Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 173 - 173 Chapter 87: Super Reward! Demon Abyss King! Sky Dragon Person's Spirit! Blood Bone Immortal Armor!_3

173 Chapter 87: Super Reward! Demon Abyss King! Sky Dragon Person’s Spirit! Blood Bone Immortal Armor!_3
Translator: 549690339
But that’s a transcendent tier!

It’s a being in the void known as “Star Lord,” “Deity,” “Buddha,” “True Immortal,” and “Great Saint”!

One could say that as long as the world doesn’t perish, transcendent tiers are immortal, and this is not an understatement!

Generally speaking, such beings have basically achieved the goal of longevity. Unless they want to advance further, gather more resources, or inherit ideas, they rarely cultivate future generations.

Especially the so-called inheritance––

Inheritance is for their own abilities to be continued so that they won’t disappear after they are gone.


Transcendent tier immortals!

Why bother with inheritance?

But in the face of huge benefits, Ximen Qing ignored all this and wholeheartedly believed that his great-grandmother is the biggest fool for actually devoting herself to cultivating descendants.

And advancing a race’s qualification involves immeasurable pain.

Throughout this immeasurable pain, his great-grandmother accompanied him at every moment, caring for and encouraging him.

It made him believe that his great-grandmother truly wanted to cultivate the next generation.

But now, he only felt like he was the true fool.

His great-grandmother actually planned to use the so-called [Ten Turns Immortal Gu – Bloodline Gu] she discovered in the Blood Bone Immortal Abyss to possess him and completely replace him!

So as to achieve the goal of replacing the hopeless Pig Dragon Clan with the Sky Dragon People Tribe and start the road to advancement again.

The most frightening part is that this plan is actually feasible!

The Sky Dragon People Tribe had produced a King’s Throne in the distant history, and its future prospects are much greater than the Pig Dragon Clan!

Under Lois Pan’s constant urging, Ximen Qing’s body, long tainted by the United Blood Descendant Gu, began to blur his will…

“If only…”

“If only I wasn’t so greedy, how wonderful would it be?”

“I remember that I used to be polite and cool-headed, right?”

“How did…”

“How did I become like this, unable to completely control my own will?”

“It seems like it all changed after Lois Pan began teaching me personally…”


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