Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 449 Setting Sail (3)

Following the pattern in the sky, Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen had turned their ship to the east and started sailing in that direction.

The location that they were right now was to the south of the city.

They had started in the north location and had slowly gone clockwise, so now they were in the location to the south of the city.

This place had been close to the entrance that they had come from, but somehow they hadn't been able to see this sea when they had been thrown into the tree.

Now, one would normally think that the coastline that they came from would be one of the edges of the map, but which edge would it be?

There was the possibility that they had gotten the direction of the entire map wrong and it might not follow the cardinal directions at all. Perhaps what they thought was north was actually west and they didn't know it.

However, even if that was the case, at the very least they had this map.

The other method that Lin Fan could have used was let Brainy release its fish puppets and swim as far as possible to see if they could find the right location for him, but that didn't work either because of various factors.

One was that they didn't know how far the place that they were looking for was. While Brainy was much stronger compared to before, there was still a limit to the reach of its spiritual sense.

While it wouldn't take any spiritual sense to let the seed lie dormant with a few commands left in the puppet, to scout out areas, Brainy had to actively control the puppet with its spiritual sense. If the puppet went out of the range of Brainy's spiritual sense, it would become a mindless puppet again that could only act out a few orders until Brainy was in range again.

Since they didn't know how wide this body of water was, it was impossible for Brainy to send out puppets to search for the location they were looking for. Even now, the puppets that Brainy had sent out earlier still hadn't reached an end or found anything yet.

As they continued along, the only thing that they could gauge their progress on was the pattern on the roof, so their heads had been looking up most of the time. Of course they still had to look down from time to time to make sure that the path in front of them was clear, but every time they moved through the water, there was nothing in sight.

Eventually, they arrived at the edge of the pattern and saw that there was another pattern that linked up to the pattern that they had been following.

The moment they came to the edge of the pattern, they weren't certain that they were at the edge at first. It was only when Lin Fan had carefully compared it that he realized that they were indeed at the edge.

That was because the pattern was the same on both sides, so they perfectly blended with each other when they met at the edge.

But Lin Fan could tell where the line was since he had the book that showed the edge of the pattern. With that book, Lin Fan was able to move along the pattern until he reached the end of it.

Since there was a continuation of the pattern, that meant that they were on the left side of the map since they had sailed east. Then all that they needed to do now was whether they had been on the top or bottom half of the map.

​ As long as they followed this line in the pattern, they would reach the center of the map. However the problem is whether the center was to the north or to the south of them.

This was one of the situations where they had to take a risk, that was if it wasn't for the fact that Brainy was here.

After that previous bit of sailing, Brainy had a good idea of the distance that each pattern in the roof took up. With that distance in mind, Brainy was now sure that it was able to send puppets to the end of the pattern to see where the location of the X was.

When Brainy told Lin Fan about this, he was pleasantly surprised since he knew that he had been lucky this time, but he might not be as lucky next time. Instead of leaving it to luck, it was much better to have a guarantee.

While waiting for Brainy, he couldn't help thinking about how strange this sea was.

This place seemed much bigger than it should be because they had gone around the tree outside and they knew that it wasn't this big.

As he was waiting, Lin Fan closed his eyes and began feeling the space around himself.

It didn't take him long to find something familiar in the air.

This wasn't something tangible, but there was a trace of law energy in the air that was being used in an array.

As a user of arrays himself, naturally he was sensitive to the existence of arrays around him. However, what made it easier for him to notice was the familiar feeling that he got from the law around him.

Not only did Lin Fan have this law himself, this was a law that he had felt a stronger version of, which this law was similar to.

Naturally since it was an array that messed with the space inside of it, it was an array that used spatial laws. This array contained spatial laws which stretched only the space that was in the area that the array covered. This meant that underneath them, under the sea, there was a giant array that was there.

This was something that wasn't new to Lin Fam since he had seen it before in both the school and the hospital, but he didn't have the time to stop and think about it before like he did now.

To be honest, the quiet seas around him really were good for his mind since it allowed him to calm down after everything that happened. Now that he finally had time to think, the facts about this place finally sunk in.

Whoever created this place was able to utilize both time and space laws at such a level, so what purpose did they have in creating this?

While Lin Fan has some clues because of the memories that he saw, it still didn't give him a full picture.

But at least he knew that this wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Lin Fan turned to look at Mo Ze Chen who was nearby looking over the books and he couldn't help giving a sigh.

Mo Ze Chen has asked him to help him save Lulu from these ruins, something that Lin Fan felt might be easy, but now he wasn't so certain. For one, he didn't even know how to go about that since he didn't know if they could even be saved.

Normally in situations for living beings trapped inside ruins like this, they wouldn't be rescued, but rather they would disappear with the ruins themselves.

Lin Fan had a fairly good idea that that was going to happen once they cleared these ruins.

The one bright side was that they might not even get a chance to do so since it seemed like time really was against them.

It had taken them half an hour to sail through these seas, so they were sitting at just a little over four hours now.

Still, there really was nothing else left for them since the rules of this round was that they couldn't return by the gem, they had to return through the entrance with their own two feet. As for how to get back to the entrance, that was something that Lin Fan had no idea about.

So the only thing they could do was wait for the gems to automatically activate once time was up.

After a bit of waiting, which wasn't that long at all since Brainy's puppets were all fast swimmers, Brainy had found their target.

Or rather, Brainy had sent puppets off in both directions, so it had found the end of the pattern in one of those directions, so it knew which way was the right way.

But in the location that they were supposed to go to, it had been unable to find a single thing. There wasn't even anything hidden under the water.

Lin Fan knitted his brows when he heard this, but then he turned back to the books and had an idea. Perhaps the books were needed to activate this event, which was what the fifth book was for?

But since they had found the place they needed to go, they immediately set sail and headed off in that direction.

It didn't take long this time since they were already used to sailing with this boat and they quickly arrived at where all four different patterns intersected in the sky. It only took them around five minutes to do so, completely different from the fifteen minutes it took them to sail to the end of a pattern before.

That was because this time they weren't taking it slowly, trying to figure out where to go.

However, when they did arrive at where the four patterns intersected, which was seemingly perfect even though it was four different patterns, they found that there was nothing there at all.

Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen both looked around for a bit before Mo Ze Chen couldn't help asking, "Is that it?"

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