Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 195 - Chapter 195: Chapter 96: (Myth Privilege) ! [Spirit King lnvestment) !

Chapter 195: Chapter 96: (Myth Privilege) ! [Spirit King lnvestment) !

Translator: 549690339

Blue Star, District 2,

Zow City,

Blue Star Guard Department – Zow City Division,

“Director, Stone City is really bullying us… no, they’re bullying the gods!”

Inside the office, even Arin, who usually has a poker face and less conspicuous emotions, couldn’t help but feel indignant after seeing the result of the “discussion”. His blood was boiling with anger,

“This spiritual realm is not very large. According to the calculations, only ten deity players can enter.”

“They are only willing to give us two places while they monopolize eight!

“What’s so big deal about having a Giant Spirit Level Deity player in the city who happened to be lucky, who was previously fallen into the void, and even the World Fragment was breaking apart, we thought he was dead.”

“Who would have thought it was a[relic], which made him[inherit]an exclusive law and become a Mythical Level Deity!”

“Why are they so arrogant!?”

Hearing Arin’s words, the department chief also frowned, but he let out a sigh, full of helplessness,

“There’s nothing we can do.”

“If they have a Mythical Level, they will be arrogant.”

“The number of Transcendent Gods in our two cities is equal, and it’s hard to take advantage without a crushing advantage.”

“The most important thing is because of the spiritual realm, the transcendents cannot enter!”

“Although Mythical Species do not need the pure spirituality condensed by the spiritual creatures in the spiritual realm, they can enter the spiritual realm without obstruction.”

“They say, if we do not accept a 28-72 distribution.”

“Only accept a 50-50 distribution …”

“They might consider sending that Mythical Level Deity to enter, and under the premise of fair and free competition, shatter all the will embodiments of the Giant Spirit Level Deity players on our Zow City side, making us have nothing

Arin growled quietly,

“This is a barefaced threat!”

“But the problem is, we have no way to deal with their threats.”

“Mythical-level is to Giant Spirit-level, Exclusive law is to common law, unless it’s Laws of Time, Space, Destiny, and Strength, the effect is basically overwhelming! ” “If they really do this, it’s not just a threat, it’s a reality!”

“Right now.”

“It seems that we have no other choice but to accept their 28-72 distribution …”

The Department Chief gently massaged his temples, his eyes filled with helplessness and a bit of vicissitude.

This city’s defensive battle is the most dangerous one in many years— Not because the monsters are the strongest this time.

But it’s definitely the most dangerous one, because the agreed upon Transcendent God hasn’t returned from the relics in time, and unexpectedly an additional[Mythical-level Commander-In-Chief – the Ninth Prince]has descended on the other side!

This time, Zow City is really in imminent danger!

The appearance of the spiritual realm makes them overjoyed—

Once the spiritual creatures in the spiritual realm are hunted and killed, they will be transformed into a large amount of pure spirituality, which can be injected directly into civilization spirituality without any side effects and exist as the foundation!

The spiritual realm can easily cultivate new, stronger Giant Spirit level players!

Even if there’s a slight possibility that a Mythical Level can emerge from these Giant Spirit Level players!

“If we have a Mythical Level, we won’t be this embarrassed!”

The department chief clenched his fist and unexpectedly thought of the Goblin



“I was going to give him a visiting spot, but now it seems that even if he cannot absorb spirituality, Stone City might not allow us to add an observer.” “I can only try to compensate him from elsewhere.”

“It’s such a pity, they are a goblin tribe that can’t build a civilization …”

“If this Goblin Deity could establish a civilization, gather spirituality, and refine this spirituality into a Giant Spirit Body, how great would that be.”

Thinking about it, the department chief couldn’t help but chuckle at himself, feeling that he was daydreaming.

“Director! Director!”

While the department chief was still thinking about what price to pay to increase the quota of Zow City, he suddenly heard Arin’s wailing yell and saw him looking at the hyperdimensional mark light screen in front of him. His eyebrows slightly furrowed, he called out,

“Arin, stop making a ruckus!”

“With this energy, you might as well think about how to get us an extra quota!”

Seeing that Arin didn’t respond and kept on yelling, the department chief frowned and wanted to punish him. But eventually, he resisted his impatience, leaned over and looked at the Hyperdimensional Mark light screen in front of Arin’s eyes.

At first glance, it doesn’t matter.

But the moment he saw it, the department chief was stunned, a huge question mark appeared in his mind,

“This is a damn goblin?”

Even the usually courteous department chief couldn’t help but burst out with foul language ,

“Fighting against a Middle Rank Transcendent, and even explosively defeated

the Dominator’s remnant body?!”

“What kind of civilization spirituality is this?!”

“Is this a deity player? Is this a goblin?”

“How can there be such a strong existence, is there still justice in the world? Is there still law of the king?”

“This is our deity player from Zow City…”

The shocked department chief suddenly stopped, as if realizing something, exchanged glances with Arin who happened to turn his head, and suddenly showed a conniving smile,

“Heh, Stone City.”

Hyperdimensional Mark,

Inside the T Forum,

All Deity Players were nervously watching everything happening in the projection.

While the Broken Body of Dominator was about to destroy the world fragment of a genius, which was regrettable but also held a sense of indescribable feeling,

“It’s impressive enough for the Goblin Tribe to develop into this..”

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