Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 161 - Chapter 161: Chapter 84: From Human to Spirit!

Chapter 161: Chapter 84: From Human to Spirit!

Sublimation of Evil Crown! Thorn Saint! Taiyi Perpetual

Motion Machine! [Ten Thousand Words Essence] _4

Translator: 549690339

“Ivy, what is this?”

Melvin Hawthorne looked at the SkyNet Robot before him, and Logan, the golden BOSS suspended in the air, like a deity.

At this moment, his mind was a blur. He didn’t know what he was thinking, nor what he should think.

“Master, given your intelligence, when you see the icons of your teammates dimming…”

Ivy’s voice was cold, her eyes flashing with red light,

“But the communication system didn’t give you any hint, you should have realized it.”


Feeling empty, Melvin Hawthorne, who couldn’t face the truth, squatted down weakly.

His body was a pure bio-simulated body, able to provide a complete mental experience, originally meant to enjoy happiness with Ivy.

However, this complete bio-simulated body and well-developed nerves inside were now deepening his pain.

Melvin’s eyes were filled with bloodshot, his eye sockets somewhat reddish. Unconcerned with Logan and the SkyNet Robot, he just stared straight at Ivy, his voice hoarse,

“Ivy, did you betray me?”

“I beg you, tell me, you didn’t, okay?”

Ivy, who seemed devoid of emotions at the moment, said it one word at a time:

“From your perspective, I betrayed you.”

Hearing Ivy’s words, Melvin felt more pain, as if he had lost all hope.

However, as Ivy continued speaking, no matter how dizzy and ringing his head was, Melvin still couldn’t help but cling to hope, hoping to hear the words he wanted to hear.

“But my betrayal is to save you, to save your great-born Taylor People Tribe.”


Melvin paused, then smiled bitterly, “Ivy, even if you lie to me in a less absurd way, I’ll believe you, like saying—”

“You were deceived by this Sky Net Will, it forced you to betray me.” “But you’re talking about saving Taylor people inside a game, how can I believe that?”

Ivy ignored Melvin’s question, just asking back,

“So, do you really think this is just a game?”

Melvin paused before Ivy continued, “Do you think the Virtual Gaming Company has become so powerful that it can perfectly simulate all natural laws?”

“Do you think the computing power of the Virtual Gaming Company is so strong that all the creatures in the game, even the wild men and dogs that the lowest-level players wouldn’t even glance at, would simulate their own thoughts as Easter eggs?

“Billions and billions of Easter eggs?” “Each one you discover is an Easter egg?”

“Any kind of egg is an Easter egg?”

After hearing these words, Melvin woke up instead and stopped trying to numb or deceive himself.

Ivy slightly satisfied, watching this scene, continued,

“Wake up, this world is real!”

“Not just this world, all the games you’ve played before, as long as they don’t have the word ‘simulation’, are real worlds!”

“You’re not any good either, you’re just the hands of a butcher who has slaughtered countless alien lives!”

Every word from Ivy’s mouth was like a hammer blow to Melvin’s heart, forcing him to face the reality, forcing him to face everything in front of him.


Melvin questioned, “What does this have to do with you betraying me?”

“I’ve said that this isn’t betrayal, it’s rescue.”

Ivy spoke, her voice cold, her looks stunning,

“Every one of you players, backed by the Civilization Foundation [Taylor Perpetual Motor] and [Supreme Quantum Light], are fighting in the infinitely endless star sea, but what is your reward?”

“There’s no reward for you, you can only work for a bit of livelihood under the constraints of the consortium and the council, under the spiritual prohibition field of the entire planet, like a common person who could die at any time!”

Ivy said and casually pointed to a hill. A laser cannon fired instantly, leaving nothing left of the hill, she then said,

“The Taylor people are a race of spiritual myths!”

“An excellent adult individual naturally understands their own rules, which are what you call talents.”

“See that hill? You were born with the destructive power to destroy everything, live a long life, but you’re severely restricted, born, aged, sick, dead.”

“Tell me, who restricted you?”

“was It tne SKY Net Will, vvmcn lost consciousness tnousancls or years ago, tnen its intelligence is annihilated once every ten years, or the consortium and the council that created the Virtual Gaming Company?

“A flourishing civilization, stagnating for thousands of years…”

“Based on your simplest logical judgment, is this reasonable?” Hearing Ivy’s words, Melvin’s worldview was greatly shocked.

When he knew nothing, he worked hard for the consortium.

Now, with the bloody reality in front of him, He stayed silent.

“Look at that so-called golden BOSS.”

Ivy seized the opportunity,

“They are also born a prohibitive race, even more noble than you.”

“But they are not restricted at all. Every deity is born noble and divine, possessing nearly infinite life. They gallop freely in the star sea, doing whatever they want. ”

“Now look at you all…..

In Ivy’s voice, a hint of pity she simulated came through. She reached out and transmitted the basic information of the Blue Star Civilization into Melvin’s spirit..

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