As the ghost approached, Lin Fan didn't panic at all as he began moving forward to meet it head on.

Lin Fan still had nine different coloured glows around his sword as he swung it out to meet the claw of the ghost in front of him. The two clashed in the center and there was another shockwave before the ghost was sent flying once again.

It was clear that Lin Fan at full power was stronger than the ghost, even though it had two different laws surrounding its claws.

It was just too bad that Lin Fan was unable to break through its defenses to hurt it.

Lin Fan had been able to send it flying, but he had been unable to cut through its laws to deal any damage to it. So even though it had been sent flying twice, there were only some slight wounds on the ghost.

At this rate, Lin Fan would be the one to run out of power first because the way he fought was just too draining on him. It took a lot of life energy and concentration to be able to gather the nine laws together like this without them going wild, so naturally Lin Fan was consuming energy at an intense rate.

If this continued, Lin Fan would be out of power in just five minutes.

Since that was the case, Lin Fan knew that he had to do something about this since he couldn't break through this situation like this.

After making up his mind, Lin Fan charged out at the ghost again who had been in a daze after being knocked back, but it quickly reacted as well. The ghost didn't hesitate at all as it released another claw attack to match Lin Fan's sword slash.

But this time, instead of being silent as he slashed, Lin Fan roared out with all his might.

It was almost as if he was trying to release all the power that he had with this roaring, but it was still the same attack that he had unleashed earlier. While he was able to send the ghost flying again, it didn't achieve the effect that he wanted to achieve.

After all, the golden diamond didn't appear on his forehead.

Lin Fan had thought that he would be able to force it out with this roar concentrating all his energy into this single swing, but he wasn't able to do it in the end.

Since that was the case, Lin Fan knew that there was only one other choice for him.

After pausing for a second, Lin Fan released the array and the glow of the nine different laws around him, leaving himself vulnerable.

Mo Ze Chen saw this and was confused as he shouted, "Boss, what are you doing?"

Since Mo Ze Chen was able to see this, naturally the ghost was able to see it as well.

The ghost didn't hesitate at all as it jumped onto the wall, bouncing from surface to surface, going even faster than it had gone before. Finally, it reached a point where Mo Ze Chen wasn't able to keep up with it anymore and it jumped out to attack Lin Fan.

It was too bad that Lin Fan's spiritual senses were much stronger than other people's, so he was able to keep track of this ghost easily.

As the ghost came at him, Lin Fan quickly turned and swept out with the Iron Eater Bone Artifact.

This time, he wasn't disappointed as right as the ghost's claw was about to hit his sword, there was a sudden golden glow that spread around him.

The golden glow completely wrapped around Lin Fan's sword, giving him the power to defeat the ghosts.

But unlike the other ghosts, this Child Soul Realm ghost seemed to recognize this glow as it turned at the last second. Since it had turned at the last second, its hand just barely made contact with this glow, but the part that did had directly turned to ash as it scattered from the rest of the ghost's hand.

The ghost jumped back and looked at Lin Fan with a gaze that was filled with caution.

After a few seconds, it said in a raspy voice, "It's you, you actually cameā€¦"

Both Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen were taken aback when they heard this.

p But Lin Fan reacted quickly and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

But the ghost acted like it didn't hear him at all as it whispered to itself, "That light, that accursed light is here once again to take everything away from us...But we won't let it, will we?"

Lin Fan could tell that something was about to happen, so he released his spiritual sense in full.

The ghost knew that it couldn't beat Lin Fan in a head on fight, so it decided to target the one thing that it knew it could touch, which was Mo Ze Chen in the back.

It wasn't sure whether Mo Ze Chen was weak or if he was waiting for his chance to attack as well, but it knew that it couldn't leave Mo Ze Chen be since he was nothing more than a hidden danger for him. If he couldn't beat Lin Fan, what he could do was run since there were plenty of other ghosts here. As long as he used those mindless ghosts to stop Lin Fan, it was easy for him to run away.

So the first thing to do was to take care of Mo Ze Chen.

But how could Lin Fan not see through the ghost's plan when it made it that easy to see through with how it had been looking at Mo Ze Chen.

Once the ghost made up its mind, it didn't hesitate at all as it began jumping on the walls, going back and forth between the different surfaces as it began increasing in speed.

It kept bouncing around until it was even faster compared to last time.

Mo Ze Chen had no idea what was happening, but he could sense the danger that was aimed at him, so he couldn't help taking a step back.

As for Lin Fan, he didn't mind the movements of the ghost at all as he slowly began walking towards Mo Ze Chen.

The ghost reached the peak of its speed where if it went any faster, it wouldn't have been able to control itself anymore, so with the last jump it made, it charged right at Mo Ze Chen.

With the way Lin Fan was moving, it seemed like the ghost was approaching from his blind spot and he wouldn't be able to react in time, but that wasn't what happened at all.

While it seemed like Lin Fan couldn't see anything, he had created a zone of spiritual sense all around him that would intercept the ghost no matter which direction it approached from. It was almost like a field that would immediately pick up on any foreign objects that entered.

Lin Fan normally wouldn't fight like this since he preferred using the power of his laws to match the enemy, but this time it was different. After all, he couldn't use the laws since he had to put himself in danger to activate the one thing that could kill these ghosts.

Since that was the case, he had to leave himself vulnerable and only strike at the final moment.

The ghost actually came from right behind Lin Fan and it was planning on passing right by him, making him put up his guard just so it could attack Mo Ze Chen without any hindrances.

However, when the ghost was right about to pass by Lin Fan, Lin Fan suddenly raised the white sword in his hand until it was horizontal.

The ghost raised its hand to form a claw just in case, but it was still planning on flying right by Lin Fan.

It was too bad that right at the moment when it was side by side with Lin Fan, the sword suddenly swung out and appeared right in front of the ghost.

The ghost was completely unable to react in time since it couldn't understand how Lin Fan even knew that it was there. Still, since this was the case, the ghost could only do one final thing which was to raise its power as much as possible.

The ghost surrounded its hand with all of its life energy in the form of the two laws mixing together, attacking with all the strength that it had.

It was too bad that the moment that the ghost's claw approached the sword, it was suddenly met with a golden glow that wrapped around the sword.

There was no delay at all, as soon as the golden glow met the claw, the claw suddenly turned to ashes.

It was a good thing for the ghost that Lin Fan had swung the sword, so there was actual force behind the sword which had propelled the ghost out of the range of the golden glow. However, that wasn't before the glow had already claimed most of its arm and even part of its chest.

It was like there was a large part bitten out of the ghost as it could barely remain standing there.

The ghost looked at the glow around Lin Fan one more time and cursed, "Damn light."

After cursing, the ghost suddenly collapsed onto the ground and started turning into ashes completely.

Lin Fan looked at the ghost for a bit before walking out of the room with Mo Ze Chen.

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