Cosmic Peak

Chapter 123 - Treasure Hunt-4, Pre-Ambush. (Not Edited Yet)

Aren and Tyrance recovered after thirty minutes and left the place as they headed deeper onto the mountainous-hilly region. They didn't wait for the guy to come out and waste time here because the next Treasure Light might not appear near this place.

While moving, Aren asked, "since the rewards will be based on rankings after five day period, then there should be a leaderboard, right?"

"Yeah," Tyrance said, "just touch the skull mark on your hand, and you can see the leaderboard.

After saying that, Tyrance also did the same, and the leaderboard's information appeared in his head.

Aren nodded as he touched the skull mark on his hand.

[Hunt Leaderboard]

Rank 1: Ulqu & Pero- 4000 Treasure Points

Rank 2: Jogarth & Shi-chi-4000 Treasure Points.

Rank 3: Zhin & Ren- 4000 Treasure Points.

Rank 4: Tyrance & Ruine-3000 Treasure Points.


"We are rank 4, hahaha," Tyrance laughed after seeing the leaderboard, "if we had defeated that other guy trapped in the cave, then we would have 4000 total points as well."

"Look out!"


Suddenly, a large two-meter-long eagle with a five-meter wingspan swooped towards them from the giant thick tree to their left side while they were moving atop the hilly area.

Aren noticed the eagle and used <Flight Step> to jump a great distance up before while using <Aqua Serpents> as he manipulated the snakes to bind the eagle wings as fast as possible.


The eagle's direction changed, and it slowed down as Tyrance hurridly dodged to the side before using his <Pyro Claws> skill to attack the eagle.

Aren also triggered the serpents as they blasted.


The eagle got killed as it turned into white motes.

Both Aren and Tyrance received 700 Hunt exp.

As they moved deeper into the hilly region, which had many trees and caves on it, they encountered more monsters in the next twenty minutes and killed six of them.

Tyrance's <Pyro Claw> only consumed 500 spirit energy, but Aren's <Aqua Serpents> cost 1000 spirit energy, so Aren used it sparingly.

He would only use two serpents to attack and keep one since Tyrance's <Pyro Claw> and his basic punch could usually kill the monster as both would only aim for their vital parts.



-Hunt Level: 3 (800/10,000)


-Hunt Level: 3 (600/10,000)


"Only ten minutes are left until the Treasure Light. Let's recover our spirit energy as much as we can," Aren said as he sat down and started meditating.

Tyrance nodded as he did the same.

In ten minutes, they can recover a total of 7,200 spirit energy. But they didn't spend that much in the first place, so they stood up after six-seven minutes and started moving again.

After a few more minutes, the Treasure lights shot in the sky from various places.

"Let's go; I'll get the flight skill on the way by jumping off some cliff that comes in our way. That treasure light seems to be approx two kilometers away from here," Tyrance said.

"Alright, I'll get one by fighting since I want an offensive skill with low cost now," Aren said while nodding, 'depends on big action and thoughts. I must vision and imagine the type of skill I want that matches the big action I am going to do.'


On the way, they encountered some monsters but didn't intend to fight them as they wanted to go to the Treasure Light area and also didn't want to trigger the skill options by taking fighting actions. So, they just escaped from them.

After a kilometer and a half, they encountered a ravine in the middle of their path that led towards another mountain.

"I'll cross this distance with my <Flight Steps> skill while you also jump off and trigger the skill like me; you can do it, right?" Aren asked as he looked at Tyrance.

"Of course, I can!" Tyrance said with a sharp tone before he ran forward and jumped off.

Aren also followed, but after jumping off the cliff, he activated his <Flight Steps> and started moving to the other side while looking down to see Tyrance's status.

After two seconds, Aren saw Tyrance flying up rapidly like a jet. His legs were pipes releasing powerful wind to propel him up.

"Wooooo, this is good," Tyrance shouted as he rapidly overtook Aren and reached the other side.

Seeing that, Aren grinned as he bent his body a bit and stepped horizontally in the air as he shot forward and reached the other side as well.

Seeing that, Tyrance laughed loudly, "so you can do that as well. Awesome."

"How is that skill? Cost and utility wise," Aren asked as he landed beside Tyrance.

"Per second based. I can release wind jet streams from my legs for 100 spirit energy per second. However, It's hard to maneuver in the air like you since you can like...step in the air and go in any direction. However, the speed this provides me is fast," Tyrance said.

Aren nodded with a smile, "that's good. You can use it to close in between enemies faster and use your skills better with it."

"Yep," Tyrance nodded with a grin, "now let's go take the second treasure as well."


Both Aren and Tyrance sped up and moved forward. Aren was focusing ahead with his Astral-X eyes and capturing every detail.

After running for a while, Aren suddenly spoke softly but deeply, "stop!"

Narrowing his eyes, Aren saw through the gaps of the trees and captured silhouettes.

"Move slowly from now on, our target is just three hundred meters ahead, and I faintly saw some silhouettes through the gaps. We can ambush them," Aren said.

"Alright," Tyrance nodded as he and Aren moved slowly instead of hurrying and soon heard the sound of battle.

Both of them hid behind the tree and saw four people fighting against each other while there was a glowing tree in the middle with two palm-sized fruits dangling. The fruits had emerald and orange patterns on them.

"Those fruits must be the treasure, and there are two this time," Aren said as he speculated, "either each one gives 500 Treasure points or 1000 Treasure points."

"1000 treasure points because as more treasure appears, the monsters also become stronger and so the treasures' values," Tyrance said as he had some knowledge about this event.

"Anyway, let's wait for a good chance and then ambush them. We'll observe which side is winning and who is more troublesome before attacking," Aren said.

'I guess vampires here can stay just fine under sunlight,' Aren thought as he observed the four people. Among them was a vampire with bat-like wings and was attacking while flying.


After two minutes, Aren and Tyrance had discussed their plan and decided to ambush them.

Out of four of them, one group consisted of two elves, while the other group had a dwarf and a vampire.

"You got the plan, now let's execute it perfectly," Aren said as he went out first and flew upward with his <Flight Steps> while also activating his <Aqua Serpent> skill.

Tyrance nodded but didn't move as he stayed hidden according to Aren's plan and waited for the right timing.

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