes again."

"Bah! It was your fault that we lost ah! Look, didn’t I say to lift the rifle to load then shoot at the head. You’re the one who kept shooting them at the c.h.e.s.t not me!"

"You blame me?!"

Lu Qiang sighed silently. There were a lot of eyes on them already. He wasn’t interested on being the center of attention even more for such ridiculous argument.

He returnee to being the cool and calm friend of the two and stopped them from causing a scene in the arcade.

While Lu Qiang was creating a plan on how to warmly welcome the crows circling around him, Xiu Mei finally received the long awaited call from her elder brother the night before her flight back home.

It was a very brief call just to assure her that he was fine and she didn’t need to worry about anything.

Really, aside from meeting Albert Chen on the first day, everything went well on her schedule. If it wasn’t for her current constitution, she would’ve scheduled a flight back home tonight.

But pregnant women did ample and proper rest. Something that she wouldn’t be able to do in the airplane. Of course, her nausea and morning sickness were slowly getting more frequent and she did her best to keep anyone from noticing something wrong especially now that she knew that Albert was watching their movements.

Even her sense of smell and taste were slowly changing so she was afraid that people would notice her change even more because of that because she might not be able to stop her reaction if she smells or tastes something she particularly dislike from now on.

She sighed deeply while c.a.r.e.s.sing her stomach gently.

To think it still wasn’t the most difficult part in hiding her pregnancy. What’s she going to do once her stomach grows bigger ah? Wear some kind of belly shaper or something?

The next morning, Xiu Mei almost had to rebook her flight to a different schedule after locking herself in the bathroom for almost half an hour.

She knelt in front of that toilet bowl for half an hour because of her morning sickness, and her knees almost wobbled while she changed and prepared to leave the hotel.

Damn. Thank goodness her work schedule was already over or else even she wasn’t sure if she could attend her first schedule for the day ah.

Xiu Mei cleaned herself up and waited in the first-class only lounge before her flight. She was having some fruits for breakfast and was fetching some juice when coincidentally, she bumped with the person she had seen the other day.

It was the female politician that Mr.Ying were having lunch with.

Was Shenzhen this small? To be even in the same lounge... she’s too speechless ah.

Xiu Mei turned her back and was about to walk away to return to her table when the female politician suddenly called her name.

"Ms.Xiu Mei, isn’t it?" The female politician said in all smiles as she stopped her from walking away.

This wasn’t a new experience for Xiu Mei. Getting stopped by people with hidden intentions either to get connected to Lu Chen or in this case, she was sure it was to her father who is a politician like herself.

Of course, her father is in no way similar to this female politician who chose to have an affair with a married man ah.

Xiu Mei acted normally how she usually handles cases like this. Staying cold.

She simply nodded without uttering a word.

The female politician clapped her hands as if she was delighted.

"It is very nice to meet you! I once met your father in a banquet before and i listened to how he sang praises on how talented his daughter was." The female politician rambled continuously with her flattering words and showing her great talent and eloquency she uses during the campaign period. She was too focused on rambling on and flattery that she completely forgot to even introduce herself since they’re actually strangers to each other even though they knew each other’s name.

Oh, of course. Xiu Mei doesn’t know what the other person’s name really was.

Xiu Mei stayed silent throughout. She even found the female politician to be so bold that she even clung to her arm and followed her to her table. She really wanted to fling away her hold on her arm if it weren’t for the gazes of the other people in the lounge who seemed to already recognize the two of them.

She was caught in a dilemma. The media were usually crazy and sometimes they can make absurd thoughts into news like right now for example, they might connect this female politician would perhaps soon be working with his father as she shows great relationship with her. That’s just one of the absurdity that might come out from this situation. Plus, if Mrs.Ying discovers that she’s her husband’s mistress and she sees this picture of her in a good relationship with this politician, she’ll definitely explode from anger

The other dilemma was if she walks away and ignores this woman, there’s no doubt that she’ll be sacked by people tomorrow online for being rude etcetera etcetera.

Xiu Mei who was calmly weighing which option was better:......does she throw away her face or her father’s?

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