Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 198 - Chapter 198: Chapter 97: Check his IP! (Space-time

Chapter 198: Chapter 97: Check his IP! (Space-time

Resurgence Orbital) ! (Bless-spirit • Reckless • Greed) !

Translator: 549690339

T World Community,

T01 District,

Taylor Star (Supermassive Planet),

Virtual Game World,


On ordinary days, the forum was full of discussions about how to clear the game, character strategies, and how to upgrade their Void War Fortress.

But recently, the forum was almost entirely filled with rants from Viscount Level Players (Third Level), with a few select “privileged” viscounts getting thoroughly trashed.

“What the fuck, these were just amateur players who could slaughter a bunch of newbie leveling monsters, but now they’re all like they’re on drugs, withstanding sky-based planet destroyer cannons!?”

“Don’t even, my ion decapitation giant sword cut one steel jackal-wolf, and the sword shattered!”

“Fucking refund my merit points!”

“I don’t get it, I understand the virtual gaming company is awesome, but the minimum entry requirement for this game is Viscount level players. By screwing with us like this, would we still remember this when we’ve advanced to Earl, Marquis, Duke levels… or even Prince level players, becoming councilors and having the qualifications for the debate? Is it fun?”

“I agree with the guy above, I also don’t understand. I can accept a high difficulty in the game, but all these insta-kill at the beginning of the game, I find it hard to grasp. Is this game about luck? Unlucky players have no right to

“Exactly, I can accept getting crushed, but what the hell is an insta-kill at the start of the game?

“I’m not Li Jie!”

“I’ve summarized all the guides about this new game, and I found out that there is only one thing, and that is there are no guides!”

“Just enjoy it, you will get crushed anyway.”

“How is that possible, I think it’s pretty simple. I just unleashed a barrage of gunfire, fired a few hundred sky-based planet destroyer cannons, and even used a Mythical grade mecha. It was quick, I cleared the level.”

“Check the IP address of the person above.”

“Well, I found it, coordinates 2658.238.1572.2657. Tsk tsk, how come it’s in the civilian area? I’ll come to see you in a while.”

Most Viscount level players who participated in the game were crushed and complained about the so-called game developers.

But what they didn’t know was that there were no developers in the game!

Furthermore, it wasn’t the so-called supercomputer intelligence that developed the game in real time!

It was real, taking place on some distant battlefield of flesh and machinery in the universe, with endless slaughters. However, they don’t have any qualifications to know the truth until they step into the Earl…

At least not before they become Earl candidates.

The virtual gaming forum continued to heat up, but it had no impact on the higher-ups of Taylor civilization.

Still, on one of the satellites outside the Terra star.

Three Grand Emperor-rank players sat on the cold and desolate land of the satellite, drinking the sweet nectar-like plasma of various strange cosmic creatures.

They seemed to casually chat, but their conversation was about important decisions concerning their civilization!

“The first tentative confrontation was a complete failure.”

“There were a mere dozen or so victories and the destruction of the opposite worlds.”

“Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant; the near one-in-a-thousand, even one-in-ten-thousand victory rate has no significance, does it?”

“I’ve recently learned a lot of news that the deity players participating in these battles are still young deities, the vast majority of which have been assessed as having ‘no potential’!”

“They were randomly assigned to our world community; of course, there will be a mix of good and bad.”

“Terrifying indeed. ”

“I’ve been having doubts lately. Restraining our spirit in this way and not informinz them of the ‘truth’ will limit their ‘potential’. Is it right? Is it worth “It’s worth it. According to the Deity civilization classification, we Taylors are a spirit-oriented mythical race by nature. Developing to the limit, we may barely be able to support Dominator-level and perhaps even overdraw a little to dominate a world community. That’s about it.” “But with only a developed mechanical civilization…”

“We’re eligible to sweep the universe!”

“Talking about this is useless. Still, we may as well think about our next step… after all, we have received accurate information that the next frontal battlefield of that civilization will be our world community!”

“Are they really randomly selecting worlds without discrimination?”

“In our world community, there are still a large number of…at least not a minority of their ‘allies’.”


“We are still Dominator-level civilizations after all, not yet a Hegemonic civilization that can dominate an entire world community. Even within our territory, there are still a large number of void pirates running wild.”

“The Art of War says: To repel external threats, stability must first be established internally.”

“Why do you sound so pedantic when you talk?”

“Didn’t I establish a connection with the ‘Immortal Plant Civilization’? Cough cough, I unconsciously learned a little.”

“Then let’s do this. First, launch a devastating strike against some of that Deity civilization’s allies, then prepare for the second confrontation with the Deity civilization at the ‘Earl Candidate’ level.”

“We also need to subdue those void pirate islands. Many island owners are Upper Duke level, and even those three Pirate Kings are Throne level, a considerable force.”

“We mustn’t lag behind in communicating with civilizations hostile to other deity civilizations.”

“I’ve already collected a considerable amount of the Emperor bloodline left by the Abyssal Civilization. Coupled with the resources we have accumulated over the years, we can construct the [Space-Time Resurgence Orbital] and call upon the Emperor Lord of True Spirit’s Annihilation…”

“Hehe, let’s give them a surprise.”


“Oh, I’ve been in contact with life forms of the Abyssal Civilization for a while, and I’ve gotten used to it.”

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration)

The outskirts of the Primordial Intellect Federation Wisdom Palace,

“Abyssal Breath, finally…”

Logan held a swirling mass of gray-black air in his hand, filled with fangs and claws, seemingly wanting to corrupt and mutate anything it could touch, plunging it into the abyss. Unconsciously, a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It has coalesced!”

Logan’s pupils shine gold, and the next moment, a large amount of Faith’s Golden Light pours into the air stream, carrying with it a hint of spirituality,

“Divine Power-Enliven!”

Temporarily giving all things spiritual essence is a natural ability of deities, even allowing them to adjust the nature, quality, and quantity of faith points according to the material, mood, and nature.

Just like now, as Logan continuously “kneaded” this gray-black air stream, the golden light in his pupils changed.

“ Enliven Greed!”

“Enliven Recklessness!”

Logan granted the mutated air breath the spiritual essences of “Recklessness” and “Greed”—

The mission of the mutated breath is to mutate more beings while also devouring each other and becoming more bizarre and powerful.

Moreover, even if Logan condensed the mutated breath, it did not mean he could control it.

After all, Gluttonous Mouth is the “ancestor” of mutated breath. If it condensed mutated breath and then attacked itself in return, it would be a joke.

So Logan did not grant temporary wisdom to the mutated breath but only provided ultimate greed, making it unable to resist wanting to devour when it senses other mutated breath – the Gluttonous Mouth.

By granting recklessness, he ensured that the mutated breath would not retreat once it detected that the mutated breath on top of the Gluttonous Mouth was too “advanced.” Instead, it would rush forward without any hesitation and begin to devour!

After granting spirituality, Logan could feel the mutated breath in his hand becoming agitated, struggling wildly in a certain direction as if it had found its target and wanted to devour it!


Logan casually threw the mutated breath, which rushed like a wild dog breaking free from chains, furiously entering the depths of the Wise Man Planet and heading directly for Earth’s core! “Wicked Spirituality!”

“Killing Intent Refining Soldier Heavy Armor!”

Logan followed closely behind, his clothes constantly changing. The heavy armor was manipulated by the Killing Intent Refining Soldier, transforming into crystalline battle armor most suitable for combat—

Unlike the void outside the Goblin World Fragment, the Wise Man Planet, polluted by the mutated breath, is still considered half of the Gluttonous Mouth’s home field.

Soon, in the Earth’s core, amidst an endless sea of light emitting an intense [Violence] and [Heat], Logan saw half a set of lips floating on the surface, constantly devouring the nearly infinite amount of energy.

“Luckily, I’ve caught up.”

Logan’s furrowed brows relaxed.

If the actual Gluttonous Mouth came here, one sip would swallow the entire planet.

But now, it is so badly damaged and has even been blown up by Logan once. The absorption speed is extremely slow, so slow that Logan’s ritual to the gods was complete by the time he came here to find it, and it has barely recovered any strength.


The chaotic will of the mutated breath from Gluttonous Mouth became arrogant when it saw Logan. Instead of being nervous, it expressed a wild and unrestrained will,

“How dare you, a young deity?”

“Stand before me and use the mutated breath to fight against me?”


“I will make you taste the ultimate pain in the world!”

As it spoke, the Gluttonous Mouth opened wide, waiting for the freely delivered mutated breath to enter its virtual mouth, allowing it to recover its strength!

I’m sorry, I came back too late last night; my little brother had a high fever.

I wrote over a thousand words late into the night and fell asleep on my desk. Then I was called back to my room and kept writing when I woke up. I haven’t eaten yet, and I finished one chapter at 12:59 pm.

There’s another chapter in the afternoon. Thank you for your support, great readers-!

The author bows in gratitude!

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