Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 190 - Chapter 190: Chapter 94: [Civilization War Song]! Great

Chapter 190: Chapter 94: [Civilization War Song]! Great

Lotan Golden Immortal! Branded Void! Name of Civilization! _3

Translator: 549690339

[Log]: Searching for the remains of the Dominator…

[Log]: After your civilization merges with the Wise Man Planet, the Goblin Tribe will transform and ascend into the Goblin Giant Clan! [Log]: You need to prepare for Transcendence-

[Log]: Exclusive Law! Name of Civilization! Branding the Void!

Logan was fine with what he saw earlier, but when he saw the middle part, he was momentarily dumbfounded, “What does Lord Yan have to do with me?”

“Why did he add it in?”

Seemingly sensing Logan’s confusion, the log quickly responded,

[Log]: Lord Yan was forcibly recruited by you using a Hyperdimensional Substitute Coupon!

[Log]: You can choose to consume faith points to extend the contract time or sign a long-term contract so that he continues to serve you! [Log]: Lord Yan possesses great fate ranking and has heroic potential!


Logan shook his head slightly,

“It’s still a bit hard to control, but there are ways.”

Logan’s gaze passed through the void, coming to the Goblin World Fragment’s outer edge. At this moment, Lord Yan had transformed into a huge black-gold cocoon, seemingly entering a crucial state of inheritance.

After just one glance, he didn’t look any further but thought of another problem, which was the so-called “preparation for Transcendence” mentioned by the log-

[Exclusive Law] !

It is easy to understand; it’s about condensing one’s exclusive laws within the void.

And there is also [Name of Civilization] and [Branding the Void].

As a top scholar, Logan naturally had to prepare for transcending tier advancement, and he was already familiar with these concepts.

This is also why, in the void, despite the Transcendents dominating and being a great force gathered in one body, they still placed great emphasis on cultivating civilizations.

Whether it’s transcending tier, thrones, or even dominators, they all spare no errort m nurturing civilizations-

After transcending tier, the growth is closely related to civilization!

In other words-

For lower Super Ranks, one only needs to possess an exclusive law and condense a Cave Realm, then they can have the mighty power to shatter Microplanets.

As for middle-level Transcendents, they need to have their civilization create new exclusive laws around their own exclusive law and give birth to new Transcendents!

As for high-ranking Oversteps, they must brand their exclusive law in the void so that all beings, even those who aren’t part of their civilization, can learn and comprehend it within a small World Area range!

In order to achieve the goal of branding one’s exclusive law in the void, the process is impossible without the support of one’s civilization!

As for thrones, attached civilizations need to occupy a World Area, with their races becoming the absolute kings of that World Area, thoroughly implementing their exclusive laws!

And promote their exclusive law in multiple World Areas so that within their territory, their exclusive law can suppress all other forces!

That is to say, the essence of transcending tier lies in integrating one’s laws deeper into the void, making them a part of the void!

And [Fame] is even more criticalWith fame comes implementation.

The spread of fame itself is a form of promotion.

If one can spread and promote their [Name] widely before reaching the Mythical Grade or even the Mythical Grade, winning the admiration of countless people,

Then the resistance they will encounter from the void when they transcend tiers and condense the Cave Realm will be weakened by countless times!

Thinking of Heather Graham’s slightly “innocent and romantic” temperament, and recalling his previous approach, Logan couldn’t help but smile, “Just, I don’t know if Heather Graham, whom I annoyed away…”

“Will choose this method to get revenge on me?”

Logan shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he focused on the planet in front of him.

He could feel that the remains of Gluttonous Mouth, like himself, were searching for the whereabouts of the Star River Source Spirit.

If it finds the Star River Source Spirit and devours it,

Then the power of Gluttonous Mouth will swell to unimaginable levels in a very short amount of time!

Therefore, Logan felt a sense of urgency at this moment, looking towards the wisps of smoky “Abyssal Breath” condensing in mid-air.

T03 WorldArea,

TS0083 Planet (Angel Mini),

Platinum Planet, within the Cloudend Sacred Temple,

“Damn it!”

“Damn Logan!”

And at this moment, Heather Graham, who had returned to her Angelstar Planet, was getting more and more angry as she thought about it.

“How can there be such a detestable deity?”

“He used and discarded me?”

“I’m the Daughter of the Throne, even if my father is still somewhere on the battlefield and can’t come back temporarily.”

“But I’m also a Mythical Species!”

“This is too much!”

Heather Graham took a step back, getting angrier as she thought about it, and suddenly her eyes lit up, “Logan doesn’t want to be famous, does he?”

“Then I’ll help him get famous!”

“Although there are alliance restrictions, and I can’t expose his true identity, if the Goblin Deity is so strong, someone will be wary of him.”

“Hmph, I’ll cause him some minor trouble.”

Heather Graham stretched out her hands, recalling the memory of Logan’s standoff with Gluttonous Mouth, and formed a projection with the power of belief.

Just as she was about to throw it directly into the T Forum, Heather Graham hesitated for a moment upon seeing Logan’s nearly [perfect] body and face in the projection, “This way…”

“Wouldn’t this be bad?”

“But this would only be beneficial to Logan since he still has his good vest.” “At the end of it, am I exacting revenge or helping him?”

Heather Graham no longer hesitated and threw the projection into the T Forum while the corners of her mouth showed a trace of a smile,

“I wonder…”

“What those arrogant Monarch Species and Mythical Species who have never looked down.”

“Will think when they see Logan’s strength.”

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