Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 168 - Chapter 168: Chapter 86: The Emperor’s Body! Gluttonous Mouth! Sacrifice Destiny! (4800)

Chapter 168: Chapter 86: The Emperor’s Body! Gluttonous Mouth! Sacrifice Destiny! (4800)

Translator: 549690339

Hyperdimensional mark,

Hyperdimensional Island – Blood God Isle.


Logan glanced at Sophie Kerrigan’s “maternal love” overflowing gaze and clicked his tongue without saying much.

He simply held the spirituality in his palm and infused it with belief.

The next moment, the spirituality extended, reshaping and constructing with the help of various rules. In an instant, it was restored to the original high-risk robot structure of the SkyNet Robot!

Of course, this was only a temporary body constructed within the Hyperdimensional mark, and once it left the Hyperdimensional mark, its body would collapse due to incompatible rules!

“What a marvelous rule.”

“It’s already comparable to either one of the rule loopholes in the Supreme

Quantum Light or the Taylor Perpetual Motor.”

The SkyNet Robot expressed its relief in a mechanical voice.

It had been worried before coming to this so-called Deity Player World, fearing that due to insufficient power, the Deity Player World might be unable to control it and reject its cooperation.

Now, as it senses the terrifying aura within the Deity Player World (Hyperdimensional mark) like a vast starry river and the Eternal Dominator level beings standing tall in the universe, the SkyNet Robot is at ease. “So many Eternal Dominators in this world…”

Red light flickered in the eyes of the SkyNet Robot. After nodding to Logan, it turned its head and looked at Sophie Kerrigan, producing a mechanical sound.

[Note: Force Division – First Level, Second Level, Third Level, Mythical, Lower

Super Rank, Middle Rank Super Rank, High-ranking Overstep, Throne, Master, Holy See]

“Hello, I am a SkyNet Will from the Taylor Civilization…”

“A SkyNet Will that has given birth to self-will.”

“The purpose of my visit is all here.”

With that, the SkyNet Robot transmitted a piece of information to Sophie Kerrigan’s front, waiting for her response.

Sophie Kerrigan was stunned.

The appearance of the Taylor Civilization had shocked a large part of the Deity Players.

It was their first encounter with an odd civilization that, while originally able to achieve two Hegemonic Civilizations, had merged into a Dominator Civilization.

[Note: Civilization level division – 3rd level, 2nd level, 1st level, Dominator level, Hegemonic level]

Although it is not very powerful now-

It possesses the potential for terrifying warfare!

Hence, the information of the Taylor Civilization had become virtually well-known to the upper-level Deity Players under the propaganda of the Saint-level Imaginary Overlord.

Now, among the Taylor Civilization, SkyNet Will was one of its core components.

The importance of SkyNet Will was self-evident.

Moreover, Sophie Kerrigan could clearly feel the lofty will of the Dominator level coming from the SkyNet Robot!

“So, you mean bringing the leader of another civilization back for a major piece of information…”

“And then, let him personally tell us the information and cooperate with us in battle?”

Sophie Kerrigan swallowed, her pupils constricted, and looked at Logan in disbelief.

She had completely dropped the idea of “teaching Logan a lesson” at this point.

With the arrival of the SkyNet Robot…

Not to mention the exposure of destroying a civilization’s foundation in Abyss

Turtlefield, even if they slaughtered the entire place and exposed it, the

Council would not punish Logan, but would instead ask him with a smile”Would you like us to kill a few more to help you out?” Of course, this was a bit exaggerated.

After all, any Deity Player could have accomplished this feat.

However, this didn’t change the fact that Logan had picked up this merit and was entitled to huge rewards.

“Right, good job.”

“Logan, you wait here for me, and I’ll take this SkyNet Will’s carrier to the Council, I’ll be back soon!”

Sophie Kerrigan knew this was not something she could handle on her own. After casually instructing Logan, she took the SkyNet Robot to the Council for a decision!

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (small/alteration),

Originally a planet with golden patterns, it now had an unusual pale hue floating above it, with blue tendrils like mutated, morbid tissues.

Even an ordinary person could clearly detect the vitality of the planet slowly fading if they could look down upon it from the void.

Since the Planet Will was swallowed by the Byron White Alien Deity and was in a digestion state, the planet was in a state of unmanaged and disorderly operation!

Various natural disasters of different scales kept happening all over the planet! Outside the Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace,

Countless ability users with different strengths patrolled outside the Wisdom

Palace, and terrifying monsters hid deep in the palace, seemingly ready to stretch out their horrifying maws to devour at any moment!

“Angie Carlton, go, detect the situation in that alien base again.”

Chuck Leaf, who no longer looked as handsome as he did during his days in the Dragon Taming World, had a gruesome mouth gaping open on his forehead, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly, as if he was suffering intense pain all the time.

Menacing flesh tendrils writhed inside the mouth.

Each tremor produced strong mental stimuli, constantly trying to enslave Chuck Leaf, making him submit to the Abyssal Breath and become a slave to the Abyssal Civilization!

It was clear that he had been polluted and mutated!

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