Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 171 - Chapter 171: Chapter 87: Super Reward! King of the Demon Abyss! God of the Heavenly Dragon Humans! Blood Bone Immortal Armor!

Chapter 171: Chapter 87: Super Reward! King of the Demon Abyss! God of the Heavenly Dragon Humans! Blood Bone Immortal Armor!

Translator: 549690339

Hyperdimensional mark,

Tower of Heaven,

The Tower of Heaven is a sanctuary for the Holy See, Dominators, and Thrones within the hyperdimensional mark. The Council also convenes here, making it the government of the Blue Star Civilization.

[Note: The responsibilities of the Dominators and the responsibilities of the Council composed of Throne Level are not the same!]

In the Council, dozens of projections are still lit up, meaning that only dozens of Councillors are free to attend.

After all, each Councillor is a dominant force in their own World Community. Especially considering the Deity Players’ habit of plundering everything, they have numerous enemies in their daily life.

So, not every time the Council convenes to discuss issues, every Councillor has the time to attend.

Each projection represents a Throne Level Divine Players who can compete for the Eternal Dominator Level. They are rapidly discussing one proposal or application after another.

“After time acceleration, the Sequence Plan for the Taylor Civilization Community, Totem Entity, and even the Giant Spirit Level Divine Players’ level of war, is about to come to an end.”

“In addition to the observation under the Holy See, we have already preliminarily peeked into the operation rules of the Taylor Civilization. Shall we approve the next step’s war proposal?”

[Note: The Holy See is a special existence among the Dominators. Their combat power is not necessarily stronger (often a little stronger), but their qualification is higher and very special. To avoid confusion among readers, they will be called the Holy See from now on, which can be directly understood as “a more powerful Dominator, ” but it is still at the level of Dominator.]

“I agree. The Abyssal Civilization is on the verge of collapse. The Third Divine Emperor’s anger has been banished by the Pale Mask Dominator to his sealed time and space, and the Fourth Divine Emperor’s laziness and the First Divine Emperor, Pride, have hidden themselves…”

“However, without the Dominator of Civilization, they are like stray dogs, harmless. As the Law Imprint in the World Community is cleared with time passing, they will only lose their qualifications and become weaker and weaker!”

“In conclusion, the war against the Abyssal Civilization is almost victorious!”

“I agree. The Mysterious Puppet Civilization has already split internally among their Builder Group under the preaching of Eternal Light Lord.”

“Soon, the Mysterious Puppet Civilization will also usher in further collapse.

We have enough strength and can spare enough combat power to fight the Taylor Civilization!”

“I disagree. In an unknown World Community, another batch of newly born

Deity Players from the data department has discovered a Dominator Level Civilization. They call themselves the Immortal Plant Civilization, a terrifying civilization that we have never seen before, where life forms grow against planets and even World Communities, replacing them. It poses a great threat to our Blue Star Civilization!”

“I agree. There is still no effective information about the so-called Immortal Plant Civilization. Unlike the Taylor Civilization, which we have already peeped into the core of, their Civilization Foundation Taylor Perpetual Motor and Supreme Quantum Light can completely transform our efficiency in fighting the unexplored universe!”

“I reconsider. The most important thing is the Taylor Perpetual Motor. If we can obtain the Taylor Perpetual Motor, we may be able to achieve low-cost cross-world community material transmission!”

“I disagree…”

As the Throne Level Divine Players have different opinions and the Ancient Throne on the main seat is about to temporarily shelve the issue and move on to the next one,

suddenly, a powerful Deity Player projection appears outside the Council, sending a high-level (Candidate Councilor Level) request to enter signal.

“It’s Sophie Kerrigan. As a Candidate Councilor, she has temporary permission to enter. Shall we approve?”

Hearing the words of one Deity Player, a demonic-looking Deity Player revealed a cold smile,

“Heh, what is she here for?”

“She has had unfounded hostility towards my Demon Abyss, and I haven’t even settled the score with her yet!”

“Besides, I have also noticed that she once had a record of searching for information about my Student.”

[Recap: King of the Demon Abyss, the teacher of Abyss Turtlefield.]

The Throne above the main seat glanced at the Demon Deity Player, King of the Demon Abyss, and then emotionlessly said:

“Sophie Kerrigan is a Candidate Councilor, and you have no reason to interfere with her actions…”

“You, have overstepped.”

Another Throne spoke,

“Go through, let her in. I believe she won’t break the rules casually.”

The King of the Demon Abyss crossed his arms and laughed coldly, waiting to see what Sophie Kerrigan wanted. If it was something trivial, he would definitely have a good laugh.


With a hum, Sophie Kerrigan entered the Council, and what caught the attention of many Throne Level Deity Players was the high-risk robot she was holding in her hand.

“What is this…?”

None of the Deity Players present were ordinary. Each was an almost supreme existence in the World Communities they had fought in.

Almost in an instant, they saw through the connection between the high-risk robot and a great existence in a distant World Community.

The King of the Demon Abyss naturally saw it, too. His face darkened immediately, and he didn’t intend to speak with his demonic face.

“Well, this is the Sky Net Will.”

Sophie Kerrigan, as a new generation of Deity Players, had always looked down on these old guys, considering them decayed and incompetent, and dare not fight a big battle. They always quibbled over one or two Dominator Level battles.

She casually handed over the SkyNet Robot, giving the communication right to these Throne Level Deity Players..

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