Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 213 - Chapter 213: Chapter 105: (Partner Contract) ! Logan, what are you actually up to?

Chapter 213: Chapter 105: (Partner Contract) ! Logan, what are you actually up to?

Translator: 549690339

T04 World Area,

Goblin World Fragment – Boundary Island,

Beyond World Fragments,

“So that’s how it is.”

By the time Lord Yan was ready to come and “say hello,” Logan had already digested the information contained in the spiritually imbued core essence. Flickering projections gradually vanished before his eyes—

The muddy Yellow Springs engulfing the world, the dangerously fascinating India’s Barber Flower, the unpretentious but thick, bridge symbolizing the cycle of reincarnation called Sorrow Bridge, reflecting lives through time, the Three Lives Stone symbolizing fate…

The Netherworld Raven tribe from the Ancient Nest, many precious avian life forms possessed by the elite Bloodline Keepers, and various unique, transcendent life forms with noble bloodlines…

And finally, that glimpse—

A great being wearing a crown and imperial robe, seemingly casual but mysteriously tossing the illusory shadows of nine “eggs” into the Yellow Springs, allowing the Yellow Springs that penetrated the Void to carry the illusory shadows of these nine eggs to any place within the Void.

All of this was not clear and extremely vague in Logan’s will.

One reason for this was that this memory information was derived from memory factors extracted from a core essence, and it was inherently fragmented. On the other hand, the qualification of that being was too high and difficult to withstand.

Of course, this did not prevent Logan from having a general understanding of this “Lord Yan” in front of him.

“The game of life and death, huh.”

Logan squinted his eyes, his golden eyes radiating divine light,

“It seems that the Transcendent Tier is not as free as people think.”

“But that’s normal. In the face of Blue Star Civilization, the Transcendent Tier is just like a slightly bigger ‘Elite Soldier’.”

“Of course, freedom is relative.”

“Besides, in any case, one must become a Transcendent to be qualified to stand on the great stage of the Void.”

“As for how far one can go, it all depends on one’s own ability.”

Logan waited calmly for Lord Yan to arrive— It was a customary practice.

The allies of the Blue Star Civilization came in two types. One type was those with “special characteristics” who did not pose a threat to the Blue Star

Civilization, and they would be transformed by the love and peace of the Blue

Star Civilization into allies. The other type is a civilization with no threat to the Blue Star Civilization. However, the civilization has individual individuals with great destructive power or even top-tier existences even in the Void, and they will also become allies of the Blue Star Civilization.

Of course, whichever type it is, the individuals within the civilization are all considered “inferior” in front of the deities of the Blue Star Civilization.

Even if there is a huge gap in strength.

It can roughly be understood as—

When a high-ranking minister or even a general with vast power in a dynasty sees a royal prince, as long as the imperial authority does not fall, they must show respect even to the least-valued prince.

Of course, when facing allies stronger than themselves, Deity Players must also respond with a degree of respect.

Just when Logan split a strand of Will’s Incarnation into the Hyperdimensional Mark to contact Heather Graham— “Respected Deity sir.”

Outside the Goblin World Fragment, within the Void, the pitch-black phantom wings in front of Lord Yan flashed by in an instant.

The next moment, the sharp Wings of Death tore through space.

Lord Yan appeared in front of Logan, transformed into a tiny black and gold Netherworld Raven, slightly bowed in human-like manner, while his voice was cold,

“Lord Yan of the Netherworld Raven tribe from the Ancient Nest has met with the Blue Star allies.”

“The light of the gods illuminates the void.”

Logan nodded slightly, turning on the flattery mode,

“My name is Logan, the Giant-level Goblin Deity of the Blue Star Civilization.”

“Speaking of which, I have to thank Lord Yan for your help this time, otherwise, my place might have been completely destroyed.”

Upon hearing Logan’s words, Lord Yan couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, and thought to himself,

‘My help?’

“Even without my help, that Indigenous King under your command…no, the Goblin King, could have utterly obliterated the Great Lotan Golden Immortal’s


‘Wait a minute!’

‘Goblin King?’

Suddenly, Lord Yan seemed to have realized something and immediately froze

in place.

Although they didn’t know too much and could only know a little about the specifics of the Blue Star Civilization, they did have a general idea of some relatively “famous” beings within the Blue Star Civilization.

For example—

The race known as ‘Goblin,’ which has the least potential…

‘False news?’

‘The Goblin race, which has the least potential, can actually obliterate the

Remnant of the Great Lotan Golden Immortal?’

‘Or does it mean…’

‘Has the Blue Star Civilization become so powerful that even the weakest

Goblin race has monstrously reached this point?’

‘It shouldn’t be likely!’

‘Even if the Blue Star Civilization is powerful, it shouldn’t be so powerful!’

If it wasn’t that the Blue Star Civilization was too monstrous, it must be that the current Goblin Deity in front of him was too monstrous!

Regardless of which one, it called for his 100% attention!

Thinking about this, Lord Yan immediately began to take a more serious look at the “Goblin Deity Logan” in front of him!

A moment of hesitation, the black and gold raven suddenly opened its beak, laughing awkwardly,

“Hahahaha. ”

“Not at all, your Goblin King is also very powerful, and I, the raven, just played an assisting role.”

Upon hearing this, Logan realized that the Transcendent Netherworld Raven before him was not the kind of person who deliberately belittled gods to elevate himself, and a smile appeared on his face.

Gently reaching out, Logan took out some “exotic treasures” such as “Boundary Origin Red Fruit,” “Dragon Blood Red Grass Fruit,” ‘Ghost Spirit Snow,” which he had bought with Faith Points from the Hyperdimensional Mark in the “Fairy Race’s Specially Made Colored Glaze Jade Plate”.. These exotic treasures are of great help to the growth of avian life forms,

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