Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 178 - Chapter 178: Chapter 90: The still alive (Divine Emperor) ! Byron White Alien Deity: Sacrifice myself!

Chapter 178: Chapter 90: The still alive (Divine Emperor) ! Byron White Alien Deity: Sacrifice myself!

Void Law Resonance!

Translator: 549690339

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration),

Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace Outskirts,

Byron White Alien Deity, who was mocked by Logan, was instantly ignited with anger.

Especially since it had been badly hurt by the aftermath of the Blue Star’s civilization’s Dominator, it harbored a massive hatred towards the deities!

So much so that its last sentence was almost screamed out.

Its tremendous body shook with booming cries, like a colossal machine burning at full speed. In an instant, it consumed a vast amount of alchemical energy, which was exchanged for a significantly improved battle capability.

The next moment, the colossal body of Byron White Alien Deity brutally tore open the space barrier of Wise Man Planet. In the darkness of a spatial rift, it leaped forward while carrying a hurricane and pitch-black thunderbolts, striking Logan with a loud crash!

And the Ability Users behind him also quickly followed, attempting to join forces to attack Logan.

“Is manipulating people all you can do?”

Logan laughed and picked up the Scepter of Kings.

His belief points roared wildly throughout his body, and in a split second, he manifested a hundred-meter tall giant spirit. He crowned his head with the golden-black Evil Crown, facing Byron White Alien Deity like a god descending to earth!

He indeed wasn’t a match for Byron White Alien Deity.

But, Byron White Alien Deity’s body was extremely fragmented— Right now, it seemed complete.

But most of it was only a temporary illusion created by the alchemical energy, along with the Divine Emperor’s body it carried and the Wise Man Planet Will it tried to devour…

All of these factors further weakened its already burdened remnant body, restricting it!

Moreover, compared to the “Otherworld” where Byron White Alien Deity branded its own laws on its old nest, this place was unfamiliar!

In the Otherworld, Transcendent Warriors inherently couldn’t fully exert their powers!

Even a middle-level Transcendent, under such difficult internal and external conditions, probably wouldn’t be much stronger than an ordinary Mythical Ranked fighter!

Logan still had the strength to fight.


“Manipulating people?”

“I can do that too.”

A Divine Scepter filled with a sacred aura descended from the sky behind Logan!

From the light pillar transformed by the Divine Scepter, an orderly and solemn Angel Legion continuously flew out.

The Angel Legion’s chosen songs rang out, while the sacred hot light pillars converged, instantly targeting the Ability Users Legion and rushing forward!

Also, several giant spatial passageways appeared within the torn spatial rifts, during which enormous green figures appeared faintly!

“Logan, this guy started the fight himself.”

Heather Graham’s Will Incarnation appeared in the battlefield, her beautiful eyes scanning the battlefield between Logan and Byron White Alien Deity, looking for any flaws to seize the moment and join the fight alongside Logan.



Various giants roars and cataclysms continually erupted on the battlefield!

Hurricanes, thunder, heavy rain, black snow… one catastrophe after another emerged, only to be mercilessly torn apart.

Each collision between Logan’s Scepter of Kings and the powerful body of Byron White Alien Deity sent out terrifying booms and hurricanes, even causing space to twist and vibrate, on the verge of shattering.

Under this kind of battle, Heather Graham felt it was difficult for her to intervene!

Even a single aftershock required her to exert a considerable amount of power to resist, so as to prevent her from getting hurt!

“This… ”

Shock filled Heather Graham’s eyes.

Before coming to help Logan, she had envisioned many scenarios—

Logan’s strength wasn’t enough, and he pleaded for her to make a move. She reluctantly stepped in and easily won.

The enemy was too strong; Logan and her fought side by side, eventually defeating the powerful foe.

She even thought about the situation where Logan would be the main force, and she would be the “disgraced” Angel’s support.

But she never thought that she wouldn’t even be able to step foot on the battlefield…

Looking at the Angel Armament Legion working together with the Goblin Legion to attack the Ability Users Legion, Heather’s heart finally felt better— She wasn’t totally useless after all.


“Not bad for a little deity to be able to play with me for so long.”

“After playing with you for this long, let me show you why the saying ‘everyone below Transcendent is just an ant’ exists. ”

Byron White laughed wildly.

After its Exclusive Law [Devouring Mouth] appeared, when it had not noticed at all,

At its belly, the seemingly unconscious [Divine Emperor’s Body Gluttonous Mouth], packed with chaotic teeth, twitched slightly — It looked like a trace of a sneer.

“Indeed, the Exclusive Law of Transcendent is really strong.”

“Even if this wasn’t its domain, there was no Void Law branded in the Void; the [Void Law’s Resonance] owned by middle-level Transcendent fighters was practically gone.”

“Moreover, its body was extremely damaged, with various complications.”

“Even its domain had been shattered!”

“But still… ”

“It’s really strong!”

Logan could clearly feel that under the force of that Devouring Mouth Law, all of his strength, whether from the power of belief or the power of the world, was devoured by that Devouring Mouth without any resistance, nearly crumbling under its power.

Only the temporarily borrowed Wicked Spirituality and the embryonic form of the civilization foundation, the Goblin’s Fire which had not yet formed a Fire Seed, could slightly resist it..

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