Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 169 - Chapter 169: Chapter 86: The Divine Emperor’s Body!

Chapter 169: Chapter 86: The Divine Emperor’s Body!

Gluttonous Mouth! Sacrifice Destiny! (4800) _2

Translator: 549690339

[Note: Polluters (First Level), Mutants (Second Level), Ability Users (Third

Level), Alien God (Transcendent Tier), Alien King (Throne), Seven Sins

Emperor (Dominator)]

This should be something that evokes terror and fear—

Because all life mutated becomes an enemy of all in an instant, whether it is intelligent and wise humans or chaotic and untamed ferocious beasts!

They would madly attack life forms that lack the Abyssal Breath and try to pollute them, inviting them to join the grand evolution!

However, Angie Carlton, whose Destiny Wisdom Bone in her forehead has become white and is gradually spreading into grey, shows no hint of fear and dread when she looks at Chuck Leaf.

On the contrary, her eyes are filled with trust and gratitude.

She will always remember when she was in the “Demon’s Den”, being subjected by the so-called venomous “Doctor” who crawled from the purgatory and his group of “students” to an experiment far more terrifying than purgatory itself. She was desperate.

From the conversations between the so-called doctors and students, she could decipher that the cause of this all-destructive catastrophe was her own father.

“But, I haven’t seen him even once since I was little.”

Angie Carlton wanted to say something.

But no one listened, the only person there was the doctor, looking at her with a greedy gaze as if she were mere livestock,

“Why? Why after mutation, you were not influenced by the mutation factor, and can still own independent will! “This is not reasonable? What is special about you?” “Increase the intensity of the experiment! ”

Then came even more painful torment…

During her gradually numbing time, a ray of light suddenly appeared.

It was Chuck Leaf. He descended like a deity, bringing with him her biological father she abhorred, Elliot Carlton.

However, he saved her, killing the doctor and all the students. From that moment on, she decided to live for Chuck Leaf.

“Alright, I will investigate right away.”

Hearing Chuck Leaf’s command, Angie Carlton didn’t hesitate at all.

During the time Chuck Leaf spent training her, she was already able to easily control the power not belonging to humans-

This power can make her “invisible” before the mutation factors, making her unseen to Mutant Polluters, mutated species and Alien Tribes.

Moreover, she can even control and command some weaker Polluted Bodies!

Angie Carlton skillfully sensed and then mobilized the silent power within her body, after which, she cautiously probed into the Wisdom Palace.

She had experienced probing once before and had some experience.

There was a powerful existence inside the Wisdom Palace that could vaguely perceive her probing. Last time, she was nearly caught.

“Chuck Leaf is usually a very cautious person.”

“Why would he take the risk to probe into the Wisdom Palace with me again?

It’s obviously not beneficial!”

Angie Carlton muttered in her heart.

Suddenly, she remembered that Chuck Leaf had mentioned that he was working for another deity. They came to investigate this planet to save it!

“What nonsense, Chuck Leaf is like a deity!”

In the time, Chuck Leaf was teaching me, he was virtually omnipotent. I don’t believe anyone could command Chuck Leaf from a position of superiority!”

While Angie Carlton was muttering in her heart and probing into the Wisdom

Palace, she quietly kept reviewing the numbers for Chuck Leaf, “Chuck Leaf, there’s been a major change since the last time.”

“Mutants 3,452, Ability Users 157, Transcendent Alien God… 1.”

The number of Ability Users inside the Wisdom Palace has clearly increased, and it’s a significant change…”

“If we take into account that powerful Ability Users from various regions are rarely seen recently and the patrolling activity of lower-tier mutants has decreased.”

“I can infer they are likely planning their final conspiracy. The probability of them beginning their final conquest of our planet is more than 37.88%!”

As Angie Carlton said this, she became more solemn. By the time she finished speaking, her face had gone completely pale!

Saved or doomed, the destiny of the Wise Man Planet has nothing to do with her.

All she has are painful memories of the Wise Man Planet with not a speck of light. If she had her way, she would wish the Wise Man Planet were dead.

But if the Wise Man Planet perishes now, where would she and the magnificent Chuck Leaf go…

At this moment, Angie Carlton started to somewhat wish for the Wise Man Planet to be preserved.

As Angie Carlton stood there staring blankly at Chuck Leaf, as if her Destiny Intelligence Bone, which could be compared to a supercomputer, had stopped operating at this moment,

“In this situation, even Chuck Leaf is probably at a loss, right?” “I have no attachment to this filthy planet, only to Chuck Leaf…”

“I don’t want to die.”

Just then, Chuck Leaf suddenly spoke,

“Probe that Alien God again!”

“Last time, didn’t you find that It was seriously injured?”

“That It was bearing a breath of a higher qualification which you couldn’t entirely withstand?”

Chuck Leaf said calmly,

“This time, focus your probing on this!”

As Chuck Leaf looked at Angie Carlton, he felt a bit of pity towards this “protagonist” of the Wise Man Planet.

Like him, someone who, as a protector of a massive planet, has also suffered the invasion of her planet, her fate has been somewhat unfortunate. But without a doubt, compared to Angie Carlton, he is lucky—

He met the God Master who saved him from ignorance and lies!

And now it’s time to pay for that luck—

“That breath, is likely a limb of the Divine Emperor!”

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