Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 172 - Chapter 172: Chapter 87: Super Reward! Demon Abyss King! Sky Dragon Person’s Spirit! Blood Bone Immortal Armor! 2

Chapter 172: Chapter 87: Super Reward! Demon Abyss King! Sky Dragon Person’s Spirit! Blood Bone Immortal Armor! 2

Translator: 549690339

Despite her disdain, she still trusted the strength and abilities of these old people,

“This core Sky Net will from the Taylor Civilization wishes to cooperate with us and bring down the Taylor Civilization together, but the price is to give it a certain amount of freedom. It is willing to become our subordinate ruler.”

“This time, it was my student Logan who made the connection, don’t forget to give him a good reward.”

Having said that, Sophie Kerrigan left the council.

It still wasn’t a council member- in the council, she had no right to propose or make suggestions.

Staying here, she could only listen and had no opportunity to speak.

So, staying here with these decayed old people was less preferable to her than going back to be with Logan.

“All my thoughts are here.”

The red light in SkyNet Robot’s eyes flickered, as an Eternal Lord, it and the creatures under the dominator should have been as different as clouds and mud, even a look from a transcendent lifeform could potentially kill them in an instant.


“The Deity Players, what kind of race are they?”

It didn’t see a trace of fear or awe in their eyes, just full of curiosity and…

Endless greed!

“I’m afraid that only such a race can give birth to so many great existences!”

SkyNet Robot suppressed its inquisitive thoughts, conserving the limited computing power in this mechanical body.

Hyperdimensional mark,

Hyperdimensional Island – Blood God Isle,

In the Lake Heart Pavilion,

“Teacher, you came back so soon?”

Logan looked at Sophie Kerrigan, who returned after less than ten seconds, and hesitated,

“Have I got my reward yet?”

“Get out of here! Reward? I almost couldn’t get in.”

Sophie Kerrigan rolled her eyes, looked at Logan and said,

“I have handed over the SkyNet Robot to those old people, with their speed, the reward should be issued soon.”

Hearing Sophie Kerrigan’s words, Logan immediately felt relieved.

He was looking forward to this reward.

At the very least, the reward included dominator body parts, with at least a drop of Master’s blood!

And with these, when he returns to the Goblin World Fragment, he could activate his Martial Will!

“What should the Martial Ancestor be called?”

Of course, the Martial Will was not only for the benefit of the yet-to-meet Sky Man Tribe.

After the activation of Martial Arts, it had a significant improvement for his current combat power, and the combat power of the Goblin Tribe as well.

The Goblin Tribe wasn’t primarily focused on martial arts in his planning, they pursued the path of evolution, valuing strength and following the Law of Strength!

However, that didn’t mean martial arts had no use for the Goblin Tribe.

The essence of martial arts is to improve combat power under existing conditions, allowing a part of the group to cause greater destruction under existing conditions!

Of course, there is also the path of making oneself stronger.

But the part about becoming stronger was not within the scope of the Goblin Tribe’s consideration, as they evolved directly!

Using martial arts as a tool to improve their combat power!

That’s why Logan had been looking forward to martial arts and not solely preparing it for the Sky Man Tribe.

After all, he didn’t have a concrete idea yet on how to reclaim the Sky Man Tribe.

T09 World Zone,

Sub-Dragon World Fragment: Island,

“Help! ”

Ximen Qing held his chest with a fierce and full of fear like a little white rabbit expression on his dragon-scale-covered face,

“Grandma Penelope .

“Don’t possess me!”

Ximen Qing looked at Grandma Penelope who was grinning all over her face and was very different from her usual kind and affectionate appearance, and felt regret and fear in his heart.

“Damn it, why didn’t I listen to Teacher Howard’s words?”

“He said never to let anyone know my planet coordinates, not even the closest person …”

“But how could I trust this old woman here, thinking that she really came to congratulate me on the promotion of my high-level war dragonman race to a low-level monarch Dragon Race, and give me a gift especially! ”

“I had a little suspicion at that time, but I was deceived by her! ”

Thinking about everything that happened during this period, Ximen Qing only realized now that all he had gained was so fake, but he had been deceived!

Back then, Grandma Penelope had taken him into the auction and won the[Throne Dragon BloodStarcore Dragon King Blood], which made him think that fate was on his side, not Logan’s.

How could it be that Logan could not use such treasures after obtaining them, so they could only be taken out for auction? In the end, they were circled back into his hands.

Isn’t this fate?

Ximen Qing boasted about himself for a while and then started the initial race upgrade according to the path that had been discovered by others.

Meanwhile, Grandma Penelope played a huge role in the process.

Whether it was the Star Core Dragon King’s Blood, various precious auxiliary materials to protect the divine will from being destroyed by the Void Law, or treasures to resist the sky’s punishment without destroying the planet’s world…

All were handled by Grandma Penelope!

However, during this process, Ximen Qing didn’t find any doubts.

Or rather, he could have ignored the existence of doubts.

For example, deity players, especially after becoming a transcendent, even if they can’t advance, they can’t improve from a lower super rank to a middle super rank..

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