Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 188 - Chapter 188: Chapter 94: [Civilization War Song]! Great Lotan Golden Immortal! Branded Void! Name of Civilization!

Chapter 188: Chapter 94: [Civilization War Song]! Great Lotan Golden Immortal! Branded Void! Name of Civilization!

Translator: 549690339

T04 World Region,

Goblin World Fragment – Border Island,

Beyond the World Fragment,

A wicked, dark golden spiritual aura wraps around the World Fragment, like a surging ocean of sin.

Countless strange, prison-like buildings filled with desire appear outside the World Fragment, emerging within the dark void.

There is also a nearly six-meter-tall First Goblin King Martin, wearing battle armor, holding a scepter, and wearing a crown.

The three desires of kingship, killing, and conquest transform into three differently colored streams of light, spiraling in his hands to form a materialized scepter. This is the concrete embodiment of his exclusive law “embryo”!

Also, there is a “striking” presence on the battlefield, the Netherworld Raven [Lord Yan], who has a bewildered expression and eyes filled with fear.



“Didn’t they say that a ninth-rank Terrestrial Immortal summoned me?” “How come there is a Great Lotan Golden Immortal’s remnant here!?”

[Note 1: Immortal civilization is not the same as the primordial civilization.

Lower Super Rank “True Immortal,” Middle Super Rank “Profound Immortal,”

High-ranking Overstep “Heavenly Immortal,” Throne “Golden Immortal,” Dominator “Great Lotan Golden Immortal,” Holy See “Mixed Yuan Great Lotan

Golden Immortal”…]

[Note 2: Immortal civilization is diverse, and this is just a more mainstream ranking method.]

Seeing this scene, Lord Yan’s entire raven head is dumbfounded.

In its bloodline inheritance memories, there is a legend from a very long time ago that a strand of hair from a Great Lotan Golden Immortal, Dennis Freeman, pierced through three fixed stars!

Now, even though it’s just a fragment of a Great Lotan Golden Immortal’s lips, it’s still…

Countless times more powerful than a single strand of hair!

At this moment, it even wants to turn around and go straight back to the Ancient Nest, which until just now felt cold and severe, disgusting but suddenly warm again,

“I can’t go back!”

“If I return so shamefully, won’t I be thrown right into the Reflection Cave, pleasing the dog-man couple Crimson Plume and Green Lord!”

“Even if I, Lord Yan, die here, rot, and stink, I absolutely will not return to the

Ancient Nest!”

“Besides, it may not be a dead end.”

“This Great Lotan Golden Immortal remnant is too broken, and it doesn’t feel as terrifying as the Great Lotan Golden Immortal in my memory!”

“Plus, that…um, according to the Blue Star Civilization, a third-level demigod lifeform in front of me doesn’t seem very afraid either.”

“And his power is very strange…” “In any case, let’s observe first.”

Lord Yan tiptoed out of the spatial passage, fearing being noticed, and lacking the pride of a transcendent lifeform.

Meanwhile, Gluttonous Mouth and Martin tacitly ignored the sudden appearance of the black crow because they didn’t detect any hostility from it.

At this moment, Martin was looking at Gluttonous Mouth with a solemn expression, his scepter ready to strike.

Under the wicked spirituality, he was not suppressed by the Dominator Position!

“Interesting bug, almost scared me.”

Gluttonous Mouth’s voice was full of ridicule.

With a slight sense, It discovered that the existence before him was not an ancient deity who had been ambushed for a long time, but just an indigenous life of the World Fragment who could exercise exclusive laws of transcendent level in specific locations,

“Hehehehe. ”

“Just a little ghost.”

“How come your master didn’t dare to come out, letting you die here?”

“Everything is futile struggle, I will devour all existences…”

“All of you!”

Hearing Gluttonous Mouth’s words and the sound coming from Its body, Martin also realized that this was a very powerful existence’s incomplete body part.

However, it was different from the “injured and incomplete Alien God” that Father God had mentioned before the Goblin Legion entered the spatial passage to the Wise Man Planet.

This existence seemed more incomplete, but also more powerful!

But so what!?

I have the world of the Goblin Tribe behind me, the supreme world of Father God!

Martin swung the scepter symbolizing power, “How dare you!”

“Nameless rat, don’t be presumptuous!”

The next moment, all the desire-building shadows shook violently and then converged into a giant head of a scepter with Martin’s scepter, ferociously smashing at the extremely broken Gluttonous Mouth in an instant!

“Seeking death! ”

Gluttonous Mouth snorted coldly, its huge mouth slammed shut, directly using its scarce Gluttony’s LawAuthority, preparing to swallow the so-called Power Netherworld and the entire Goblin World Fragment in one gulp!

Even if T World Community was countless universes away from Abyssal Civilization World Community, at the level of Authority, one had already impressed their power into the foundation of the Void’s logic by conquering the civilizations of the World Community.

Even though this is not the place where the Void Law resonance is the strongest, it can even be considered as weak and barely visible.

But there is no doubt that Authority is above all laws!

“Crack! Crack!”

Under the tiny Gluttony’s LawAuthority, the Power Rod Enhanced by Evil Spirit was quickly corroded and shattered.

In just a moment, signs of erosion and decomposition appeared!

As Gluttonous Mouth prepared to exert more force, swallowing the entire Rod Shadow and then devouring the World Fragment,

Suddenly, it heard an ancient, desolate battle song coming from a very distant place!

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