Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 202 - Chapter 202: Chapter 101: [Heavenly Master•Pope) ! No, what on earth is a Valkyrie thinking about all the time in her mind?

Chapter 202: Chapter 101: [Heavenly Master•Pope) ! No, what on earth is a Valkyrie thinking about all the time in her mind?

Translator: 549690339

Endless Void,

In a vast expanse of “sludge,” countless planets are submerged and struggling as if they have fallen into hell.

On the edge of the filthy palace cluster,

Within a small palace,

Resembles the mud, usually incredibly cruel, easily tormenting elf sisters or cat-eared girls, is Darius Turtlefield.

At the moment, he is showing a flattering face, constantly nodding and bowing to the burly bald white man in front of him, dressed in a wide papal robe, “Honorable Julius, I’m counting on you for this matter.”

“You are considered a mythical-grade elite in District 1; destroying the faith of the mere Sky Man Tribe should be effortless for you!”

“I believe that the powerful Lotan people, who have given birth to the great Heavenly Lord, are far superior to the Sky Man Tribe in terms of their bloodline, and must be able to suppress their Essence, Qi, and Spirit completely, even until…”

“Their spines are utterly crushed!”

Darius Turtlefield’s face was full of flattery, and so was his heart.

As for the Lotan People, who had evolved from [War SeedAncient European], he was genuinely submissive to Julius, an elite from District 1.

To Darius Turtlefield’s flattering remarks, Julius felt that it was normal—

Not only Darius Turtlefield, but the various Deity Players with compound names in District 404 all admired the strength of District 1.

So having a more flattering attitude naturally should be expected.

Of course, this does not affect Julius’ contempt for Deity Player Darius Turtlefield—

As a Deity Player, can’t even conquer the race under his command?

What a joke!

What’s even more ridiculous is that Darius Turtlefield, as a deity, had already given the Sky Man Tribe the [Red Dust Poison] that he had spent a lot of money on, and…

He had still spent a huge price to ask Julius’s help as a District 1 elite. This was just so he could completely break the Essence, Qi, and Spirit of the Sky Man Tribe and shatter their spines!

And this was only to allow him to better control a race that was completely submissive to him, even if it meant the tribe would lose its potential, it didn’t matter.


Julius, of course, knew that Darius Turtlefield’s race was “stolen” and that it was normal for him not to be in control,

“Even if it’s stolen or robbed, it’s mine!”

“Whatever it is, it should lie down obediently for me and be completely under my control! ”

“If you can’t even do that, why not just die?”


“I’ve even taken out a treasure I’ve been coveting too…”

“The Turtlefield family is really rich.”

“I need to find an opportunity to rob them sometime!”

The greed in Julius’s eyes was well-hidden as he appropriately displayed disdain on his shining face—

He knew that in his disdain, other deities might be unhappy, but in front of the Turtlefield family, it would only make the inferior deity overjoyed!

“Just a mere Sky Man Tribe…”

When Julius spoke, his disdainful expression and arrogant tone indeed aroused

Darius Turtlefield’s awe and admiration,

“My Lotan people are the royalty among the ancient Europeans, personally baptized by the Heavenly Lord, and worship the [Lord’s Authority] in the Void.”

“Moreover, we have the mythical profession [Crusaders of the Lord] and [Hero• Pope]!”

“Let alone a ‘wild’ Sky Man Tribe without the guidance of a deity.”

“Even a Sky Man Tribe under the command of an experienced District 2 elite

Deity Player would be utterly defeated by my Crusaders of the Lord!”

At the same time, Julius had his little scheme,

‘I’ll use this opportunity to make a video or even do a live broadcast to promote my reputation as a Monarch Seed who can defeat a Mythical Seed!’ ‘And it’s a Mythical Seed from District 2 being defeated!’

‘Maybe I can even get the attention of a bigshot and soar into the sky!’

‘Pity, the Imaginary Overlord only…’

For Julius’s arrogant words, Darius Turtlefield didn’t feel any discomfort.

Even though Julius was looking down on his “race” and was about to enter “his world” and wreak havoc,

He just kept nodding and bowing, humbly and flatteringly, constantly praising, while one malicious thought followed another in his heart—

“Just wait for Julius to conquer the little Sky Man Tribe, and then I’ll start preparation!”

“Hehe, what Valkyrie? It’s nothing after being affected by the Red Dust Poison!” “The Red Dust Poison is really expensive!”

“Plus Julius’ intervention, it requires a [World Treasure Ruyk’s Staff]. It’s so painful!”

“But it’s okay, the Abyss Turtlefield Civilization Foundation was blown up by that Heather Graham’s adulterous lover, so now it’s not valued by the family!”

“On the contrary, it’s focused on me, letting me suddenly get so many resources and having the possibility to activate the [Deadlock]

“By the way, I recently saw a [Mythical Profession•Snow Leopard Knight] that is a good match for the Sky Man Tribe.”

“Um, the family is now focusing on developing the Sky Man Tribe, so I can use public funds for reimbursement, and by the way, add a few [World Treasure Fragment•Ruyk’s Staff]. It’s been a long time since I’ve used them, and I’m a bit addicted.’

Darius Turtlefield and Julius looked at each other and laughed, each with their own hidden intentions!

T20 World Region,

T201219 Planet Celestial (Small),

Eastern Land, Heaven Province, At Dalziel Manor,

“Heaven Martial – Truth Listening!”

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