Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 192 - Chapter 192: Chapter 95: [Law of the Dominator]! [Void Authority]! The Struggle of Human Nature_2

Chapter 192: Chapter 95: [Law of the Dominator]! [Void Authority]! The Struggle of Human Nature_2

Translator: 549690339

“It seems like the projection has a while to go. Let’s keep watching.”

What the projection has shown so far has already left the deities quite shocked.

But what they didn’t expect was that the real beginning was yet to come!

To1 World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration)

On the outskirts of the Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace,

At this moment,

Logan, who is still refining his abyssal breath, also saw the upload of Heather Graham’s projection and the massive discussion in the T Forum. He couldn’t help but give a slight smirk,

“Heather Graham is just as I thought.”

“After all, having formed an alliance, besides this method, there isn’t any other way to ‘hurt’ me.”

“Of course, there’s no malice behind this.”

“Otherwise, the power of the alliance contract wouldn’t allow her to act that way.”

After some hesitation, Logan blurred out some details of the battle scene that took place outside the Goblin World Fragment after the appearance of the Gluttonous Mouth, hiding the planet coordinates and all other characteristics, and only retaining a bird’s eye view of the battleground.

Then he transmitted it to Heather Graham via the hyperdimensional mark friends list,

“Since I’ve decided to make a name for myself, why not …”

“Make it even more exciting.”

T03 World Area,

TS0083 Planet (Angel Mini)

On the platinum planet,

In the Cloudend Sacred Temple,

Heather Graham is sitting on the divine position listening to the praises of the angels, but her will is still engrossed in the T Forum.

Seeing the intense discussion and shock of the deities and the slowly emerging words favoring Logan,

A smile appears on Heather Graham’s face, unconsciously revealing a hint of joy.

The next moment, a projection is transmitted to her by Logan.

Heather Graham slightly frowns, not knowing who is disturbing her at this time. She opens to see that, surprisingly, it’s Logan.

Realizing it’s a projection and not a question of accountability, she clenched her teeth,

“This guy, he’s not angry?

“Damn it!”

Although harboring good intentions, Heather Graham was still somewhat unhappy that she couldn’t anger Logan.

Feeling annoyed, she opened the projection and began to watch.

As time passed, Heather Graham’s expression while watching the projection changed continuously, finally shifting from dissatisfaction to shock, freezing in that state,

“This… This is even more outrageous than outrageous!”

“Logan, you’re a deity player. It’s acceptable for you to be able to do all this, but what is this goblin?”

“How did it manage to stand against a dominator?”

“Could it be…”


The projection Logan sent over clearly indicates he is aware of her thoughts and grants his approval.

Although not being able to anger Logan made Heather Graham somewhat upset,

This kind of approval, however, kindled a peculiar sensation in the rather inexperienced Heather Graham, one she couldn’t put into words.

If she had already reached the transcendent tier, Heather Graham wouldn’t be shaken.

But at this stage, emotions run high and humanity struggles. Heather Graham decided to stop pondering about things she didn’t understand.

Regarding the uniqueness of Logan’s “civilization spirituality,” Heather Graham began to guess.

But she refrained from saying anything else. Instead, she casually added the projection sent by Logan to the one she had created earlier, a hint of mischief emerging in her smile,

“Those mythical species think highly of themselves, don’t they?”

“Each one either has a throne mentor, dominator mentor, or is the descendant of a large family or corporation…”

“They have these little meetings, from which even I am excluded.” “Now, you who wish to be crowned ‘King’, have a new competitor.”

“I can’t wait to see the expressions on your faces!”

The projection continues,

Featuring Logan’s battle against the transcendent alien god.

Many deity players were stunned to see that Logan was not only not exhausted or weak, but also growing fiercer!

On the contrary, it was the transcendent alien god, who was driven into desperation by Logan several times!

“Will this Goblin Deity actually kill the transcendent alien god?”

“That’s unlikely, after all, it’s a transcendent… and a mid-tier transcendent at that… an existence capable of destroying planets!”

“Can’t he escape if he can’t win?”

The deity players discussed for a bit, then continued watching.

But what came next completely upturned their understanding!

The transcendent alien god, having failed to defeat Logan despite giving his all, actually “sacrificed” himself! His entire transcendent power was absorbed by the remnant limb of a dominator-level divine emperor from the Abyssal Domain!

“A Divine Emperor’s limb!?”

“This is… the Fifth Divine Emperor, Gluttony!”

“I’ve heard that although this Fifth Divine Emperor is ranked fifth, his combat power is among the top three!”

“Wasn’t he destroyed by the dominators?”

“I heard his true spirit was annihilated!”

“An annihilated true spirit doesn’t matter, as long as the civilization still exists, no matter how long ago it was annihilated, it could be revived!”

“But, the Abyssal Civilization is on the verge of collapse, clearly incapable of reviving him! ”

“Indeed, under these circumstances, to still be able to escape with a remnant limb waiting for resurrection, it’s truly deserving of being an eternal lord!” “Damn, isn’t the Goblin Deity doomed now?”

“It probably won’t be since Heather Graham released this projection.”

“But this is a dominator. If we weren’t deity players, we’d probably collapse mentally at the first sight of a dominator and undergo immediate alteration!”

“He probably escaped in a sorry state, after all, it’s just a prisoner-origin civilization..’

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