Deities: Starting From Goblins

Chapter 214 - Chapter 214: Chapter 105: (Partner Contract) ! Logan, what are you actually up to?_2

Chapter 214: Chapter 105: (Partner Contract) ! Logan, what are you actually up to?_2

Translator: 549690339

Some of them have an effect on the spirit, easily causing a “drunken” effect when consumed,

“Many thanks to Lord Yan for your help, please have a taste.”


Lord Yan gasped in amazement, as if thrusting into a high temperature…Looking at the “fruit plate” in front of him, his black-golden beak suddenly felt the urge to drool.

These things, even as a Transcendent Tier being, could still be of some help to him—

Although the help wasn’t that significant for him, but still…

He just couldn’t resist the aroma of these “Immortal Fruits.”

If he were to bring them back and share them with his clan, it could cause a transformation in the bloodline of the young ravens!

“Damn rich people.”

“All of these are… Hmm, my reward, and I deserve it!”

Unable to resist the tempting taste, Lord Yan began to eat while continuing their business negotiations.

The two of them carried on with their negotiations—

It wasn’t really a negotiation, but Logan, relying on the vastness and information abundance of the Blue Star Civilization, used this opportunity to “bully” the na•ve raven who lived in the secluded “countryside Ancient Nest.”

He casually mentioned some major events happening within the Void, which always left Lord Yan astounded for a long time.

Lord Yan would then cover up his shock with an air of nonchalance as if he had long been accustomed to such things, in order to not lose face in front of a mere mortal.

Having consumed too many Immortal Fruits, even Lord Yan began to feel a little tipsy. In a momentary lapse, he involuntarily revealed some of his personal information.

“Cough cough, it’s getting late, what do you think, Logan…”

With the fruit plate finally emptied, Lord Yan faked a cough.

He looked at the pitch-black sky outside the void and couldn’t help but flush with embarrassment—

There was no concept of day or night within the Void.

But with his clan and his own future still hanging in the balance, Lord Yan couldn’t help but face the awkwardness and take his leave, despite having taken their generosity and hospitality.

“No rush.”

Logan revealed a smile,

“Now that I know more about your situation, Lord Yan.”

With that said, Logan showed a face full of righteous indignation, vehemently continuing,

“What’s going on with this Phoenix Ancestor!”

“Blind to good and evil, unable to tell loyalty from treachery, that’s one thing, but to even…”

“To even punish you, Lord Yan, by trapping you in the Reflection Cave to refine you to death!”


Lord Yan sighed, not saying much else.

Even though he was born and raised in the Ancient Nest, he had seen plenty of the world’s hustle and bustle.

Compared to a bird’s heart, a human heart wasn’t necessarily more complex…

The same went for a deity’s heart.

He had seen his fair share of righteous anger, which ultimately boiled down to using that same indignation to further personal gain.

So when it came to Logan’s outrage, Lord Yan didn’t feel compelled at all—

No matter how undeserving the Phoenix Ancestor was, they were still a High – ranking Overstep!

Even in the Blue Star Civilization, a High-ranking Overstep was synonymous with strength!

After all, even amongst the deities, there were countless who were unable to step into the Transcendent Tier!

But what Lord Yan didn’t expect was for Logan not to stop there. Instead, he continued,

“I feel connected to you, Lord Yan.” “When I see such an injustice, I must help!”

“So… ”

“Even if my own Race Grade isn’t high enough and the Phoenix Ancestor doesn’t take me seriously… I’ll find a friend, and together we’ll take you to the Ancient Nest!”

As Logan spoke, he stood up assertively, looking like he was about to start gathering people for the cause.

“Uh, what…?”

Seeing this, Lord Yan was taken aback.

He was confused, as this development didn’t match his expectations.

Wasn’t he supposed to go along with the shared outrage and then begin talking about his own problems?

Why was he suddenly gathering people, ready to fight at the Phoenix Ancestor’s lair?

Lord Yan suddenly thought of a possibility,

“It isn’t enough for one person to ask for favors from me; he wants to gather people to share the benefits?”

Shaking his head, Lord Yan was about to stand up and leave when he saw a Spatial Passage suddenly appear in front of him.

Following that, hymns were sung, Holy Light illuminated all directions, and a figure with wings on its back appeared before them— Angel Goddess Heather!


Lord Yan had not only heard of the “most useless Goblin,” but he was also familiar with the “Angel Tribe,” one of the most distinguished races!

“The Goblin Deity and Angel God are friends, and they can even gather together to support me at any time?”

“It really wants to help me get justice?”

Even though Lord Yan didn’t know much about the internal affairs of the Blue Star Civilization, he understood that the status of the Angel Tribe and the Goblin Tribe must be vastly different!

What the Goblin Deity couldn’t do, the Angel Deity might be able to!

Who would want to die when they could live?

Moreover, Lord Yan had just awakened a deeper bloodline memory and had a greater future ahead of him, he didn’t want to return to the embrace of the underworld so quickly!

Furthermore, this Goblin Deity itself was a freakish existence, and may not be insignificant!

That is to say, this situation might actually work in his favor!

Before Lord Yan had a chance to feel happy, he saw Logan suddenly frown.

This frown made Lord Yan’s heart clench— What’s wrong?

Can’t he save me?

With worry in his heart, Lord Yan indeed heard Logan say,

“Lord Yan, I suddenly realized a problem.”

“Even if we are allies, high-ranking Oversteps are not to be insulted!”

“We can help you first, but there must always be a name justifying our involvement in your situation…”

Seeing Logan’s downcast appearance, Lord Yan’s blood boiled.

Especially when he saw the frowning look on the incredibly beautiful Angel Goddess after Logan spoke.

He couldn’t bear to have Logan, who had already made a huge sacrifice, worry about such matters—

Even if the Goblin Deity could be friends with the Angel Deity.

But this kind of thing that would offend high-ranking Oversteps…

Presumably, even as friends, Logan would have to pay a considerable price to get this Angel Deity to intervene!

“Benevolent God!”

For a moment, Lord Yan felt a great deal of goodwill and gratitude towards this deity he had just met!

“Look at this benevolent god from the Blue Star Civilization!”

“And then look at those birds in the Ancient Nest, this is the difference, huh! ”

For a moment, Lord Yan stood up, and on his small raven body, an air of righteousness prevailed,

“Logan ! ”

“I have an idea, why don’t I sign a partnership contract with you?” “That way, we’ll have justification!”

“Moreover, I can share my experience of advancing to Transcendent True Immortal with you through the partnership contract!”

“If there’s anything you need in the future, I’ll be the first to charge for you!”

Heather, who had just arrived, was taken aback when she saw this scene, “What is this?”

“Wasn’t Logan, that shameless guy, asking me to come and help, and then exchange for a friendship with this Transcendent Netherworld Raven?”


“Why are they signing a partnership contract now?”

“What on earth is going on!?”

At the Giant Level stage, signing a partnership contract with a Transcendent lifeform?

Even Heather, an Angel, wouldn’t dare to think so lightly of it!

[Equal Contract], [Partnership Contract], [Monarch and Minister Contract], [Slave Contract]…

These are the four distinct contract levels within the void. The alliance contract that Logan and Heather signed is actually classified as an equal contract—

That is, apart from the matters agreed upon in the contract, neither party has any constraints on the other.

The most severe is the slave contract, where slaves are absolutely unable to resist their owners!

In the void, there is a very famous [Grand Abyssal Sea Owner], who controls the Dominator Level [Grand Abyssal Sea Dragon Lord] with the body of a throne!

Although a partnership contract is not considered particularly harsh, it still has a slight limitation on both parties.

However, one thing is clear – there is a master-servant relationship!

And from Lord Yan’s “sharing his experience of advancing to Transcendent with Logan”, it is evident that—

Logan is the master. Lord Yan is the servant!

A Transcendent lifeform has its own dignity!

Having a Transcendent lifeform as a subordinate?

Heather didn’t dare to think about it. She could even imagine a scene where her father captured a Transcendent lifeform and forced it to submit to him, only for the lifeform to die in anger!

So, seeing this scene before her, Heather was immediately stunned— I haven’t even done anything yet, this…

Listening to Lord Yan’s words, Logan was also a little surprised— “Is the effect that good?”

I owe an update, which I will make up the day after tomorrow. The hospital is too noisy, especially the children’s area, where the kids keep crying. As an author, I really can’t calm down. I’m sorry….

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