Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 193 - Chapter 193: Chapter 95: [Dominator Law]! [Void Authority]! The Struggle of Human Nature_3

Chapter 193: Chapter 95: [Dominator Law]! [Void Authority]! The Struggle of Human Nature_3

Translator: 549690339

“The guy upstairs barking like a dog-headed beast? Try it again, and the Goblin

Deity might just slap you, wiping out your planet right away!”

“I admit, the Goblin Deity is impressive, but…”

“The Dominator is in control of something called [Law], which is actually an[Authority], how is the Goblin Deity going to resist?”

The projection continued,

At the pinnacle of handsomeness, the Goblin Deity, possessing a [Perfect Concept], pulled out a bizarre-looking weapon, a turret brimming with a terrifying aura.

Numerous sharp-eyed deities recognized it as a modified version of the

Secondary Orbital Annihilation Star Cannon.

Although they were doubtful of how this kind of weapon could possibly resist a

Divine Emperor or a Dominator Law and the Void Authority… They all unanimously remained silent, just watching silently as things unfolded.

The starlight (Abyssal Heavenly Sovereign Characteristic Containment Art) released by Logan was actually able to weaken the limbs of the Divine Emperor!

They instantly understood that the origin of this starlight must be extraordinary!

“Of course it’s extraordinary; this is a divine art created by the Dominators themselves specifically to counter the Abyssal life!”

“? What is this, I don’t know.”

“Humph, you’re a war breed, trying to know everything will only harm you.” “Know-it-all Emperor.”

“This is a divine art created by the Dominators of Blue Star Civilization for a great plan ! ”

“If he has already obtained this divine art, doesn’t that mean the Goblin Deity has already obtained a quota?”

“How is that possible? Even my Mythical Species hasn’t obtained a quota yet, let alone a lowly prisoner breed like him…”

“Even if he breaks through the racial limit and could potentially break the Transcendent Tier in the future, he would just be a war breed at most. How could he have gotten the quota?”

“Buggers of riddle deity, get out of T Forum!”

“Let me check your level, ah, Giant Level War Breed, it has nothing to do with you. When it’s time for you to know, you will naturally know!”

“You! Mythical Species, God Kun clan, alright, I have no objection.”

The previous effect of this divine art on the Alien God attracted no attention from the deities.

After all, Blue Star Civilization was far too powerful.

Although fighting across tiers against a transcendent tier is rare even in Blue Star Civilization, a divine art capable of making a deity fight across tiers against a transcendent tier is quite common.

However, a divine art that allows a deity who hasn’t even reached the

Transcendent Tier to affect a Dominator- level being is extraordinary!

Even if this Dominator’s True Spirit is more than half extinct, that is still a Dominator!

The might of a Dominator is absolutely not to be underestimated!

The appearance of this divine art drew out many Mythical Species’ Deity Players who were originally lurking.

Originally, when the art was only effective against transcendants, they thought it was just a special divine art.

But they didn’t expect that this divine art could even weaken a Divine Emperor, which must be the [Strange Abyss Emperor’s Containment Technique]!

At this moment, the Mythical Species who were originally indifferent to the Goblin Deity couldn’t sit still any longer.

In their view, even if the Goblin Deity could fight across tiers, it wouldn’t be worth paying attention to.

Deity Players have extremely long lifespans; as long as they don’t fall midway, they can generally reach the limits of their race.

So, if not for Blue Star Civilization’s various generous welfare policies and the existence of the city’s defensive battles,

The Deity Players of Blue Star would be leisurely and carefree, slowly working on their own fields.

Therefore, they don’t care as much about the Goblin Deity, a prisoner breed, as the numerous war breeds’ Deity Players do.

But when a prisoner breed manages to obtain the Abyssal Emperor’s Containment Art before they do,

They can’t help but take a second look.

Even a considerable number of Monarch Species didn’t know what the Abyssal Emperor’s Containment Art was, which made them quite uncomfortable.

The next moment, a dazzling light pillar bursts from the weapon in the projection, immediately pushing Gluttonous Mouth, who had just devoured the Alien God and regained a bit of strength, to the brink of breaking!

Then, it was the projection of Gluttonous Mouth preparing to retaliate. “It’s over; this weapon is a one-time use!”

“Right, even with the Emperor’s Containment Technique, the moment the Goblin Deity gets close to the Divine Emperor, he’ll be irreversibly transformed, right?”

“It looks like he is going to take revenge on the Goblin Deity’s world. Isn’t this the end?”

“So the purpose of Heather Graham’s projection is to warn us to be careful?” “I remember that the Goblin Deity seems to have offended her…”

“No way, let’s just keep watching.”

“It’s hard to say, I heard that the daughter of the Angel King is quite eccentric…”

“Oh hell, so the Goblin Deity is just as good as dead?”

“It’s hard to judge.”

The next moment, the projection showed the scene appearing outside the World Fragment of the Goblin Deity.

Some Deity Players even couldn’t bear to watch, half-covering their eyes.

It’s not that they are too foolish or anything else.

It’s just that the gap between Dominators and Transcendents is too vast, beyond reason!

Dominators are great beings who can traverse the void and dominate the universe!

There is no comparison between the Transcendent Tier and Dominators, let alone the Giant Level Deity Player like the Goblin Deity, who isn’t even a Transcendent…

Even if this Dominator’s fragment is insignificant, that is still a Dominator!

It is enough to fill people with despair…

T15 World zone,

Ancient Nest Medium Planet,

This is an extremely bizarre-looking, medium-sized celestial body that resembles an elliptical bird’s nest from afar..

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