Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 189 - Chapter 189: Chapter 94: [Civilization War Song]! Great Lotan Golden Immortal! Branded Void! Name of civilization! 2

Chapter 189: Chapter 94: [Civilization War Song]! Great Lotan Golden Immortal! Branded Void! Name of civilization! 2

Translator: 549690339

“War song?”

An ancient war song resounded in the distance, becoming clearer and clearer. The song seemed to praise the life and death struggle of the race, the fearlessness of the warriors in the face of death, and their triumphant return.

It was deeply rooted in the race’s[Civilization War Song]!

Immediately following, a furious roar like thunder echoed in the sky, resounding in everyone’s hearts,

“My Goblin tribe is no longer a race to be bullied!”

“Those who offend my Goblin tribe will be killed!”

The next moment, the entire World Fragment lit up with red lights filled with the intent to killThey were flames!

They were the Goblin’s fire in the hearts of every Goblin!


The Goblin’s fire came together, sweeping across the sky and gathering on the scepter!

In an instant, the fragmented state of the scepter disappeared, and it began to counterattack, breaking open the Gluttonous Mouth in the blink of an eye!

“Gaga, massacre!”

Lord Yan watched the scene with excitement but showed no intention of joining the fight. Just as he thought he could escape this forced conscription by the Blue Star Civilization, something suddenly happened in his mind, causing him to be driven to attack!

Lord Yan had no choice but to launch his Exclusive Law,

“Hades Horn: Turbulent World Calamity!”

Hades spread, and the Ghost Door descended.

One after another, dangerously beautiful India’s Barber Flowers grew on the Gluttonous Mouth, pumping it full of a deadly aura.

If it were any other day, these deadly auras would be indiscriminately devoured and digested by[Gluttony], turning into its own power.

But today was different-

The Gluttonous Mouth could still not digest the deadly aura.

The wildly injected deadly aura only brought it closer to death!

For a time, the entire Gluttonous Mouth was filled with pitch-black death auras!

Martin, although not knowing why this Transcendent Tier Dark Crow suddenly joined the battle, seized the opportunity with his sharp battle instincts,

“Without this Dark Crow, I might’ve been entangled for a long time, and I may not have been able to win!” “Three Powers: Seven Sins!”

“Wicked Spirituality!”

The scepter swung once again – different from last time.

This time the scepter did not manifest illusions but was incredibly solid, instantly striking the greatly weakened Gluttonous Mouth!

At that moment, the Gluttonous Mouth was no bigger than a drop of blood!


Hades and the scepter combined surprisingly well. Instantly, the Gluttonous Mouth was smashed to pieces!


The remaining consciousness of the Gluttonous Mouth couldn’t understandWhy did its[Gluttony’s LawAuthority] lose its effect!?

It had never seen a bizarre power like Wicked Spirituality before – after all, it was a power so strong that even the System had to provide a manual.

Of course, Wicked Spirituality at this point was still extremely weak.

But it had no chance to react before being burned to ashes by the swarming Goblin’s fire!

“Hahaha, the Goblin tribe will win!”

Standing in the sky, Martin and Lord Yan looked at each other and smiled. On the ground, a figure stood on the Cloudend, clenching his fists silently.

That was[Destiny Master] Ethan Carlton.

At this moment, he felt hatred.

He hated his own powerlessness.

Just now, when the Goblin tribe and the entire Goblin World Fragment faced the crisis of extinction and cataclysm, he didn’t have any strength to join the battle,

“I will make the Goblin Civilization grow strong until…”

“I develop an Exclusive Clan Rule of our own!”

“I want everyone to know that the Goblin tribe still has other courageous warriors!”

On the other side, Lord Yan was completely dumbfounded”Where am I?” “What did I do?”

“Did I kill the Dominator!?”

“No, it’s a fragment of the Dominator’s body…”

“But that’s still the Dominator!”

Lord Yan was not only shocked by what he had done, but becauseHe was the Lord of the Netherworld.

Reaping death was his instinct, nature, and Duty!

Maintaining duty, acting accordingly.

Exceeding duty, deserving reward.

Now, Lord Yan was in a state of exceeding his duty. The ancient powers of death in his body, from the Netherworld, were silently calling out to him!

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration)

Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace Outskirts.

Logan watched as the Ritual God ceremony was completed and began to refine the Abyssal Breath. He noticed that the logs appeared as expected-

[Log]: The remnant of the Gluttonous Mouth tore through space and entered your World Fragment!

[Log]: You summoned the Lower Super RankLord Yan!

[Log]: With the help of Lord Yan, your subordinate Martin used Wicked Spirituality and the embryonic form of an Exclusive Law to completely annihilate the part of the Gluttonous Mouth’s remnant!

[Log]: Dominator Traits +0.13%!

[Log]: Dominator Traits are now 0.80%!

[Log]: You have obtained the drop effect “Devour” and effect “Imprison”… [Log]: Lord Yan “defeated” the Dominator’s Remnant!

[Log]: Lord Yan awakens ancient memories.

[Log]: Your Goblin Legion collects all the lives of the Ability Users Legion to perform the Ritual God ceremony!

[Log]: You refined the Abyssal Breath!

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