Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 197 - Chapter 197: Chapter 96: “Myth•Privilege . “Spirit King•lnvestmentl’!—3

Chapter 197: Chapter 96: “Myth•Privilege . “Spirit King•lnvestmentl’!—3

Translator: 549690339

“Who will compete for the[King]of this World Community?

When Heather Graham uttered these words, no deity responded!

Although each of them considered themselves no match for Logan right now, each of them was a world will with extraordinary talent, the embodiment of civilization, and an immortal deity!

Each of them had their pride!

They possessed nearly infinite lifespans, and they did not believe that their future would be weaker than Logan’s.

However, once they acknowledged Logan as their king, it would mean admitting their belonging to this World Community, and they would never be able to build their great civilization independently!

Of course, there were many benefits as well, such as Logan’s support during the World War, which would be of tremendous help!

But they were unwilling!

Even when a mythical species declared its intention to compete for the[King’s Throne], no deity would be willing to bow their heads—

If they wanted to bow down, why take the risk of becoming a deity in the first place?

Wouldn’t it be better to sell their worlds and species and live a luxurious ordinary life Above the Blue Star?

Wasn’t the risk taken to make a name for themselves?

A single general’s success leaves countless bones in its wake!

It could be said that every Blue Star Person who became a Deity Player prepared for the possibility of dying in the Endless Void!

That’s also why, despite the fact that many Deity Players have died in the Sequence Plan, it seems as if there were no negative impacts on them at all! Moreover, they were all still newbie divine players, and everything was just beginning…

Seeing this scene, Heather Graham smiled.

She had anticipated this, and thus had no expectations, after all, this was just her first step.

“Now, it’s just planting the seed for the king. In the future, when a true World

Community level war breaks out…” “They will face the reality!” “After all, some deities are born as kings!”

“Of course, so am I.”

“The number of[Thrones]a World Community can accommodate is not small!” Thinking of this, Heather Graham showed a hint of a smile in the corner of her mouth,

“Including the first encounter in the Dragon Taming World Fragment, I’d only sent a small armed squadron, which could be considered a ‘kind of investment behavior, right?”‘

“Unfortunately, at that time, his strength was still too low, the effect was mediocre, and I didn’t feel anything.”

“This time I made a huge ‘sacrifice,’ which could be considered a formal investment.”

“Although Logan is a Prisoner breed, the premonition in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. He should be the most talented Deity Player I’ve met so

“It’s not impossible to create miracles, right?” “If Logan can become alThrone], then I…” “Hmm…’

“My action is purely an investment!”

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration),

Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace Outskirts,

At this moment, the Sacrificial Ritual God ceremony is nearing its end, and the terrifying Abyssal Breath on all Ability Users has been thoroughly drawn away.

Up in the sky, a twisted, monstrous mass of greyish-black air formed by illusionary tentacles, eyes, teeth, and flesh lumps continually draws Abyssal

Breath from the sacrificial grounds below, gradually becoming more massive!

He had just modified the underlying logic of the planet when the Abyssal Breath began to condense, making it easier for him to integrate the planet and his World Fragment, and only then did he have the time to take a look at the lively T Forum.

He didn’t mind not looking, but now that he did, his face took on a strange expression,

“What’s this?”

“Has Heather Graham taken some kind of drug, why is she so active?”

Previously, Logan had assumed that Heather Graham had just gone with the flow.

But now it seemed that Heather Graham really wanted to help him!

She even went so far as to use herself as a guarantee, personally asking that question, essentially admitting that she was an ally of the Goblin Deity, and would continuously “assist” the Goblin Deity, “What is she trying to do?”

“What special benefits would helping me bring her?”

Logan thought about it but couldn’t figure it out.

He shook his head, stopped dwelling on the problem, and focused on the matter of the[King]that Heather Graham had mentioned!

Since his Federation authority had been raised to Level 01 Sequence, he was now eligible to know much previously unknown information.

For example—

The King of the World Community!

The power levels in the Endless Void are divided into three major categories: “Sentient Beings,” “Transcendent Tier,” and “Eternal Lord”!

Sentient Beings have three energy levels and nine realms. The First Level accumulates power, the Second Level learns the Rules, and the Third Level comprehends more Rules in preparation for creating Exclusive Laws.

Transcendent Tier has four stages—

[Note: I mentioned Upper, Middle, and Lower levels earlier, so I won’t elaborate.]

The Fourth Stage transcends world regions’ Exclusive Laws, making them applicable throughout the World Community. This is the “Transcendent Great


In the World of Gods, it is also known as the “God King”!

According to Blue Star Civilization, that would be the[King’s Throne]of the World Community!

To become a king, one must first have complete control over “a systematic set of planets.”

In other words, their civilization must control a world region.

Once they have control, they transcend!

However, the number of planets in a World Community is limited.

Competition among Deity Players is inevitable. Apart from the largest obstacle, the Taylor Civilization, it’s the various deities themselves.

Of course, this only applies to Monarch Species and above Deity Players— Thrones and the like are too distant for those in the midst of warfare!

“Heather Graham’s actions will only intensify the conflict.”


Logan looked at the silent T Forum, revealing a confident smile,

“But so what?”

“They’re already enemies, so why worry!”

“On the contrary, Heather Graham’s actions have planted the seed in their hearts that I, Logan, have the qualifications to become a king, offering countless benefits!”

Thinking of Heather Graham’s stunning face, Logan smiled and didn’t dwell on it further because—

The Abyssal Breath in front of him had finally solidified!

“Next up is…”

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