Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 153 - Chapter 153: Chapter 83: (Spirituality – Extreme Evil) !

Chapter 153: Chapter 83: (Spirituality – Extreme Evil) !

Civilizational Foundation! Skeleton World – Spirit Realm

Descends! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]_2

Translator: 549690339

Even at that time, Logan might have been instantly killed facing it!

But on the Heroic Spirit Planet, which is a microplanet, it was just one among many ninth-order demigod beings.

And now, it is casually annihilated by Logan!

[Note: Previously mentioned that on Heroic Spirit Planet, the Heroic Spirit Human Clan is suppressed by the Fierce Beast Clan!]

[Note: There are several ninth-order demigod-class fierce beasts in the Fierce Beast Clan, while the Heroic Spirit Human Clan only has the Four Pillar Kings as epic and King Nicholson is a demigod-level Heroic Spirit.]

One of the main reasons for Logan’s current strength is because he just obtained the prototype of the Civilization Foundation – Goblin’s Fire!

When Logan and Heather Graham attacked the Demon Planet in the Abyss Turtlefield, its goblin spirituality torrent shattered and burned the Civilization Foundation of the Abyss Turtlefield – the Demon Insect Nest.

During this process, the goblin spirituality torrent absorbed part of the Civilization Foundation of the Demon Insect Nest, creating an opportunity for it to form its own Civilization Foundation !

Civilizational Treasure, Civilization Heavy Weapons, Civilization Foundation!

This is one of the strongest foundations for a race to rise to power. Even a simple Civilizational Treasure can play a significant role in the race’s path to greatness.

Just like the Desert Serpent-People’s Civilizational Treasure – Desert Placenta, it can store a large number of “fertilized eggs” of the Desert Serpent-People for breeding.

The Desert Placenta is like the Desert Serpent-People’s factory, continuously breeding and nurturing Desert Serpent-People and directly imbuing them with a fair amount of racial memory!

This is also the strongest foundation for the Desert Serpent-People’s World War and human wave tactics!

The Goblin’s Fire could grow into a Civilization Foundation’s “fire seed”. Even though there’s a long way to go in the future, it still can’t deny its power!

Fire Seed, Bud, Prototype, Manifestation… Foundation!

Therefore, Hunter Tracer can’t even imagine that the Golden Boss, which previously required a long time to build up before it could rely on sneak attacks to shatter the Void War Fortress, would undergo such a huge change in such a short time!

There’s no choice. As the fire(seed) of goblin will that could grow into a

Civilization Foundation, even in its fire(seed) state, it is simply bug-like!

And this is the dimensional strike between civilizations!

[Note: The types and functions of the Demon Insect Nest and Goblin Will Fire are different, and there are also strengths and weaknesses between Civilization Foundations. At present, the Goblin’s Fire is still weak!]


Hunter Tracer’s voice was a bit hoarse, as he simply couldn’t believe what was happening before his eyes!

Such horrifying attacks, this Golden Boss, could just casually unleash them!


“Even in this situation, even if I exerted all my strength and exploded with my small universe, I can’t find his weak spots, not even for a single point!”

Hunter Tracer felt disheartened, but detected the mocking and disdainful gaze of that boss (in fact, Logan’s gaze had no emotion in it). His heart was filled with anger once again— “It’s just death!”

“If I run away now, why would I even play Giant Armor!”

With these thoughts in mind, he once again wielded the Ion Cutting Guillotine Sword like a solitary brave knight, charging at Logan!

“INOC Dau, commenuame courage.

Logan casually commented, and a sky-covering goblin spiritual torrent instantly pressed down, annihilating the consciousness of Hunter Tracer who was controlling the Giant Armor!

But not destroying the Giant Battle Armor at all—

This Giant Battle Armor is a good thing, it wouldn’t want it to be reduced to ashes by the Goblin Will Fire’s attack!

Suddenly, the sky-covering Goblin Will Fire poured down and burned all the high-risk robots and low-risk robots to the ground.

Only a single Void War Fortress remained in place, along with numerous portable mechanical factories and a large number of logistical robots mining and extracting mineral veins. And that Giant Battle Armor!

“Heroic Spirit Master Corps, take over here and take everything away!” Logan issued a command to the latecoming Heroic Spirit Master Corps,

“And the Heroic Spirit Realm, temporarily store the Giant Armor and the Void

War Fortress!”

The next moment, the Heroic Spirit Realm responded.

A pale blue spatial barrier instantly expanded, pulling the Giant Armor and the shrunken size of the Void War Fortress into the Heroic Spirit Realm for storage.

Logan’s eyes were filled with numerous log prompts— [Log]: You engaged in battle with the Giant Battle Armor!

[Log]: You fought against the Abyss King Garon!

[Log]: You killed the Abyss King Garon and shattered the Thunderstorm Law!

[Log]: You annihilated the Viscount Level Player Hunter Tracer’s game consciousness!

[Log]: You achieved a great victory!

[Log]: Goblin Will Fire burned the Thunderstorm Law!

[Log]: Goblin Will Fire (Civilization Foundation – Fire Seed / 12.58% (12.38% +


[Log]: You harvested the dropped effects ‘Weakness Insight”, “Wind Thunder Sea”, and “Dead Fish Domain”…

[Log]: Faith Points +100,000 points!

[Log]: Origin Points +1 point!

At this moment, the war in the West Beast Wilderness had just begun!

T World Community,

TOI District,

Taylor Star (Super-Giant Planet),

Virtual Game World,

Hunter Tracer’s consciousness slowly awakened in his exclusive room in the Virtual Game World, his eyes filled with fear and ferocity—

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