Cosmic Peak

Chapter 124 - [Bonus ]Treasure Hunt-5, Post-Ambush. (Not Edited Yet)

He flew towards the Vampire while shouting to attract their attention, "DIE!"

The Vampire was startled as he saw Aren flying towards him by stepping on the air and jumping.

The other three people became cautious and stopped the battle. All of them had varying degrees of injuries, and most of all, they were lacking in spirit energy. So the addition of a new enemy was terrible news for that.

The first thought of Vampire was to distance himself from the incoming Aren as he didn't know what kind of other skills Aren had.

However, Aren suddenly grinned as he rolled down mid-air and stepped in the air from top to bottom as he shot downward towards the dwarf with three aqua serpents in front of him, spitting out sharp water spits.

The dwarf was startled as the feint of Aren worked while the Vampire cursed himself and dashed towards Aren.

Alas, it was too late as Aren successfully defeated the dwarf as his BH (Body Health) hit 0 and disappeared due to three spits from the snake and a punch from Aren.

[A Treasure Hunter defeated, 500 treasure points gained.]

Both Aren and Tyrance got that score since they were in a team. Apparently, the scores are divided, but the experience from killing monsters is not.


The elves were happy but not for too long as they heard a whooshing sound and saw another person approaching them like a rocket.

"Bye-bye," Tyrance grinned as he waved both of his hands and released two <Pyro Claws> towards the elves.

Seeing that, one of the elves had the defensive skill, and he used it as dodging was not an option against the two fast pyro claws that were two meters large.

However, that was also feint as Tyrance's real target was the Vampire that was swooping back after running away from Aren.

Tyrance hard paused and changed his direction towards Aren to intercept the Vampire as he attacked with his <Bleeding Chops> as both of his hands were covered with sharp red energy.

However, even if Tyrance didn't arrive in time, Aren could easily dodge as he had already started moving backward with his <Flight Steps> skill. His target, the elves.

The elves, who had just defended against the <Pyro Claws>, saw three aqua serpents coming towards them. However, before the serpents, the sharp water spit from the serpents' mouths arrived there.

Aren aimed two spits at one elf's chest that disqualified that person as he disappeared while the 3rd spit hit the elf girl's feet, causing her to be impaired as a painful groan left her mouth.

[A treasure hunter defeated, 500 treasure points gained.]

At that moment, Aren also saw skill options triggering and directly selected the first skill-based on its name alone.

<Abura Vines>

The skill's knowledge entered into Aren's head as he stretched his hand while moving towards the elf girl.


A vine shot out from his palm that rapidly trapped the elf woman as it bound her.


The second round of water spit released from the serpents as they hit the woman, causing her to be disqualified as well.

[A treasure hunter defeated. 500 treasure points gained.]

The serpents also disappeared as they only had a limit of two water spit attacks.

After finishing that, Aren turned around to see Tyrance's battle and smiled.

Tyrance had just finished beheading the Vampire with a chop when Aren turned to see.

[A treasure hunter defeated. 500 treasure points gained.]

The entire battle went according to Aren's plan as those four of them were not even given time to breathe.

"Two feints, taking advantage of their unpreparedness against ambush and their exhaustion. Perfect, hahaha," Tyrance laughed as he moved towards the tree, "anyway, those two feint plan was really good. We would have won even if we fought elves first and then the other pair, but the two-feint plan was good. we saved a lot of our energy."

Aren nodded with a smile as he also moved towards the tree and submitted one fruit along with Tyrance.

[Two treasures submitted. 2000 points gained.]

"That's four thousand total. Plus, we defeated four treasure hunters, so another four thousand." Tyrance said with a grin, "let's see who is at the top now."


[Hunt Leaderboard]

Rank 1: Tyrance & Ruine-11000 Treasure Points.

Rank 2: Jogarth & Shi-chi-9500 Treasure Points.

Rank 3: Zhin & Ren- 9500 Treasure Points.

Rank 4: Ulqu & Pero- 9000 Treasure Points



"Let's goo! We continue snow bowling like that and gather our power," Tyrance said with some excitement in his eyes.

"I have yet to select my skills from the options I got. However, two of those skills are too good, so I can't decide," Tyrance said with a slight frown.

"For better teamwork, I chose a control-type skill, so you should choose a skill that either give you more utility or attack," Aren said with a thoughtful expression, "your <Bloody Chops> skill is powerful since you know martial arts so..."

"I got it!" Tyrance said as he chose a skill and showed it to Aren, "I chose the <Explosive palms> skill. It allows me to release fire explosion from my palm. Also, I can use it to maneuver in the air and change my attack direction as well."

"That's great. You can combine it with your <Bloody Chops> as well," Aren nodded with a smile.

"Yeah. Now let's continue forward and kill monsters to level up. The next Treasure Light is after five hours."

"We should look out for treasures as well. It's not like those treasures only appear with Treasure Lights. They should be hidden, but we can find them. I'll be on the lookout for them with my eyes," Aren said.

"Alright, let's go. I want to take the first rank, and with you, I feel like we can take it," Tyrance said with a grin.

"Even though we didn't consume much of our spirit energy, we should recover to full before moving," Aren said as he sat down and started meditating.


<Abura Vines>

-Cost: 500 spirit energy per vine released from the palms.

-Effect: Releases six meters long vines that the user can manipulate. It deals no damage but can be used in various ways as they have significant resistance against all types of damage.

-Note: the vines last for twenty seconds before disappearing.


-Hunt Level: 3 (800/10,000 Exp.)

-BH: (10,000/10,000)

-Soul Health: (~)

-SE: (10,00/10,000)

-Strength: 200

-Constitution: 200

-Agility: 200

-Soul: ~


--> Sprint: Cost= 100 SE || Increase movement speed by 30% for 5 minutes.

--> Meditation: Meditate to recover BH and SE by 140 every ten seconds.

--> Aqua Serpents: Cost= 1000 SE

--> Flight Steps: Cost= 100 SE per step

--> Abura Vines: Cost= 500 per vine release from palm.


After five minutes of meditating, both of them stood up and started moving again.

For the next three hours, they killed all monsters they encountered with their teamwork and also defeated a pair of treasure hunters.

"It looks like we are finally out of this mountainous, hilly region," Tyrance said.

Both of them stood at the cliff, and in front of them was a vast icy land.. The scenery change was very abrupt as this division was just five hundred meters in front of them.

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