Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 138 - Chapter 138: Chapter 80: Complete Integration of the

Chapter 138: Chapter 80: Complete Integration of the

World! Spiritual Torrent! A Single Staff Shatters the Void War Fortress! (8k) _2

Translator: 549690339

“Awesome, these natives and the so-called King of Heroic Spirits, they’re just a few shots away from defeat!”

“What are you waiting for? Just bombard them and break their civilization; then directly retrieve the mineral resources and demolish everything else!”

“Didn’t expect the Virtual Gaming Company to set this instance as an

[Extinction-Type Instance], xdm! They’re asking us to destroy the planet!”

“Holv sh*t, what is that?”

“So terrifying! It even has special effects. What kind of Boss is this?!” “The graphics in this game are so vivid, I’m actually intimidated!”

“My Void War Fortress’s defenses are broken!”

The Viscount Level Player who controlled the War Fortress was an emergency battlefield Mechanic named Melvin Hawthorne. After a brief moment of intimidation, he found his warehouse full of nanobots had been utterly annihilated by the flashy strike of the staff! “Beep Beep! Beep Beep!”

“Void War Fortress is suffering massive damage!” “Void War Fortress Type IV engine damaged, power system destroyed!” “Void War Fortress warehouse destroyed!”

In a series of red flashing alerts, under Logan’s Scepter of Kings, the gigantic War Fortress was split in half by a single blow!

The areas not damaged were being burned to ashes by the spiritual waves of the Goblin Civilization!

“Heh, such a garbage game, wasting my time.”

Melvin forced a stiff smile and then vanished into the raging Goblin spiritual fire.

She wasn’t scared. As a Viscount Level Player, she was no stranger to in-game deaths; she was just angry,

“I lost a War Fortress, as well as 10,000 Merit Points. No one would play such a trash game!”

“Damn it, I’m going to report this trash game when I get back!”

“Isn’t this an opening cutscene kill?”

“It has no gaming experience at all!”

A moment later, the burning sensation disappeared, and Melvin’s view returned to her virtual game world room.

She pursed her lips, prepared to log off and take a nap, only to suddenly find that her world was tinted yellow, as if…

As if it had been burned by fire!

“Tsk, did I go crazy from the burning?”

Melvin shook her head mockingly, and the next moment, everything returned to normal.

Thinking back to her recent experience, she grew even more annoyed and decided to go to the forum and pick a fight,

“By the way, let me also find a modeler to create the staff-wielding kid from earlier, so I can vent my anger properly!”

“Uh… he’s actually quite handsome, so maybe…”

Above the Heroic Spirit Planet, Logan revealed a faint smile.

According to the information provided by the Blue Star Civilization, Taylor Star itself possesses the ability to shield from the outside world. Moreover, every time a player logs off the game, their will would be strengthened and scrutinized to detect any “external invasions.”

So from the beginning, Logan never thought about branding this player with the Will Brand or any other actions that might alert Taylor Star. Instead, he subtly planted a psychological suggestion.

Logan believes that the war between Taylor Civilization and Blue Star Civilization will undoubtedly last for a long time.

This psychological suggestion has no other effect except making the player obsessed with this so-called game.

At some point in the future when Logan meets this player again, they can strengthen this suggestion. At that time, it will be time for Logan to close the net.

“Damn, let me see what the System’s identification is.”

“A Level 89 Boss?”

“Is this for real? A Level 89 Boss?!”

“Only the peak of the Eighth Rank, but it’s a Golden Boss Template!”

“I’ve never seen such a weird Boss before. It’s so powerful that it instantly killed Melvin, and her Void War Fortress is gone!”

“This attack seems to be a charged blow, so it can’t be used a second time…”

“But we still have to be cautious. I believe nobody wants to lose 10,000 Merit Points and a Void War Fortress that they’ve been saving for years for no reason!”

The remaining four Void War Fortresses quickly communicated using electromagnetic waves. They no longer tried to synthesize the planet’s laws and suppress the Planet’s Will, nor did they intend to establish an information barrier—

An information barrier is established only after gaining a significant advantage, in order to block the information of others, not their own.

Releasing a barrier would result in a conspicuous blue light layer, and the current Golden Boss was so fierce that they didn’t want to be its target again! “Activate stealth coating and disperse using short-range space jumps.”

“Only the Golden Boss is a threat; those three Level 89 Bosses combined aren’t worth a finger of his!”

Melvin issued accurate orders, and the remaining four Void War Fortresses decided to withstand the Planet’s Will suppression and enter stealth mode.

They were also very familiar with this type of planetary warfare, which focused on resource farming.

Indeed, Logan only had the power of a single strike that could instantly obliterate a War Fortress that surpassed Ninth-Order Demigod.

However, as the four Void War Fortresses prepared to disperse and flee, he didn’t idle. Instead, he began to communicate with the Heroic Spirit Realm— He started suppressing all “foreign presences”!

After all, the main force of Taylor Civilization wasn’t any “life form”, but rather those without life…

More specifically, their existence had no aura of life.

“Do you really think you can use the resources of this planet to create mechanical armaments and fight back?”

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