Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 201 - Chapter 201: Chapter 100: [God of Demon Prison]! What is this beating up old, weak, sick, and disabled contestants?

Chapter 201: Chapter 100: [God of Demon Prison]! What is this beating up old, weak, sick, and disabled contestants?

Translator: 549690339

Blue Star, District 2,

Stone City,

Blue Star Guard Department – Stone City Division,

“Well, this old dog, Liu.”

“He dares to reject the quota distribution I proposed?”

In the Stone City Division, a female deity with sharp brows and eyes, high cheekbones, exuding an unapproachable aura, sat there, her eyes full of anger,


“A mere God of Gnoll Tribe from Star Core – Dragon Vein dares to challenge me with a battle invitation!”

Not all deities will gradually develop towards “Perfection” after becoming deities, nor will there be a situation where all deities are handsome men and beautiful women.

Like the Turtlefield Aristocracy, they all come from “Mud Hell”, carrying the characteristics of stench, decay, and ugliness of mud.

For example, Beastmen Deities often develop in directions like “seductive, ” “brave,” “huge,” “cunning and vicious” etc., based on their specific “Beast Blood”.

Even if they don’t take human form, it’s highly likely.

The shape and appearance of the deity’s divine body are closely related to their “character”, “rule”, “world”, and “race”!

Take the appearance of the city division chief, for instance. She is an intimidating deity, and her exclusive law probably has something to do with “malice”.

“Lady Snow Queen.”

Standing behind Stone City branch president Snow Queen is a thin young man, sitting together is a muscular deity with tattoos all over his shiny bald head, looking like a fierce deity crawled out of purgatory.

The one speaking is the thin youth standing,

“Chief Liu probably thinks that the quota you presented is too small. He’s expressing his dissatisfaction.”

“I think…”

“Given the present conditions of Zow City, he shouldn’t dare to speak so brazenly to you, otherwise, if Lord Southwick takes action, they will become dust!”

Hearing the thin young man’s words, the God of Demon Prison Southwick also coldly grunted, his voice reverberating like thunder in the clouds,


“Seems like, Chief Liu must be aware of my existence!”

“I think, he absolutely wouldn’t dare truly reject our proposal and issue a battle invitation!”

“Hmph, you’ll see!”

Upon hearing the thin man’s persuasion, Snow Queen did not calm down, instead forwarded the message to the hyperdimensional marks of the two people in front of her. “Ding dong.”

“Ding dong.”

After two consecutive sounds, Southwick and the thin young man looked at each other, and their expressions turned ugly a moment later!

“How dare he!?”

The God of Demon Prison Southwick promptly became furious, the tattoos on his bald head turning fierce,

“He is really going to decide the entries into the spiritual realm by dueling?”

The thin youth was more confused,

“Only those below Transcendent are allowed to participate in the duel?”

“I had thought that Chief Liu’s God of Gnoll Tribe from Star Core Dragon Vein had achieved some evolution, greatly increased his strength, and was confident in defeating our Lady Snow Queen.”

Speaking of it, the thin youth looked at Southwick with a playful gaze, in a sarcastic tone,

“Looking at it now, it seems they’re confident in defeating Lord Southwick.” Hearing the thin youth’s words, Southwick’s anger surged even more!

He now possesses his own exclusive law, standing at the “transition stage” before stepping into the Transcendent tier, having achieved the Mythical grade.

This is a stage of transition from “human nature” to “divinity”.

Theoretically, after divinity gradually replaces humanity, the thoughts of Deity Players will tend more towards the ideal.

Before touching on issues and people they see as important, they will prioritize “cost-benefit analysis” as the core of their actions.

Deity Players will behave more like…

“Heavenly Dao”!

But it’s this very “transition stage” that often becomes the most vulnerable time in the life of a Deity Player “Human Struggle”!

Whether forming “hatred” or “marriage bonds” or “alliances” between deities, these are often done during the stage of human struggle.

And the God of Demon Prison is at such a stage of human struggle right now.

Additionally, the thin youth consciously stoked his anger—

The God of Demon Prison knew that the thin youth was deliberately stoking his anger, but he simply could not control himself, his humanity struggling wildly—

“How dare…”

“Look down on me?”


“Kill him!”

“What a shit Giant, even a mythical rank!”

“I want them all dead!!!”

“Who… ”

Grimacing, his eyes as wide as a bull’s, bloodshot.

Just a moment ago we were all laughing here, mocking Zow City for only being able to passively accept our “oppression”, talking about how 70-30 distribution was a great favor.

But now, in a turn of events… at least in Southwick’s eyes, this is a slap in the face, ridicule.

Especially, in front of his own “goddess”, Lady Snow Queen, this is a huge blow to his dignity,

“Who appeared…

“And made Chief Liu dare to challenge me?”

“Is it the newly emerged mythical rank deity in Zow City?”


“I’m the high-class Monarch Demon God, to confront me, at least you should be a Sovereign Divine Seed, right?”

The thin youth, looking at Southwick’s eyes, felt something akin to pity. Even if he wanted to deliberately provoke Southwick’s anger.

At this moment, he felt that telling Southwick the truth would be too damaging for him,

“It’s not a Monarch Species.” “Nor is it Mythical Grade.”

“Then what is it…?”

“It’s a Goblin Deity that just broke through the Giant Level.”

The silence lingers after that declaration-


“Giant Level…”

“Just broke through!?”

Even here, atop Blue Star, inside the office of the Stone City Branch Chief, a shroud of gloomy blackness and rising punishment flames engulfs the room. The flames, full of screams and torments, seem to wail in agony!

“Also, this one is…”

“A Goblin Deity?!”

It feels like in the office at any moment, demon monsters wielding tridents will climb out of punishment flames, dealing the most excruciating torture and evil punishment to this world!

‘Extreme Cold.Underworld Suppression!”

Appearing malicious, the Snow Queen released an intense coldness from her body, pressing down on the punishment flames. However, she seemed to be struggling somewhat.

The Snow Queen was naturally stunned.

She, too, was a Monarch Species, albeit just a low-level Monarch Species Snow Empress Goddess. Nevertheless, she held a Transcendent God’s strength to shatter stars in one punch, condensing the Heavenly Cave!

Supposedly, subduing a Mythical Grade, even a high-level Monarch Species, should be like child’s play to her.

At this moment, however, the reality is she could barely suppress Southwick with significant effort.


With flickering eyes, the Snow Queen finally spoke after Southwick managed to calm slightly.

“This Goblin Deity is no ordinary God.”

“Ranco, show Southwick the data.”

After she finished, without even turning her head, the Snow Queen left the office. Her departing warning echoed,

“Let this one pass.”

“If next time you are unable to control your raging humanity…” “Don’t even think about getting close to me anymore!” Upon hearing the Snow Queen, Southwick momentarily froze.

“So, does that mean I still have a chance to get close next time?”

His humanity, which had been raging madly since he reached the Mythical Grade, suddenly quieted down like a docile lamb, obediently following commands.

“Obeying humanity makes humanity calm down…”

“Which part of my humanity was just obeyed?”

Staring at Southwick now calm, Rico heaved a sigh of relief. His trembling fingers sent the data from Hyperdimensional mark to Southwick.

Seeing the data, Southwick furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Ranco doubtfully.

“Aikun Heart Method “Kun flow’s First Style: Stir-fry without Chicken Essence?”

“What is this?”

“Oh, wrong one, wrong one.”

Ranco laughed awkwardly and quickly sent the video of the Goblin Deity’s performance in the Siege of Zow and the video Heather Graham posted on the T Forum to Southwick, then quietly retracted the Aikun Heart Method.


“He defeated a Mythical-level Monster trapped in a Spatial Rift with the power of a Totem Entity?”

“With Taylor Civilization’s high-tech weapon, he severely injured the Abyss


“What kind of God of Booty is this?”

Southwick just took a cursory glance and suddenly burst with confidence, revealing his thoughts to Ranco-

“The Mythical-level Monster trapped in the Spatial Rift was in an unstable state because of Blue Star’s rejection and was pushed away!”

“Didn’t you see that the skeletal Monster’s broken arms were sliced off by the Spatial Rift?”

“What does that have to do with this scavenger god?”

“Just take a look at that wounded alien god, reduced to such a wretched state, and he is also a foreign tourist. A few punches from me would shatter him!”

“And this was overhyped as ‘Emperor Remains’, can you see it getting beaten?

Isn’t this the high-tech weapon from Taylor Civilization?”

“These three battles were just about scavenging!”

“Really, even this can be hyped up?”

“Is Chief Liu blind?”

In the end, Southwick summed it up symbolically”I, Southwick, am sure to win!”

In the T20 World Region, T201219 Planet Celestial (Small),

Eastern Land, Heaven Province,

Inside Dalziel Manor,

Valerie Zoe Dalziel stared at the devil-like Bronze Drifting Bottle before her, waiting for the bottle to respond with its name.

“That Mud Evil God already poisoned him…”

“I am about to get worse, surely it won’t harm me further, right?”

“And besides, [Heaven Martial Truth Listener] has already declared that although this drifting bottle looks like a villain, it is undeniably a good one!”

“Guns shouldn’t point at good people!”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel silently put down her Overlord Spear and quietly waited for the Bronze Drifting Bottle to reveal its name.

The second update,

What should the Martial Ancestor be called?

The author is going bald…

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