Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 160 - Chapter 160: Chapter 84: From Human to Spirit!

Chapter 160: Chapter 84: From Human to Spirit!

Sublimation of Evil Crown! Thorn Saint! Taiyi Perpetual Motion Machine! [Ten Thousand Words Essence]_3

Translator: 549690339

“Collect all mechanical products!”

Martin’s voice rang out on the battlefield. In this war, all mechanics were to be gathered by Logan, this was one of his transactions with SkyNet Robots!

He absolutely had no intention of letting the Goblin Civilization follow the path of technology, which would completely go against his interests.

Moreover, the Goblin Tribe did not have the foundations to follow a technological path.

If the information opening the technological route in the Blue Star Civilization were available, and the location of its planet was in a stable World Community, they could take their time to accumulate technology.

But now, this World Community is about to outbreak a civilization-level war, leaving them no time for gradual development!

“SkyNet Robot, now only Rage Thunder and Melvin Hawthorne are left.”

“Oh, Rage Thunder has just been annihilated by the bursting volcano, now only Melvin Hawthorne is left.’

Logan had used his authority from the Heroic Spirit Realm to influence the reality of the planets to make a small move. Rage Thunder, a player like a cannon turret, was effortlessly annihilated by the erupting volcano in the volcanic shelter.

“You deal with your Melvin Hawthorne, I will help you.”

“But afterwards, don’t forget to make all the machinery into a disposable superweapon for me!”

Logan gently opened his mouth, his eyes were not looking at the SkyNet Robot, but looking towards the distant Wise Man Planet.

There, according to the information sent back by Spirit King Chuck Leaf, there was a transcendent presence. Though the transcendent was severely injured, it was still an extremely strong creature.

Moreover, according to the latest vague information that was starting to form some sense of perception, this transcendent figure might not be a simple character!

It might even be a severely wounded mid-level transcendent!

“I will naturally keep my promise, I will remove all restrictions on the weapons, you can rest assured, the weapon given to you…”

“Can destroy a microplanet!”

The red light flickered in the eyes of the SkyNet Robot, it bowed slightly,

“Then Mr. Logan, please come with me to shatter Melvin Hawthorne’s worldview and let him serve us.”

T06 World zone,

Planet TL20121[Sprite Miniature]!

Eastwood Region,

Logan ripped open the space, taking the SkyNet Robot to Melvin Hawthorne’s War Fortress, and started checking the log’s indications of the victory achieved in the recent war.

[Log]: Your Goblin Civilization had a moderate scale war with the Taylor Civilization!

[Log]: Your First King and Destiny Master jointly destroyed a Demigod-level Ultra-High Crisis Mecha Beast!

[Log]: You have obtained the dropped special effects “Remodel”, “Dragon Head”, “Desert”, “Catastrophe”…

[Log]: You have obtained the dropped fragments of the rules “Murder 3-78%” ,

“Flesh and Blood 1.25%”, “Machinery 13.89%” “War 15.69%” “The World

2.34%” “Light 0.32%”

[Log]: Your limited special effect Killing Machine has devoured a large amount of mechanical remnants, and condensed the “Mechanical Nightmare” mark!

[Log]: Nightmare Mark: Demon Nightmare, Mechanical Nightmare!

[Log]: Your First King’s Goblin Will Fire has burned the Sandstorm Rule and burned the demigod material!

[Log]: Goblin Will Fire (Civilization Foundation.Fire Seed/2.38%)!

[Log]: The Destiny Master of your command introduced the mechanical battlefield into the Wicked Spirituality, because of the breaking of the new rules, the Wicked Spirituality has a slight improvement!

[Log]: Three Epic Spirit Masters of the Heroic Spirit Planet killed Viscountess Matilda Wood!

[Log]: You have obtained the limited special effect “Will Incarnation.True”

[Log]: Your civilization has claimed a great victory!

[Log]: Faith Points +150,000 points!

[Log]: Civilization Points +150 points! [Log]: Origin Points +3 points!

“All right, normal harvest…”

Logan nodded slightly, having become accustomed to the massive war benefits logged by the diary after consecutive wars. “No, there is actually a limited special effect!”

Logan was slightly surprised.

The system’s limited special effect drop and the strength of the killer’s target have no connection at all, it is a very complex calculation mode.

Like[Heavy Armor], it has significantly increased his defense and size, greatly enhancing his ability to survive.

[Killing Machine] allows every attac k of his to achieve his high-standard performance and even the formation of a special mark, causing high damage to specific objects, which greatly enhances his combat capability.

[Killing Intent Soldier] has become his carrier for using various rules and spirituality.

It can make him perfectly exert the power of the rules and spirituality, and provide some amplification. Otherwise, even if he has powerful power, he may not be able to exert much of it.

[Kingdom’s Power] has greatly accelerated the establishment speed of the Golo Kingdom in the Goblin Civilization, and increased the condensation speed of spirituality.

In the future, it could even play a huge role when becoming a[Monarch Species].

It can be said that each limited special effect is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

And now, Logan has gained a new limited special effect— [Will Incarnation•True]!

But Logan has no time to check the detailed information for the time being, it is his after the drop and it won’t run away.

He turned his attention to the upcoming “show”.

To be honest, he really valued the potential and destiny of the Taylor People Tribe’s member, Melvin Hawthorne.

After all, something as horrifying as[lntelligent Machinery Sublimation], which could casually overturn a Dominator Civilization, is not something anyone could awaken or comprehend!

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