Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 179 - Chapter 179: Chapter 90: The still alive (Divine

Chapter 179: Chapter 90: The still alive (Divine

Emperor) ! Byron White Alien Deity: Sacrifice myself! Void Law Resonance! 2

Translator: 549690339

But, that wouldn’t help either.

“Fortunately, this is just a severely wounded Transcendent Alien God.”

The emphasis of the conversation, rested upon the words “Alien God”!

Logan showed no panic at all, instead, a smile appeared on his face. He already recognized the gap between him and the Transcendent tier.

Now that the target has been achieved, regardless of victory or defeat, he’d quickly end the battle and initiate the next plan, “Fortunately, I mastered the power that can restrain you.”

“Abyssal Heavenly Sovereign Characteristic Containment Art! ”

“This divine art, can even contain the traits of you Abyssal Emperors, let alone a severely injured alien god!”

Byron White Alien Deity was initially laughing wildly, waiting to see the hopeless feeling showering over Logan as he was being devoured.

However, when he saw the slight smile that appeared at the corner of Logan’s mouth, he was seized by doubt,

“Huh, nothing but grandstanding.”

“Wait till it’s devoured, it won’t be able to laugh anymore!”

Byron White Alien Deity thought to himself, but was startled to see dainty starlight emanating from Logan.

And then, as if to “devour” his Devouring Mouth!

After any Devouring Mouth passed through that starlight, the “Gluttonous Trait” on it, vanished as though it was wiped away!

The originally fierce and apparent Devouring Mouth, after going through the starlight, instantly became soft and seemingly powerless!

Then, these feeble and powerless Devouring Mouths were burned out in an instant by the black-gold flames!

“That’s impossible!”

“Absolutely impossible!”

“Blood Sacrifice of Mutants, the Devouring Mouth, get devoured by me!” Byron White’s face immediately turned into a monstrous grimace.

He had never seen such a spectacle—

Powers from a rank bellow Transcendent, could actually restrain the laws of the Transcendent tier so meticulously!

The exclusive laws of the Transcendent tier seemed to be entirely ineffective!

He wildly burned his own Alien God’s blood, devouring himself, thereby incessantly releasing the Devouring Mouth. He was trying to annihilate Logan in an instant, to prevent his Devouring Mouth from being weakened and wiped out by Logan’s “strange” starlight! But Logan merely wore a light smile,

“Worthless struggle.”

While Logan displayed his divine prowess, he also raised his guard to the utmost degree—

A middle-ranked Transcendent tier deity isn’t easy to deal with!

Even if he controls a special attack of Abyssal creatures, the Abyssal Heavenly Sovereign Characteristic Containment Art!

At the point when Byron White Alien Deity was trying to desperately burn his own Alien God’s blood, to constantly release the Devouring Mouth, hoping to devour Logan in an instant.

“Emperor’s Characteristic Containment Technique!”

Logan once again unleashed this divine art, co-created by many dominators of the Blue Star Civilization, with a massive consumption of faith points.

In an instant, unlimited starlight swarmed out, in no time it cleaned up all the Devouring Mouths!

Seeing this scene, not only Byron White’s face went ashen.

Even Heather Graham showed a delighted yet serious expression.

She simply couldn’t imagine that in such a short period of time, Logan had already become so powerful. He could even stand with his newly achieved Giant Spirit Body against an Alien God from the Abyssal Domain, which is extremely good at combat!

Not to mention that she was just a fourth rank Prisoner breeds Deity, even a Mythical Species Deity at Logan’s level, can’t possibly reach this level!

Despite being credited to the Emperor’s Characteristic Containment Technique. But, Logan’s own strength played an extremely crucial and irreplaceable role! “I also need to quickly increase my strength.”

“Otherwise, Logan, that devil proficient in cunning, might abandon me, his partner.”

Heather Graham murmured to herself, She hadn’t noticed that—

Without realizing it, she had developed a slight dependence on Logan!

White Alien Deity glumly watched as all the Devouring Mouth laws he desperately released got cleansed by the starlight and were easily annihilated by the wicked spirituality the Scepter of Kings held and the Goblin’s fire wielded by Logan!

“No, there’s still a chance!”

The Byron White Alien Deity seemed to brighten up, its beaten face suddenly lit up with vigor.

It was unaware that its thoughts had been influenced by a higher being.

“I could offer myself…”

The eyes of the Byron White Alien Deity began to struggle.

But very quickly, the struggle subsided, replaced by an insane fervor! “I could, offer myself to the Gluttonous Mouth of the Gluttonous Coronation!”

“The Gluttonous Mouth of the Gluttonous Coronation no longer has any consciousness, doesn’t it?”

“I can totally use my consciousness, to control the Gluttonous Mouth!”


“Perhaps, this is a brand new path!”

Thinking this, the malevolent and cold gaze of the Byron White Alien Deity swept over Logan and Heather Graham.

Then, without any words, without any threats, its body began to shrivel straight away!

Its gigantic will was also making an attempt at transferring.

As though in an instant, all the blood and essence of its body vanished. The gigantic body over a hundred meters tall, within a mere moment, looked like a deflated balloon, shriveled up, with only a meter of withered dry skin left!

No, something else had detached from his body.

This thing didn’t shrivel, instead, it became bigger and scarier!

That was…

The Gluttonous Mouth!


“Byron, you finally returned to my embrace.”

A completely different voice echoed from the giant mouth, alongside it was the panicked and terrified screams of the Byron White Alien Deity,

“The coronation?”

“The Gluttonous Coronation?”

“Gluttonous Coronation! You… You’re still alive!?”

“Gluttonous Coronation, please have mercy, please have mercy!” “Please, don’t eat me, please spare me, spare humble Byron!”

Unfortunately, Byron’s begging for mercy was useless!

With gnashing teeth, the Gluttonous Mouth gave a terrifying chew. Soon along with chilling noises of chewing and gulping, a giant horrifying twisty bloody tongue stuck out from the Gluttonous Mouth and licked its lips.

Then the mouth slightly closed like sucking jelly and instantaneously devoured the will of the Byron White Alien Deity completely!

The Byron White Alien Deity was swallowed alive!

With the tongue hanging out and mouth full of messy teeth, hovering in the air, and in an unfriendly manner, it looks towards Logan and Heather Graham!




They will certainly die!!!

The moment the Gluttonous Mouth appeared, when the will of the Byron White Alien Deity was swallowed, Heather Graham’s will deep inside her was wailing in despair, emitting a piercing alarm!

Instinctively, she turned her head, to ask Logan to escape with her.

Note: The “she” here signifies a temporary fall from the Deity state due to panic.

Then, to her astonishment, she saw Logan calmly pulling out something…

Double update wants monthly tickets, rewards-!

Total of seven thousand words!

The little author hasn’t gotten a thousand tickets yet, there is a raffle, there’s guaranteed one hundred bucks, the little author wants to try it out, please!

The little author bows in thanks -I.

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