Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 137 - Chapter 137: Chapter 80: Complete Integration of the

Chapter 137: Chapter 80: Complete Integration of the

World! Spiritual Torrent! A Single Staff Shatters the Void War Fortress! (8k)

Translator: 549690339

T06 World Area,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]!

Logan’s Will Incarnation sits within the Heroic Spirit Realm.

At this moment, the entire Heroic Spirit Realm has been completely ruled by Goblin Giant Demons and Goblin Giant Soldiers.

All the summoning channels have been occupied by the Goblin Legion.

That is to say, on the Heroic Spirit Planet, as long as there is a ceremony to summon Heroic Spirits, the guarding Heroic Spirit summoned by the Heroic Spirit Human Clan will definitely belong to the Goblin Tribe!

And after going through the “cleansing” of the summoning channels, the Goblins will not be suppressed by the will of the Heroic Spirit Planet, and even receive blessings when fighting on the Heroic Spirit Planet due to the influence of the Heroic Spirit Realm!

“They’ve arrived so soon!”

Logan held the Scepter of Kings, engraved with ancient thorn patterns, and looked at the countless pitch-black thunderbolts suddenly appearing in the sky beyond the Heroic Spirit Realm, as well as the five massive Void War Fortresses, with eyes full of fighting spirit.

It had been sitting here for more than a year, during which it had been either showing off its power to the Country Lord and the other three Pillar Kings (one of whom had already died) of the Heroic Spirit Kingdom, protecting the Fusionist, or comprehending its own power and accumulating strength.

“This is the Sky-based Planet Destroyer Cannon… It seems that it’s just the power of a Secondary Star-Destroying Cannon, right?”

“Even just a small power activation can force the Eighth-order Epic Spirit Master to barely resist, even instantly killing one of them who is not so good at defense!

“Fortunately, their only War Fortress could not reach the Transcendent Tier, and they are only equipped with a Secondary Orbital Annihilation Star

Cannon. ”

“Under normal circumstances, they cannot continuously switch to high efficiency or ultra-efficiency mode, otherwise, there would be no chance of winning!”

Logan watched the five War Fortresses spray out incandescent beams of light, even It was astonished by the destructive power contained within the light pillars.

Especially the subsequent Instantaneous High Efficiency Mode and Continuous Instantaneous Mode that instantly killed a Ninth Rank Heroic Spirit King, which made Logan pay more heed.

“It is indeed a mechanical creation after the advancement of technological civilization.”

“Even my heavy armor, at my current level of strength, needs to be vigilant, as I could be pierced through at any moment!”

Logan subconsciously lamented.

Technological civilization focuses too much on building up slowly, the preparation cost in the early stage is too high.

Technological civilization is different from other civilizations. It is a gradual process that requires a large number of talent reserves and a considerable amount of learning time.

It’s not very suitable for It, whose time is relatively tight.

Especially in comparison to evolving civilizations, technological civilizations emphasize “orderly inheritance”. Most likely, only descendants of the “researcher family” among the Deity Players will choose to lead their race/civilization on the path of technology.

After all, the vast majority of technology and knowledge can be directly inherited.

“The King of Heroic Spirits has died… Now is the time!”

It had already known during the time in the Goblin World Fragment that the Taylor Civilization player team would arrive early.

According to the original timeline of Taylor Civilization’s arrival, Its original plan was to try to subdue the King Nicholson before the arrival of Taylor Civilization’s team.

Then, taking advantage of the moment when Taylor Civilization arrived, It would strike first, delivering a devastating blow!

However, the early arrival of the Taylor Civilization disrupted Its plan.

It hadn’t had time to subdue King Nicholson yet when Taylor Civilization arrived, so Logan’s plan changed as well—

Since it couldn’t be subdued, it could simply be killed instead.

It was not Logan who took action, but the “external enemy”, so the natural animosity of the Heroic Spirit Planet would shift.

In this way, the power that Logan held over the Heroic Spirit Realm would increase greatly!

And indeed, the moment King Nicholson died, Logan could clearly feel an incredible and intense malice bursting forth from the Heroic Spirit Realm and the Heroic Spirit Planet, trying to wreak havoc upon the five Void War Fortresses.

However, the five Void War Fortresses had already assimilated the Planetary Law, and the Heroic Spirit Planet couldn’t produce any malice towards them!

“You want to firebomb the land again?”

“The submission plan is gone, but… the devastating attack plan is still here!”

Logan took advantage of the moment when the five War Fortresses instantly killed the Ninth Rank Heroic Spirit King, and the Secondary Star-Destroying Cannon was cooling down.

It leaped up and quietly appeared outside the Heroic Spirit Realm, revealing a figure as grand as a deity in the sky, raising the Scepter of Kings, and waving it down towards the nearest War Fortress!


In the minds of everyone, including the Taylor humans inside the War Fortresses, as the Scepter of Kings burning with flames of slaughter and destruction swung down, it seemed as if space itself was collapsing!

That was not just a simple weapon swing…

A series of figures struggled through thorns and brambles, their bodies huge and in harmony with the Law of Strength.

They stood in the radiance of the Goblin Tribe, fearless in guarding their people, shouting fervently and brandishing their weapons together!

This was a surge of the Goblin Tribe’s will!

Even though the Goblin Tribe hadn’t condensed its spirituality and Logan hadn’t yet refined his spirituality to form a Giant Spirit Body,

It was because the current special effects on the Goblin Tribe were all bestowed through the System’s drops by Logan.

Therefore, Logan could use this magnificent power of civilization spirituality in advance!

Logan’s Scepter of Kings instantly subdued the wills of everyone involved.

When the Scepter of Kings touched the special Void War Fortress’s mechanical outer shell, which could resist spatial turbulence, it was as smooth as a hot knife slicing through butter, without encountering any resistance atall!

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