Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 647 Ancient World (13)

Before they left this planet though, they had to find a place to go.

This world wasn't like the Blue Star Planet which had already been linked up with an upper realm.

This world was a mortal world, which meant that it had no contact with any upper realm since they didn't even have a concept of cultivation. So there wasn't a passage that Lin Fan could take that would guide him up to an upper world.

Since that was the case, it meant that to reach an upper world, Lin Fan would have to rely on his own cultivation to break through the atmosphere of this planet and fly through space to reach another planet. Well, not just another planet, a planet that actually had life and other cultivators on it.

So even if he were able to reach another planet after braving the stellar winds found in space, he might land on another planet that didn't have any living beings on it, which defeated the purpose of leaving this planet.

After all, if he were to land on a planet that didn't have any living beings on it, there would be the problem of food shortages.

He could keep some food with him in the Storage Ring, but traveling through space took a long time and if he didn't have a place to restock his supplies of food, he would certainly starve to death.

His cultivation had increased, but it still hadn't reached a level where he could live without food and water yet.

But along with this, there were still many different reasons why it was important that Lin Fan made sure that he found a planet with living beings to head to.

That was why he was currently planning his route.

Before coming to this planet, the black ball of light had floated through space, so it did have some idea of the geography of this quadrant in space. It had also found several planets with life on them, but it had avoided them for different reasons before landing on this planet.

With this knowledge, Lin Fan had made a simple map of the surrounding star space, but there was still a problem.

It was deciding which planet they would head to.

The main reason why the black hall of light hadn't gone to most of the planets that he passed was because those planets were occupied by the Beast Race.

They were planets that had already been destroyed and had been occupied by the Beast Race experts.

If Lin Fan as a human were to show up on those planets, there would be no doubt that he would be ripped to pieces by them.

After all, even including the Corpse Eater, the two of them were only two Fragmented Soul Realm Experts. There would certainly be at least ten King Beasts that would be guarding each planet, so it would certainly be death.

The only reason why this planet didn't suffer the same fate was because it was nothing more than a mortal world. There weren't enough resources here that was worth occupying the planet, so all they did was raid the planet for the few resources that they had before leaving it for dead.

So out of the few planets that were in a range that Lin Fan could reach, there were really only two choices for him.

One was a planet that was filled with cultivators, so it was a world filled with resources for cultivation. However, Lin Fan immediately rejected this option.

Since it was a planet that was already filled with cultivators, that meant that it was a place where there was already a hierarchy in place. If Lin Fan wanted to gain even the slightest bit of resources in a place like this, it would mean either following one of the established powers or trying to tear down the established powers and taking their resources.

He didn't want to be chained, nor was he crazy enough to challenge these old factions with his current strength, so he picked the second option.

The second option was also a cultivation world, but it ran on a completely different system.

To put it in simple words, this planet was like a rest stop.

It was a place for various experts from different races to stop and trade with each other.

Of course, there were still plenty of resources on the planet itself, so there would always be work for the migrant population. It was a place where if one was willing to work or trade, they would certainly be able to get what they wanted.

Lin Fan's biggest priority was freedom, so this place was perfect for him.

After deciding where to go, Lin Fan looked up into the sky and gathered his life energy around him, forming a bubble which was quite large.

Once this bubble was formed, Lin Fan turned in the direction of his destination planet and flew up into the air. As he lifted up into the air, he started moving faster and faster until he escaped the binds of gravity and headed into outer space.

The moment that he reached outer space, the bubble that he created around him instantly shrank until it was almost covering his skin.

The reason why he had made the bubble so big in the first place was to account to the pressure of the spatial winds in the first place. But even though he had made this calculation, when he was feeling it now, it really felt like he was a can that was being squeezed.

Lin Fan immediately released more life energy into the bubble around him and he was finally able to reach a balance with the pressure around him, but it was definitely still tense. The layer of life energy firmly wrapped around his skin and it was hard for him to take any action.

Lin Fan wasn't sure that he would even be able to reach the next planet like this before his life energy ran out, but the black ball of light suddenly said in his mind, "What are you doing just fighting with life energy? Have you never been in the void before? You need to use your laws to combat the natural laws in the void, that's how you travel to other worlds."

Lin Fan indeed had never traveled in outer space before, so he wasn't certain how to do it.

But now that he had received a piece of advice from the black ball of light, Lin Fan wrapped himself in his death laws even though he didn't understand how the death laws would work in this situation.

To his surprise though, the moment that the death laws were released, he felt the pressure around him become much weaker.

He could see that the moment the stellar winds touched the death laws around him, they immediately dissipated as if something had dissolved them. Of course, there were still traces of the stellar winds that were left since the death laws couldn't dissipate everything, but the pressure had been relieved quite a bit.

As he continued along, it became harder and harder, but that was where the advantage of being a pet tamer came in.

During the first leg of the journey, it had been Lin Fan using his life energy and laws to cover them, so the Corpse Eater had been recovering the entire time.

Once Lin Fan ran out of energy, all he had to do was change with the Corpse Eater and let it shield them with its life energy while he rested.

By trading off shifts like this, both of them were able to stay quite relaxed while traveling through space and soon they arrived at the planet they were heading to. Or rather, they arrived at where the black ball of light had thought that the planet would be. However, they weren't able to find the planet at all.

The black ball of light was confused since it clearly remembered that the planet was around this area, but now it was gone.

As for Lin Fan, he wasn't worried because he had already expected this kind of thing to happen.

Planets in space were never stationary, they were always revolving around a celestial that had a greater pull of gravity compared to themselves. This planet was of course not an exception to this.

So all Lin Fan had to do was sense the greatest pull of gravity near him and follow the orbit that it set him on to find where the planet was.

Once Lin Fan had reached the Soul Realm, he could already move faster than the orbit of a planet, so it didn't take him long before he caught up to the planet in orbit.

Even though it didn't take him long comparatively, it still took him around a week before he was able to find the planet. However, that was still better than the month long journey it took for him to even reach this area in space.

When the planet came into sight, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling excited.

It had been a long month in space, but even before that, it had been a long year on his former planet. He had gone over a year without talking to another person, so it was natural that he was feeling excited.

But after not talking to anyone face to face for so long, he almost felt that he didn't know how to talk to anyone anymore.

However, he still had to go down to the planet and face people, so he took a deep breath and entered the atmosphere of the planet, slowly landing on the surface.

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