Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 448 Setting Sail (2)

After thinking for a while, Lin Fan suddenly thought of the five books that they had received from defeating the Child Soul Realm ghosts.

Other than telling them the story that was inside, they had played no other functions. However, if they were just telling the story, why was there a need for five different copies then?

But even if it was strange that there were five different copies, it still didn't make any sense since all the copies all looked exactly the same.

Lin Fan went across the front and the back of the book before diving into the contents of the book itself, but he still couldn't find a single thing to help him in the end. After all, there was absolutely nothing that seemed out of place with this children's book. As far as he could tell, this was an absolutely normal children's book.

Well to call it normal was a stretch considering where he had found it, but there were no clues for him at all.

He went over all four other books in the same manner and there were still no clues that they could find.

During all of this, Mo Ze Chen had been in the crow's nest up above, looking around them over the sea all around, trying to find any clues or land that he could see. They had already moved far away enough that they couldn't see the shore with the docks anymore.

But even looking around, he couldn't find anything at all since there was just nothing around them at all.

There wasn't even a ripple on the water, it was almost like this entire body of water was completely isolated from the rest of this place.

However, as Mo Ze Chen continued looking around, he eventually got bored and looked into the sky. There was nothing in the sky since they were inside of the giant glowing tree outside, but there was the painted sky and a ball of light in the center that acted like a sun to simulate the sky.

When Mo Ze Chen looked at the clouds, he couldn't help thinking that they looked similar. Once he had this thought, he focused his mind to look at the clouds painted in the sky and realized that they were in a pattern that he had seen before.

Still, no matter how he turned his mind, he still couldn't remember where he had seen this pattern before.

That was until he looked down at Lin Fan on the deck preparing to ask him about it. It was at that moment that he realized where he had seen this pattern before because he saw it once again.

On the cover of the book that Lin Fan was holding, there was a part of the pattern on the cover that looked just like the pattern that was painted in the sky.

Mo Ze Chen didn't immediately call out to Lin Fan after noticing this, rather he looked up at the sky and followed the pattern. As he followed the pattern, he realized that the book in front of them was a map of the patterns in the sky above them.

Once he realized this, Mo Ze Chen immediately flew down from the crow's nest and said, "Boss, I found something."

Lin Fan had been looking over the books when Mo Ze Chen suddenly came down, so he was caught off guard by him suddenly appearing beside him, but he also didn't take long to react to this. After hearing what Mo Ze Chen said, he asked, "What did you find?"

Mo Ze Chen first pointed at the sky and asked, "Do you see anything different up there?"

Lin Fan looked up and was confused at first, but it didn't take him long to realize what Mo Ze Chen was trying to point out. Or rather, it was Brainy that had noticed this right away.

Lin Fan ignored Mo Ze Chen who was trying to have fun with this and immediately looked down at the books. He picked up one of the books and brought it up, putting it up against the sky above them as he followed along with the pattern.

But even after seeing that this pattern matched the one that was on the cover of the book, Lin Fan still knitted his brows.

Mo Ze Chen had seen this and thought that Lin Fan didn't understand what it meant, so he said, "Boss, don't you see that it's a map?"

Lin Fan heard this and he was strangely annoyed, after all, it was a weird feeling to see Mo Ze Chen treat him like a fool.

Lin Fan gave a soft snort and said, "It might be a map, but do you know where the end point on that map is?"

Mo Ze Chen was surprised by this question since he hadn't actually thought of that yet. He had thought that since it was a map, the map would lead them to where they would need to go, but then he realized that Lin Fan was right.

Mo Ze Chen came over to look at one of the books that Lin Fan had placed on the ground and found that while the pattern matched, there wasn't any indication of where they should go.

Mo Ze Chen began frantically looking over the cover of the book, trying to make up for his mistake, but there was no solution in sight.

After realizing that he had just made a fool of himself, he stood there with an awkward look on his face, but Lin Fan didn't have time for him right now. Lin Fan was more focused looking over the covers of these books to see if there was anything else that they could use, but there was nothing.

That was until Lin Fan realized something.

Why would all these books be the same if there wasn't a reason?

Then he looked at the corners of the cover and found that they were all covered with the same cap.

Lin Fan looked at it for a bit before suddenly thinking of something.

Without saying a word, he grabbed the book that Mo Ze Chen was awkwardly holding and picked up the rest of the bookies before putting them all together.

When they all came together, they formed a larger version of the same pattern, but there was now a mark right in the center of that. The four corners of the four books came together to make a X marker right in the center of the map.

But there were still two problems with this.

One was that there was a fifth book that was the exact same as the others.

What purpose did this fifth book serve if they could form the map with just four books?

Did that mean that Lin Fam has missed something when he put this map together? Or perhaps there was something that the fifth book would show him if he put it together with the rest of the books?

However, no matter how Lin Fan arranges the books, he couldn't find a way to integrate the fifth book. Even when he put it on the other books and moved it around, there was nothing that seemed different.

The second problem was that since the overall map was just four patterns that came together as one, it was hard for Lin Fan to pinpoint where they currently were on the map. After all, there were four of these same patterns and just relying on the pattern in the sky, there was no way to determine where they were since there were four possible locations that they could be.

Without knowing where they were exactly, it would be hard for them to navigate to the center of the map where the X was.

But there was a very simple solution to this problem, albeit that it was one that would waste time. It was simply put, the lowest IQ solution to this problem since it just involved using pure brute force to solve the problem.

The most simple solution was to just sail in one direction until you reached the end of one pattern. If what followed after was another pattern, that would mean eliminating two options directly.

For example, if you sailed to the right,which was to the east and you saw another pattern, that would immediately mean you were on one of the two books on the left. If you didn't see a pattern at all, that would mean that you were on one of the two books on the right.

Then after that, all they had to do was either sail north or south.

If they sailed south and met another pattern, that would mean that they would be in the top half of the map, which was one of the two top books.

This method was very simply put starting from the edges of the map and making their way inward.

Starting from the corners, that was the most effective method when it came to jigsaw puzzles and it was also the most effective method now.

The one slight problem was navigating, but that really wasn't a problem when there was a giant pattern in the sky above you.

Not to mention that as someone who explored ruins, Mo Ze Chen had a variety of tools for exploring. This not only included a compass, but also more old fashioned tools like a sextant and an astrolabe, even though those didn't really play a role here.

So with map and compass in hand, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen chose a direction and started sailing off.

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