Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 152 - Chapter 152: Chapter 83: (Spirituality – Extreme Evil) !

Chapter 152: Chapter 83: (Spirituality – Extreme Evil) !

Civilizational Foundation! Skeleton World – Spirit Realm Descends! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]

Translator: 549690339

T06 World zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]!

North Sea Domain,

“Found it!”

As the Golden Boss wielded the Scepter of Kings and the linear flame came closer, Hunter Tracer’s nerves were strained, and his brain worked frantically-

Even his crystalline brain in his body far away on Taylor Star was shuddering slightly as, at the last moment, he finally found the “critical point” of this linear flame!


The [Overlord Engine] of the Giant Battle Armor roared to life, bombarding the ears with deafening noise.

The Giant Armor feverishly burned the remnants of the super energy crystal from this star planet, brought by Hunter Tracer from the base, and unleashed a terrifying force!

He waited quietly, and at the last moment before the linear flame was about to descend, his Ion Cutting Guillotine Sword slashed out, cleaving severely onto the barely noticeable thin critical line of the linear flame!


The instant the giant sword collided with the flame, a huge boom detonated from the point of impact, resulting in an enormous hole with tens of thousands of meters in diameter on the sea surface!

Immediately after, countless sea waters were splashed around and burnt by the Goblin Will Fire, even instantly evaporating the sea water in this area, leaving tens of thousands of sea monsters turning red, floating on the sea surface!

Upon seeing this, Hunter Tracer was panting heavily with excitement. Even though the Giant Battle Armor had been burnt by the flame, causing more than 10.97% damage, he didn’t care-

Such a direct confrontation, fighting at the critical moment was what he had always longed for and pursued!

Garon, after having unleashed a havoc of thunderstorms and hurricanes, intuitively knew it was time to launch his attack, and directly targeted Logan!

It roared in excitement and charged towards Logan!

In its life as a beast, it had not encountered any living creature being able to resist its charge!

Even the other Fierce Beast Kings… were no exception!

In Garon’s opinion, that terrifying strike just now must have been that loathsome and scary entity’s full force blow!

At this moment, it must be in a continuing state of weakness!


“Such a strong one, allow me to reap!”

Not just Garon, Hunter Tracer thought so too.

If such a strike could be unleashed casually, then this game would have no playability at all-

Even though there’s a story kill…

But even so, the Virtual Gaming Company shouldn’t just disregard the game’s balance mechanisms and result in the game losing its playability, right?

He too began to concentrate to hunt for the Golden Boss’s critical point.

Despite searching wholeheartedly, he didn’t find any traces of the critical line.

But Hunter Tracer believed that even if this monster is a golden BOSS template, even if it is terrifyingly impenetrable like a story kill monster.

However, under Garon’s terrifying charge, even if it was not fatally wounded, it would certainly expose its critical line amidst the chaos!

“This is the power of friendship, damn it!”

Moreover, according to the effort needed for the golden BOSS to instantly shatter the Mechanic’s Void War Fortress, the previous strike must have been an attack that required a long time to build up!

Meaning, this Golden Boss is not powerful enough to make him despair! “Interesting, did you comprehend the rule of seeing through weaknesses?” Logan squinted his eyes, feeling the slash that scattered his previous attack, “No, there is a deeper level of annihilation and destruction of the rule!”

“Interesting, this Taylor People Tribe is indeed rated by Blue Star as a Mythical Class species due to its exceptional mental abilities–”

“Just a random player has such talent, able to understand such a fairly high-level rule!”

“But this is also related to the Goblin Will Fire not being fully developed yet, so he is able to find the weak spot.”

Logan casually sighed, then watched as a giant Dragon-headed Godzilla roared, charging towards him with an irresistible terrifying momentum.

He couldn’t help but smile, nonchalantly brandishing the Scepter of Kings once again,


The Goblin Will Fire, once again erupted!

In the horrified gazes of Garon and Hunter Tracer, a linear flame that was not any weaker than before, even exceeding, was casually dispatched by the Golden Boss, then it easily “crossed” with Garon!

Garon, after realizing the other party’s feeling of disdain, didn’t even have time to get angry after being completely engulfed by the approaching linear flame!

Next, the linear flame appeared before its eyes and thenIn an instant, it pierced through it!



Garon gave out a mournful cry.

It despaired when it found that it had completely lost consciousness and control over the Thunderstorm Law!

The sky seemed to rain blood and wind of stench, the Planet Will unconsciously mourned. The death of each strong one is a significant loss to the planet!

However, the Planet Will was helpless and could only mourn.

Before it gave birth to its will, secret lands had appeared on the planet and were integrated into the Heroic Spirit Realm. Now, Logan, who held the majority rights to the Heroic Spirit Realm, firmly suppressed it!

Despite being instantly killed, it didn’t mean that the Fierce Beast King, as enormous as the deep-sea Godzilla and times bigger, was weak.

This colossal deep-sea Godzilla, if put into the Dragon Taming World, would be able to cause wholesale destruction within a month..

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