It didn't take long for Wang Jian to recover his strength and the two sides clashed.

In the end, by a narrow margin, Wang Jian was able to defeat the ghost commander.

The ghost commander had kept his word and the moment he died, the ghosts around them immediately scattered, not leaving a single one in the area.

But before the ghost commander died, he didn't forget to look right into Wang Jian's eyes and say, "You're definitely strong and that will attract a lot of attention. I hope that you'll be able to survive what will come."

Wang Jian couldn't understand what the ghost commander meant by that, but that didn't stop a chill from running down his spine.

Still, there was nothing that Wang Jian could do now, so he continued moving forward towards the giant tree of light in the center of the city. Of course, he no longer pushed himself forward without any care now that he knew that there were powerful ghost commanders like this.

He didn't know if the next one would be as kind as this one if he pushed forward like this.

But he couldn't help wondering, why were there intelligent ghosts like this here?

As for the other eight Decagram Geniuses, they all met their own ghosts to fight and all of them came out on top, though two of them were basically half dead. If it wasn't for their followers bringing them away, perhaps the next straggler ghost that passed by might have killed them.

The beast atop the tree had seen everything from its position high up, but it didn't look interested in any of this at all as it watched with an indifferent look.

But there was a glow that was found in the bottom of its eyes.


Back inside the city in the tree, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen had tested out their strength on ten different ghosts that Brainy's rat puppets had led over before finally stopping. There were piles of ashes and three ghosts that had been cut to pieces on the sides of this corridor that they were in.

In fact, Lin Fan wanted to continue killing these ghosts, but it was too bad that Brainy's puppets were unable to find anymore at this level. They had basically killed all the ghosts that were in the high Embryo Soul Realm around them and there weren't any ghosts in the peak Embryo Soul Realm here.

After cutting down these ghosts, Lin Fan had a good idea of how to deal with them even with the array present. Though, his method of dealing with them could be considered dangerous since he was technically putting his life on the line to use them.

Still, this gave Lin Fan much more confidence in dealing with what would come as he came closer to the right wing of the hospital.

Since there was nothing else for them to do here, Lin Fan led Mo Ze Chen to the right wing, but of course he made sure to release Brainy's puppets to scout the way.

As he went along, he made sure to keep an eye as to when they entered the right wing. It was a good thing that it was made very clear by the sudden change in surroundings. The right wing looked completely different from the rest of the hospital since there was graffiti all over the walls and all kinds of other things. There were even burning piles of clothes that were randomly scattered.

There was no pattern to this chaos, it was just chaos created for the sake of chaos, but since this was done by mental patients, it did make sense.

But it wasn't just that, as soon as they arrived in the right wing, all the weaker ghosts had disappeared.

The weakest ghost that was wandering around was in the high Embryo Soul Realm and there were a few scattered peak Embryo Soul Realm ghosts that were among them.

If this was a game, he would have just gone from the mid game zone to the end game zone, where all the mobs were much stronger than normal mobs. There would also be end game bosses found here that would also be much stronger than the bosses he had fought in the middle section.

However, Lin Fan wasn't worried about this at all because he had already made his preparations. If he didn't know how to take care of these ghosts, perhaps he might have panicked, but now he had no worries.

The first thing he did was follow the map of the right wing that he had found in the records room.

That was actually the most important piece of information he had found this entire time and it showed by how it had directed him.

Since it was a map from the room of records, it also listed every patient who was put in each of these rooms by number, making it much easier for Lin Fan to find Faust's room.

However, before that, Lin Fan wanted to check out a few other rooms.

Namely the rooms for the patients whose files had been left at the front desk.

These were patients that the dungeon felt important enough to give people information on, so there must be something special about them.

This was something that Lin Fan had completely missed at the school because he had gotten the clue which had allowed him to find the final boss right away, instead of having to fight his way through the mid area bosses to open the gate to the final boss.

Lin Fan wanted to do things properly this time to see if there was anything special that would drop from the mid area bosses.

As they made their way through the right wing, they quickly arrived at the room of the first named patient.

This was a patient who had suffered from schizophrenia and had a tendency to be violent, so he had been locked up in a special padded room to make sure that he couldn't hurt himself or the people around him.

As for what happened after the patients rioted, it was hard to tell and as for whether this person was still in his room or not, Lin Fan wasn't sure, but this was the only clue that he had.

It was a good thing that his intuition was right since there were scattered pieces of furniture and blood spots all over the corridor outside the room of this patient.

Following this trail of destruction, there was a large patch of blood right outside the door, as well as several ghosts that had been ripped apart lying there.

Seeing this, Lin Fan pulled out another rat and threw it over to where the door was.

The scattered pieces of the ghost were still alive, but they completely ignored this rat since it was a corpse puppet that didn't have any life force.

After the corpse puppet entered the room, it quickly relayed information on the situation inside the room to Brainy who passed it to Lin Fan.

According to the corpse puppet, there was a single ghost that was sitting inside the room with a straitjacket on, sitting in the middle of the room while chewing on something. When the corpse puppet came closer, it found that this ghost was actually chewing on parts of the ghosts that were left outside.

While it couldn't be considered cannibalism since they were both corpses to begin with, it was still disturbing to see a ghost eating another ghost…

Lin Fan could tell that this ghost was definitely dangerous, but since it was only in the Child Soul Realm, he also knew that he was able to take care of it just like he had taken care of the ghost principal.

Lin Fan released his pets who gathered around him and then he quickly used his wind laws to push the pieces of the ghosts that were in front of the door out of the way.

The ghost inside could naturally feel the wind laws that were outside the door and it stood up immediately, standing up quite smoothly even though it had a straitjacket on. It made its way towards the door, but what it encountered was Lin Fan's sword that was swinging through the door frame.

This sword was covered in nine different coloured glows as it fell down on the ghost, but the ghost was able to react in time to gather its laws to block this.

However, unlike what had happened with the ghost principal before, there wasn't the golden glow that had come out of his forehead to wrap around him.

Instead, the two sides clashed with each other and there was a balance for a few seconds before the ghost in the straitjacket was sent flying into the wall.

Even though the wall was padded, it didn't stop the ghost from crashing right into it and creating a hole, flying into the next room.

There was no ghost in that next room, so there was nothing else that Lin Fan had to deal with, but that didn't mean the ghost in the straitjacket was done yet.

The ghost in the straitjacket stood up and the cut that had been across its chest immediately healed, while at the same time, that slash had cut through the straitjacket, so the ghost was now free.

Making use of its freedom, that ghost used surprising agility to jump around the room, bouncing off the walls to go faster and faster until it suddenly flew out at Lin Fan.

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