Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 204 - Chapter 204: Chapter 102: [Root of Bloodline]! [Martial Ancestor•Heavenly Stele] !

Chapter 204: Chapter 102: [Root of Bloodline]! [Martial Ancestor•Heavenly Stele] !

Translator: 549690339

T01 World District

Wise Man Planet (Mini/Alteration)

Atop the planet, a thriving scene is revealed as the heteromorphous aura is stripped away.

Even though the platinum glow brought about by the [Destiny Intelligence Bone]has not yet been restored, the [Wisdom Concept]of the planet is slowly reviving.

Logan meanwhile, looks at the information that pops up in the system log in front of him –

[Log]:Detected that the “World Treasure FragmentDemon Contract” you used has established a contract with the Sky Man Tribe!

[Log]:Your identity matches with the Sky Man Tribe, beginning retrieval!

[Log]:The Martial Way you are practicing is the “Origin Martial Dao”, it has limitless potential!

[Log]:The Martial Way you created can cure the Red Dust Poison!

[Log]:You need to pass down the Origin Martial Dao, but please note that even for the martial artists that practice the Origin Martial Dao, they still need to reach a considerably profound level before they can cure the Red Dust Poison!

[Log]:Before that, if you can establish a connection with the Sky Man Tribe and turn the Celestial Planet Heavenly Dao into your own, it can temporarily delay the Red Dust Poison!

[Log]:The combat ability in the Martial Way has already been stripped and copied, do you want to grant the Martial Way to Sky Man Valkyrie Zoe Dalziel?

[Log]:lf you choose to grant the Martial Way, please, host, adopt the transmission method!

[Log]: Option 1: Heavenly Stele Way!

[Log]: Option 2: Martial Ancestor’s Way!

[Log]: Remember! Martial Way is the road to combat, and everything is open to challenge. Please make your choice cautiously, host!

[Log]: Once the transmission method is chosen, it cannot be changed!

‘Good that the Red Dust Poison can be cured.’ Logan loosened up seeing the log’s hint.

If the system had said it could not help, that would have been troublesome. But luckily, the creation of [Martial Way Origin]which cost a large amount of resources was quite powerful, which brought him some surprises,


“It’s these two transmission methods again.”

Logan raised his brow slightly, information about these two methods of transmission emerged in his mind. Even though he was more inclined to the

Martial Ancestor’s Way, the Heavenly Stele Way wasn’t inferior to the Martial Ancestor’s Way!

In fact, from the viewpoint of “behind the scenes transmission, securely controlling fishing platforms,” it even had an advantage [Name]:Martial Ancestor’s Way [Type]:Transmission


[Special Effect]:Can create a completely independent but wholly controlled incarnation through the limited special effects [Will Incarnation True], [Star River Source Spirit], and [Undying Concept], and with this incarnation as the Martial Ancestor, transmit to the world!

[Advantage 1] :lf you choose Martial Ancestor’s Way, you can gain an incarnation which is equivalent to a second life, your incarnation has extremely high combat power, and opposing an opponent of a higher level is not out of the question!

[Advantage 2]: If you choose Martial Ancestor’s Way, there is a tiny chance that you can obtain part of Sky Man’s fate from the Immortal Civilization!

[Disadvantage]: For Martial Arts, struggling with all efforts is the greatest respect. The Martial Ancestor manifesting in the world, Martial Way only strives. Maybe one day, your incarnation has an extremely small chance of gaining the greatest respect!

[Name]:Heavenly Stele Way



[Special Effect]:You can create a [Heavenly Stele] through the limited special effects [Will Incarnation True],[Star River Source Spirit], and [Undying

Concept]. On it is your most profound understanding of Martial Way • Origin. Any Sky Man who watches the Heavenly Stele can gain a baptism-like understanding of Martial Way that is always different!

[Advantage l]:lf you choose the Heavenly Stele Way, you don’t need to face any challenges. You can securely control fishing platforms, directly manifest in the world as a saint, and become a Civilization Totem!

[Advantage 2]:Without an “unbeatable” martial artist (Martial Ancestor) oppressing all Sky Man martial artists like a mountain, the Sky Man Tribe will be easier to erupt the “Era of Great Struggle”!

[Disadvantage]: Without a leader, the Sky Man Tribe will be more likely to break out into a civil war, to begin internal consumption leading to a waste of the tribe’s potential!

In both ways, the forms are incarnations.

However, the directions are completely different. In one, you descend to personally stir up the world’s storm with your own strength. In another, you watch the world struggle from a condescending position, enjoying the incense offerings.

Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the system has already analyzed it very clearly.

“Become a Martial Ancestor incarnation, guide the Sky Man to become stronger in a more clear direction, but possibly be given ‘ultimate respect’ at any time…” Logan furrowed his brows.

“Becoming a Heavenly Stele incarnation and smiling at the strife in the world isn’t bad.”


“The Sky Man Tribe are in a critical situation right now, with internal and external troubles. If left alone in the Endless Void, even Mythical Species only have a billionth of a chance to become powerful.”

“Most likely, they will gradually die out amidst continuous internal consumption.”

“The biggest possibility is that they won’t be able to make it through the Red Dust Poison.”

“Besides, since Darius Turtlefield has already released the Red Dust Poison, he definitely has other fallbacks for the plan to definitely capture the Sky Man Tribe!”

Suddenly, a light flashed in Logan’s mind, and a smile appeared on his face. He had a plan in mind and softly called out to the system, “System, show me my panel.”

The next moment, the system log expands, and Logan’s attribute panel pops up extensively –

[Divine Spirit]:Logan

[Divine Power]:Giant Spirit (Evolution Body • Heavy Armor, Killing Intent

Soldier, Killing Machine, Will Incarnation • True)

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