Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 196 - Chapter 196: Chapter 96: “Myth PrivilegeI’! “Spirit King lnvestment”! 2

Chapter 196: Chapter 96: “Myth PrivilegeI’! “Spirit King lnvestment”! 2

Translator: 549690339

“Let’s stop here, it would be impolite to defy the heavens any further.”

“Speaking of which, it seems that the Spiritual Realm is about to descend outside Zow City, but it’s a pity that the Goblin God won’t have the luck to participate. ”

“Fortunately, if It went, wouldn’t we in Stone City have no chance to compete at all?”

“That’s right, this Goblin God can indeed be called ‘Giant Spirit Unrivaled’ in our ordinary cities!”

“I heard that District 1 Freedom Tower, District 2 White Jade Capital, District 3 Red Demon Valley, District 4 Land of the Never Setting Sun – these strongest places in each district have even more terrifying monstrous geniuses, all cultivated to become [Domination]!”

“Let’s see, it’s a pity that we’re about to lose another genius…”

“Heh, what kind of genius counts if their initial race is the Goblin Tribe?”

“Can you compare to It?”

“I am a high-level Monarch Race Bone King, and I can’t compare now, but what about the future?”

“Indeed, that’s the logic.”

Then at the next moment,

The words spoken by the giant goblin, who suddenly appeared six meters tall outside Logan’s Goblin World Fragment in the projection, shocked all the deities!

And next to It, there is another figure whose shape was blurred, it’s unknown what kind of existence it is. It should be a lower super rank life, watching the situation coldly.

The next moment, Gluttonous Mouth opened its gigantic maw…

At the time when they were still mourning in silence, not having time to react.

Gluttonous Mouth was actually completely defeated by the giant goblin relying on civilization spirituality and Its own power, along with the assistance of the unknown, unseen super rank existence!

Even the Dominator Law of the Gluttonous Mouth, the Void Authority couldn’t exert the slightest effect in front of the civilization spirituality that surrounded the giant goblin’s body!

Just like that, somewhat absurdly and comically, the Broken Body of Dominator was completely annihilated!

For a time, the T Forum fell into silence.

After a while, a deity began to speak,

“If I’m not mistaken, just now, the Dominator Law was suppressed, right?” “That’s… civilization spirituality?”

“What the hell? When could civilization spirituality resist the Void Authority!”

“That’s right, even if this Void Authority is far away from the void where the

Abyssal Civilization is located, it’s still an authority!”

“Wait, I need to find the Elf Sisters to calm down a bit…”

“That’s right, there are some special Divine Arts that can’t be replicated, Deity Evolution can’t be copied and Race Sublimation can’t be copied…’

“But the birth of civilization spirituality has traces to follow. If it really is because of this civilization spirituality, I would like to propose that we let this Goblin God contribute Its method of condensing civilization for the Blue Star

Civilization as a contribution! ”

“To be honest, I’m very curious about it!”

“It shouldn’t be just civilization spirituality, right?”

“Did you notice the flames that burned the Dominator’s broken body at the last moment? It doesn’t seem simple, like the embryonic form of a civilization foundation!”

“You are going too far off! Even if it is a complete civilization foundation, only a transcendent god’s civilization foundation, and a special type at that, could barely resist the Dominator Law, right???”

“After all, this Gluttonous Mouth has been weakened several times and is still incomplete. This is also quite normal… normal my ass!”

“This is outrageous, too outrageous. I’m going to find a Chaos Demon twin to cool down and enter Sage Moment to contemplate carefully.”

“Compared to the Elf God, you are not bad at all, even more outrageous.”

“No, haven’t you noticed the problem?”

“What problem?”

“The fucking civilization foundation is the privilege of mythology!”

“That’s right, generally speaking, only Mythical Species can possess civilization foundation, so how can Its Prisoner breed’s civilization condense the civilization foundation!?”

“Even if it’s just the embryonic form of the civilization foundation, it’s not to be underestimated!”

“Is this really just a Prisoner breed?”

“My War Breed Werewolf suddenly doesn’t seem so fragrant.”

“? I feel a little bit unfragrant about my Titan Kind, let alone yours!”

“I just asked my Chaos Demons, they shook their heads and said it was staged.”

“Heather Graham, come out and explain!”

It wasn’t until this moment that Heather Graham slowly appeared, conveying her will,

“Dear fellow deities, what do you think of this Goblin God?”

Upon hearing Heather Graham’s words, the T Forum fell silent for an instant again.

Immediately after, the praises started, and even the Divine Kun Race, Chaos Demons and the Titan Tribe, who were all Mythical Species, had to admit that the current Goblin God was simply too powerful.

If it had been them?

Let alone the Broken Body of Dominator that appeared at the end, even the severely injured Alien God from before could have smashed them into mush.

Actually, this is the normal situation.

After all, most of the deity players in the T Forum are Newbie Divine Players, even the powerful Mythical Species are still struggling at the Giant Level of the Third Level energy level.

Being beaten by a Transcendent God is the normal thing.

But who could have expected a deity player like the Goblin God, who is just like an evildoer?

Moreover, they all subconsciously regard the Goblin God as an “old monster” who was assigned early to the T World Community by the Hyperdimensional Game, and who has been developing here for a long time. Only then did Heather Graham show her cards,

“Well, how about considering assisting the Goblin God….”

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