Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 646 Ancient World (12)

But Lin Fan had been too naive in this matter since he realized that he had neglected something.

The quality of the corpses.

This was just a mortal realm, it was already good enough that they were able to kill Bronze Realm beasts and it was a miracle for them to kill Silver Realm beasts, but for them to kill Gold Realm or Platinum Realm beasts was asking too much of them.

Even after looking around the entire city, Lin Fan hadn't been able to find a single Gold Realm beast corpse.

He had already been lucky when it came to finding the two Silver Realm beast corpses that he had been able to find. Beyond that, there were no other higher grade corpses at all.

It was quick for the Corpse Eater to reach the Silver Realm, but the cultivation speed slowed down much more after reaching the Silver Realm.

After finishing off all the corpses in the city, the Corpse Eater still hadn't broken through to the Gold Realm.

This process wasn't easy, it had taken Lin Fan an entire week to go through the city to bring all the corpses into one area for the Corpse Eater to finish off.

It was just a good thing that Lin Fan's cultivation had slowly increased as he did this, making it easier for him to move all the corpses over.

Since there was nothing else left in this city, Lin Fan decided to continue his journey across this entire planet.

The first step for him was the capital of the empire that this city belonged to.

Since it was the capital, it would surely have a lot of people and surely have a lot of corpses for his Corpse Eater to dine on. Not to mention that since it was the capital, the experts of the empire should have been gathered there during the beast invasion.

Even if they were humans, they were still experts and enough of them would be able to take down some of the stronger beasts.

With this thought in mind, he hoped that he could find some higher quality beast corpses for his Corpse Eater to quickly increase his own cultivation.

It was a good thing that he had found a map of the empire when he had been searching through the City Lord Manor, otherwise he really wouldn't have known how to get there.

But even with this map, he could tell that it was a long journey to reach the capital and there weren't any forms of transportation right now.

He had searched through the stables of the city and had found that in addition to the humans, the beasts had also eaten all the horses that would have been used for transportation. So he would have no choice but to walk all the way to the capital.

The other problem that he encountered was the possibility of running out of food on his travels. Unlike the Corpse Eater, Lin Fan wouldn't be able to fill himself with the various corpses that were thrown all along the road.

When he checked the farm, he found that most of them had been destroyed by the rampage of the beasts. In addition to this, most of the livestock that had been on these farms had also been eaten by the beasts, so there wasn't much meat left for him.

After all, even if the beasts hadn't picked the corpses of the livestock clean, the meat that was left was spoiled from being left on the ground for several days now and were showing signs of rotting.

Lin Fan had been fine in the city since the city was filled with rations for the entire population, so it wasn't a problem to feed himself alone. However, if he were to head out of the city, it would become a problem since he didn't know how long it would take and he didn't know if he could carry enough food with him.

But the black ball of light gave him a solution in the end.

The black ball of light pulled out a Storage Ring from its depths and dropped it into Lin Fan's hand.

This Storage Ring was completely empty, but the size of it wasn't small at all. It was able to fit a year's worth of supplies for Lin Fan alone in it.

While there was no problem with the quantity, the quality of the food…

It was just how it is, most of the rations that were made were made from drying foods to make it non perishable, so there wasn't really a variety of delicacies that Lin Fan could choose from.

After filling up his Storage Ring with food, Lin Fan headed off towards the capital.

As he headed off, he couldn't help looking at the black ball of light with a doubtful look. After all, this black ball of light kept pulling out things out of thin air that seemed to solve his problems…

If he didn't know any better, it was almost as if he was being guided somewhere…

But in the end, he chose to not dig any deeper since there was no need.

He had already decided to follow along with this black ball of light and all he needed to do now was gain power. Only with power would he be able to do what he wanted to do and prevent any plans that targeted him in the future.

But it was a long path for him in the end.

He did make it to the capital after two weeks and he did see that the capital was filled with corpses, even having several Silver Realm beast corpses and one Gold Realm beast corpse, but that was still far from enough.

It took him around a month to clear out the entire capital and even then, he was only able to push the Corpse Eater to the Gold Realm.

Once the capital ran out of corpses, Lin Fan continued to travel through this world, heading to the various cities that had been marked on the map of the empire he found in the royal palace.

This journey took him several months and even then, it wasn't enough for him to reach the Soul Realm.

Seeing that he had no choice, he headed into the lands of the barbarians which were also filled with corpses.

Just like this, Lin Fan took an entire year before he was finally able to push the Corpse Eater into the Soul Realm.

An entire year of being alone on this dead planet, with no one to talk to at all. For a normal person, this would be considered torture and they would slowly lose their mind if they were subjected to this kind of torture.

However, Lin Fan just silently headed forward to his next destination each time without showing any signs of breaking down.

This was the difference in mental fortitude that he had compared to normal people.

Well, it couldn't be said that he was completely alone since there was the black ball of light that kept him company. However, the two of them never really seemed to see eye to eye, so most of the time, they were just arguing with each other.

p But sometimes being friends was like that.

Along the way, at around the six months point, the Corpse Eater had reached the Platinum Realm and started learning laws. To no surprise, the law that the Corpse Eater had learned was the death law.

At the same time, Lin Fan developed his own law, but he was surprised to find that it was indeed the death law as the black ball of light had predicted.

It was during this time that Lin Fan started to learn the law of death from the black ball of light and he found that it was indeed as the black ball of light had said. The black ball of light didn't teach him in a way that he had heard about before, instead he used a form of debating to pass down his knowledge, while also provoking him to gain his own understanding of the death laws.

Instead of directly imparting one's understanding, it passed down its understanding of the law of death in a way that worked with Lin Fan's understanding of the law of death.

It didn't take long before Lin Fan's grasp of the law of death soared and he was able to reach a level that was far beyond what he should have been able to grasp as his cultivation level. If he were to fight someone in the Soul Realm alone with his laws, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage.

But of course, it was still impossible for him to fight someone in the Soul Realm at his level because there was more than just the difference in laws.

There was still the difference in physiques and the difference in amount of life energy that had to be considered.

Since Lin Fan was cultivating in a way that required him to share his life energy with his pet, his physique was actually weaker than if he had cultivated himself, so he definitely wouldn't have been able to win.

But the one advantage of the cultivation technique that the black ball of light gave him was that he could tame multiple beasts as pets, sharing all of their cultivations with him, giving him more life energy than a normal cultivator.

Lin Fan couldn't help wondering just who this black ball of light was to have this kind of cultivation technique…

But then again, he didn't have that much time to consider it since he had finally reached the Soul Realm and it was time to leave this planet.

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