Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 203 - Chapter 203: Chapter 101: [Heavenly Master•Pope) ! No, what on earth is a Valkyrie thinking about all the time in her mind? 2

Chapter 203: Chapter 101: [Heavenly Master•Pope) ! No, what on earth is a Valkyrie thinking about all the time in her mind? 2

Translator: 549690339

“Heavenly Martial – Fire Eyes Golden pupil!”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel looked at the Bronze Drifting Bottle bearing her name in silence for a long time, her heart tense. Golden flames lit up in her eyes, and her ears subconsciously took the shape of a beast’s ears.

“If It… ”

“Heavenly Martial Art: Heaven and Earth Painting…”

As Valerie Zoe Dalziel pondered her last plan, the Bronze Drifting Bottle in front of her began to vibrate slowly, and ancient syllables were uttered.

At this moment, she even faintly felt an earth-shaking sensation, as if under this name, the entire Celestial Planet was celebrating together!

“I am called…’

“Lady!” “Lady?”


Valerie Zoe Dalziel confirmed again, tasting the simple word in her heart, feeling its deep and vicissitudinous essence, as if it were creating history.

“Then, how should I address you, senior…”

The Bronze Drifting Bottle interrupted her without courtesy.

“Just call me Lady.”

“Alright, Lady.”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel nodded slightly, and at the same time, she reassured herself that her various states were intact. “Discernment Listening, intact.”

“Fire Eyes Golden Pupil, intact.”

“Heavenly Bridge… still in the Red Dust Poison, unable to sense the will of heaven!”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel could only entrust her last trust to the Heavenly Martial Art passed down from the depths of her bloodline. In the meantime, her Discernment Listening and Fire Eyes Golden Pupil constantly reiterated their previous judgments, with an additional statement:

“It can teach you a special way to help you grow stronger and break free from the Mud Evil God!”

“It has told you its name; it is real, without any deception!”

“You might not believe it, but It doesn’t seem to have the slightest malicious intent towards you…”

‘Outside of Great Virtue, there are countless countries willing to become guides for the Mud Evil God!’

‘Within the Great Virtue, there are even traitors in the court!’

‘And now, I too carry the Red Dust Poison…’

‘I can only choose to believe.’

Valerie Zoe Dalziel, in a blink of an eye, had a sharp mind and unwavering determination as she spoke,

“Lady, you said before…”

“That there is a way to help us defeat the Mud Evil God, is that true?” “And also, you said that if I want to learn, you can teach me!”


“Is it true?”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel’s phoenix eyes were sharp, but they were filled with anticipation.

As the Valkyrie supporting half of the Sky Man Tribe, her strength was incredible, and at the same time, she longed for a moment to belong to herself.

Her only entertainment was reading forbidden books late at night after a day of hard training.

If there really was such a way to save the situation, even if it meant sacrificing herself, she would be willing.

At least, there would be no worries after the sacrifice.

Before that, remember to burn her boudoir…

Amidst the tense anticipation, the face on the Bronze Bottle, which resembled a demon, quivered slightly. The hideous mouth opened and closed as it spoke,

“It’s true.”

The indifferent tone held a great power of persuasion, as if it were tempting,

“You just need to agree to a small condition!”

‘Here it comes!’

Upon hearing the last words of the demon’s face, Valerie Zoe Dalziel breathed a sigh of relief, then tensed up again, ‘It’s over; I knew it wouldn’t be that simple!’

‘This demon, it will want me to…’

As Valerie Zoe Dalziel closed her eyes like she was ready to accept her fate, her mind conjured up countless unspeakable and horrifying scenes.

She heard the demon’s face speak,

“You just need to be my…”

‘It’s coming!!!’


“I don’t… huh?”

Valerie Zoe Dalziel paused midway through speaking, finally realizing what had been said. She stared blankly at the demon face before her, her mind full of questions,

‘This condition…’

‘Is it worthy of your hideous face?’


Valerie Zoe Dalziel, who had come to her senses, did not hesitate and immediately agreed,

“I am willing to be your apprentice!”

She then quickly scooped up a handful of water from a nearby pond, caused it to boil with her rapid hand shaking, knelt down, and kowtowed nine times,

“Apprentice Valerie Zoe Dalziel…”

“Greetings to the venerable master Lady!”

Logan’s will incarnation in the Bronze Drifting Bottle saw this scene and fell silent for a moment, unsure whether the decision he made (to accept Valerie Zoe Dalziel as his apprentice) was right or wrong…

But the Demon Contract would not give It time to regret. A cold, mechanical voice rang out,

“Anchor Point Contract is established!”

“Space-Time Link activated…” “Space-Time Link Concealment…”

[Preparation complete, Contract signed!]

The next moment, the bronze drift bottle shattered, an ancient parchment appeared, and then ignited without any wind.

Following that, a black and gold glimmer of spiritual light fluttered and landed on Valerie Zoe Dalziel’s forehead!

“Lingjun, watch closely…”

At the moment when the contract was reached, the Will Incarnation and

Logan’s body’s will established a communicative link, Martial Arts descended— “This path is named [Martial Arts]!”

“My name is [Lady], I am the [Martial Ancestor]!”

“Martial Arts?”

Upon hearing this, Valerie Zoe Dalziel was instantly disappointed.

The Sky Man Tribe has been practicing martial arts since being in the womb!

Is there even a need to teach this?

The next moment, vast and profound information poured into Valerie Zoe Dalziel’s mind, and Logan’s voice was heard,

“Take a look now.”

“Is this different from the martial arts you know?”

TOI World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration),

Originally, it was a deep blue planet with golden patterns.

After the alteration, the whole planet was enveloped in an abnormal pale color, like a mutated, diseased texture.

Even ordinary people could clearly perceive the disappearance of the planet’s vitality.

But now, the morbid aura was gradually being drawn away.

Even if the world had lost its will, it was regaining its long-lost “vitality”, as if it had undergone a complete transformation!

Logan, who had been quietly waiting for the complete removal of the altered aura, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

He was full of surprise in his eyes!

“The Sky Man Tribe?!” “The Demon Contract actually drifted to the Sky Man Tribe?”

‘What a coincidence?”

Logan was puzzled and subconsciously pondered the reasons.

Soon, he found the doubt—

When migrating the “Dragon Taming World Fragment”, he encountered void pirates!

“I remember, normally, encountering void pirates during world migration should be a low probability event!”

“But, under the blessing of luck, I encountered void pirates…” “Moreover, before I encountered the void pirates, I had just raised—”

“The idea of establishing contact with the Sky Man Tribe, even if it requires sacrificing some luck, doesn’t matter!”

With this thought, all doubts in Logan’s heart vanished.

As long as no one was setting traps again, he didn’t care even if all the extra luck was gone!

These were nothing compared to re-establishing contact with the [Sky Man Tribe]!

“Luck is indeed one of the greatest rules!”

If he could establish a connection with the Sky Man Tribe, it would be of great help to his next actions and the overall situation!


“Damn it!”

After learning about some information transmitted by the Will Incarnation, Logan’s face turned extremely ugly!

“Red Dust Poison?!” “How could Red Dust Poison fall on the Celestial Planet?”

“Could it be…?”

“This Darius Turtlefield, really…”

“He really deserved to die!”

Even Logan, who was a bit of a sharp-tongued and dark character, was speechless for a moment at Darius Turtlefield’s actions.

He also had some understanding of Red Dust Poison—

It was a unique poison discovered by a King’s Throne in the once existing [Immortal Civilization] legacy; once contaminated with this poison, even gods would suffer enormous damage!

Of course, the Red Dust Poison is more aimed at the connection between the [infected] and the [World]!

Since gods themselves are the [World], they won’t actually die from the Red Dust Poison.

Moreover, as a deity, as long as they’re willing to consume faith points and their origin, they can naturally wash away the Red Dust Poison under a massive “faith cleansing”.

But it’s not the same for other lives.

Therefore, the Valkyrie is now in a very difficult and dangerous state!

“Moreover, even the Heavenly Dao was poisoned…”

Logan frowned, contemplating a solution, but for a moment, he couldn’t find a good one,

“Perhaps Martial Arts can solve it.”

The next moment, Logan softly called out to the system, which was stripping the [Combat] part from the Martial Arts, and asked,

“System, can Martial Arts solve the Red Dust Poison?”

He had a faint feeling in his heart that Martial Arts had unlimited potential and perhaps could resolve the Red Dust Poison.

But after all, he wasn’t too familiar with Martial Arts, so asking the system was the safest course of action!

Soon, the system gave a reply—

[Note]: This Lady is Judy Hime, not Earth Lady Quinna..

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