Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 187 - Chapter 187: Chapter 93: [Blue Star•Majesty]! Star River Source Spirit! Hades’ Horn! _3

Chapter 187: Chapter 93: [Blue Star•Majesty]! Star River Source Spirit! Hades’ Horn! _3

Translator: 549690339

Ever since the pride of the Ancient Nest was utterly shattered by the Blue Star deities, the powerful transcendent-tier beings of the Ancient Nest had their hearts broken, locked themselves away in despair, or wandered through the void.

As a result, the younger generations developed an immense admiration for the “human form” of Blue Star deities.

Transforming into human form has become the most popular trend in the Ancient Nest.

Crimson Plume, full of innocent and happy smiles, pulled Green Lord towards Lord Yan, who had just finished the dance of courtship.

Before Lord Yan could speak, she said joyously as if her happiness was overflowing, “Lord Yan, thank you so much…”


As soon as Lord Yan had awakened from the Dance of Death, he saw his beloved female bird holding his best friend’s hand and walking towards him. This feeling was simply…

He seemed to realize something, his beak slightly open, his voice hoarse, “What are you thanking me for…”

“Of course, it’s for using the dance passed down through the depths of your bloodline to celebrate the love between Crimson Plume and me.”

At this time, it was Green Lord who spoke up. He no longer appeared as the good brother of Lord Yan, but instead whispered into Lord Yan’s ear so that only the two of them could hear, “Crimson Plume, so smooth.”



Hearing this, Lord Yan felt a string in his mind snap completely, his brain crashing for a moment.

Immediately following was an endless sense of humiliation and fury surging straight to his bird brain.

“Hiss hiss…”

For a moment, the aura of death raged, and the murky shadow of Yellow Springs, which had just receded, reappeared with a howl. There were even signs of the ancient nest materializing!

“I want you dead!”

The black-gold bird feathers scattered wantonly, and the Rule of Hades’ Horn transformed into countless chains of condensed death ice piercing through space, rampantly sealing off the surroundings. The domain turned into endlessly flowing Yellow Springs, and Lord Yan’s crow eyes were filled with crimson.

Down below, the little birds had never seen such a scene before and were now in chaos, squawking loudly in fear of being accidentally reaped by the frenzied Lord Yan.

Especially the first-class protected bloodline of the Ancient Nest, the descendants of Li Gang’s bird, were frightened, cowering in fear of being targeted by malice.

“He’s gone mad, Lord Yan has been shocked silly!”

“It’s over, Lord Yan’s Hades’ Horn is a wide-ranging death-injury Rule…no, it’s called Law now!”

“Run, there’s still time to argue about Rule and Law here.”

“What’s the point of running? Haven’t you noticed that not a single bird has been touched by the Yellow Springs? He’s obviously targeting Green Lord!”

Seeing Lord Yan’s rage, Crimson Plume and Green Lord were not afraid at all. Instead, they exchanged glances, their four bird eyes full of gleeThey knew now that their plan had succeeded.

As expected, the next moment, a noble and cold voice descended from the sky,

“Lord Yan, you’ve gone too far!”

The next moment, an incredibly luxurious and extravagant immortal phoenix descended gracefully as if entering the mortal realm. Its voice was like the most enchanting music,

“Engaging in battle during the Magpie Bridge Festival.”

“You shall be punished to guard the Reflection Cave for a thousand years!”

“Phoenix Ancestor!?”

Hearing his punishment, Lord Yan’s eyes turned blood -red with shock and anger,

“Lord Yan has not committed a severe mistake, why must I be punished in the Reflection Cave for a thousand years?

“After a thousand years, I fear that my Cave Realm will shatter completely, and I will fall into the mortal world!”

Even Green Lord and Crimson Plume were startled by the punishment and looked at each other, their eyes filled with a mixture of glee and fear.

Reflection Cave was the “eye” of the Ancient Nest, swept by gales powerful enough to tear apart Ninth-Order Demigods, or Land Immortal Level beings, at any moment.

Even Sub Immortals who had comprehended the Immortal Dao, or True

Immortals Upper Level who had condensed Cave Realms, could barely resist!

Ordinary True Immortals, if swept by it for a hundred years, would have their foundations shaken!

Being swept for a thousand years could prove fatal for a True Immortal!

Phoenix Ancestor had been in seclusion for a long time and their understanding of him had diminished.

Phoenix Ancestor’s voice was extremely cold, its phoenix wings gently swaying, preparing to forcibly fan Lord Yan into the Reflection Cave.

But the next moment, a fluctuation appeared, shattering the coldness of Phoenix Ancestor’s expression and leaving him full of humiliation and anger,

“What is this…”

“It’s Blue Star Civilization’s talisman!”

“No, they call it something like a substitute coupon.”

“Why would it appear now?”

Even Phoenix Ancestor, who was facing the appearance of the

Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon, didn’t dare to act recklessly. In the next moment, the light from the coupon enveloped Lord Yan, and a mechanical, cold voice came,

“Detecting the nearest allied world to the T04 World Area! ”

“Detecting Transcendent Tier fluctuations, Spiritual Energy reactions,

Exclusive Laws, Domain fluctuations…”

“Identified as Ancient Nest.Lord Yan-Lower Rank…”

“Eligible for conscription…” “Detecting current civilization conflicts with conscription target…”

“Overriding conflicting event… ”

“Forced conscription!”

“Now reciting Article 3, Clause 11 of the ‘Blue Star Civilization Ally Management Law’, according to the relevant regulations, when a Transcendent-level Ally is forcibly conscripted, all laws and regulations of the civilization are void!”

“Forced conscription successful!”

“Activating spatial transmission!”

The next moment, the Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon automatically ignited, disregarding Phoenix Ancestor and everything within the Ancient Nest, forcefully opening a Spatial Rift, and spreading invisible fluctuations, as if urging Lord Yan to enter the rift as soon as possible.

Phoenix Ancestor looked at the scene in front of him, his Phoenix Eyes twitching uncontrollably.

As a high-ranking Overstep, he was close to the Golden Immortal (Throne) Level, and was quite familiar with the rules of various Blue Star Civilization’s items.

He knew in his heart that this Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon had no restrictions on him.

Even if he lashed out now and killed Lord Yan with a single flap of his wing, the coupon would be helpless and could not stop him.

But, he…

Dared not!

After a long stalemate, Phoenix Ancestor sighed, and his rolling power receded like a tide,

“Go ahead.”

Upon hearing this, Lord Yan looked slightly stunned, somewhat unbelieving at the might and terror of Blue Star Civilization.

Green Lord and Scarlet Riley looked anxious.

If they let Lord Yan escape this time, it would be difficult to punish him again.

But under Phoenix Ancestor’s fierce gaze, they didn’t dare to make the slightest move. They knew in their hearts-

If Phoenix Ancestor couldn’t deal with Lord Yan, who was now conscripted by Blue Star Civilization…

Could he not deal with them?

It was only at this moment that Lord Yan realized that he was temporarily safe, so he hurriedly entered the spatial rift created by the Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon.

While passing through, a large amount of information appeared in Lord Yan’s mind.

And the appearance of this information made Lord Yan, who was in a state of high tension, feel a bit relaxed,

“It should be safe.”

“I can feel that the user of this Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon is merely an insignificant Land Immortal.”

“Land Immortal’s opponent should also be a Land Immortal, at most a Sub


“Sub Immortal?”

“I can suppress ten of them with one hand!”


“I never thought I, Lord Yan, would have the chance to show my brilliance before the Spirits of Blue Star!”

Lord Yan, whose emotions were surging, had already forgotten the pain that “very moist” had brought him. He wanted to get to the location quickly and display his power!

He asked gently,

“Who is calling for the ancient death?”

The next moment, a black-and -gold crow’s head stretched out of the spatial rift, twisting back and forth. With just a glimpse, Lord Yan shivered,

“Isn’t it a Land Immortal?”

“Where the hell did this Dominator come from!?”

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