Ace couldn’t help but looked at Clay and asked in confusion, “Head Elder, what’s this Hex Magic?”

He never heard of this term before and while he was in the library, he had read every book in these three days, and he has never seen this term in those books before. Right now, Ace had a very good grasp of the outer provinces and all the famous areas and dangerous regions of the Mighty Demon Continent.

He even got to know about some servitude races under the demon race and some other races on nine continents. Although the information was quite vague, it still broadened his horizons.

However, he never found the term ‘Hex Magic’ in over ten thousand books and now that he saw this in the contract with such harsh restriction and death punishment, it clearly implied this Hex Magic was hated by the royal demon council or more specific royal family.

Elder Clay said, “I can only tell you this much. Hex Magic is an absolute taboo in our almighty demon empire, and whoever practices it will be hunted down by the entire demon race. These conditions were made so no one with this vicious profession can infiltrate our royal demon council and if anyone dares, they will be instantly seized!”

Clay naturally knows about the Hex Magic, especially after the recent incident with that thief, who was considered a being from the hex master from Hex Demon Race.

But they don’t announce it to the common public, nor they could reveal it under any circumstances.

Aura Blade Envoy’s eyes shimmered. He knew about the hex demon race because of the blade demon king, and there were also records about them in the secret library.

He was also shocked when he heard the imperial envoy killed a soul cultivator without batting an eye just because he was affected by a hex. They even incinerated two tribes and a city, just because they didn’t want to take any risk of letting that thief escape.

Right now, all the upper echelon knows about the tragedy of the iron demon city and the consequences of a hex master roaming freely in their territories.

Since the thief was alive, then it naturally meant he’ll show up eventually, but they didn’t want him to show up in their home.

That’s why the securities were extremely high nowadays, and any suspicious subject will be instantly detained.

A sudden thought flash past Ace’s mind like lightning when he heard this and his heart trembled, ‘Could it be they think I’m this hex magic user and that’s why the royal zone got involved?!’

The more Ace mulled over it, the more he found it possible because the appearance of the royal zone was too sudden, and they come extremely overbearing to him. Even wanted to refine him.

After hearing Clay’s words like the enemy of the entire demon race, he felt like crying because if this was true, then this was a huge misunderstanding, and he had no way of proving that he wasn’t this hex magic user at all.

But he knew it was meaningless since no one would believe him because he might have done something which let them believe so much that he was a hex magic user.

‘What was it, my thief abilities? No, there are many demons with stealth abilities like Noa. Then it has to be my thief symbol since it’s uncomprehended by anyone. I have to get more information about this hex magic and I have to confirm if they think of me like one.’

Ace could tell Clay would not reveal any more than he already did, but he had to confirm his conjecture no matter what. It was extremely important to his future plans and safety.

He suddenly thought of something and said with uncertainty, “Head Elder, I suddenly thought of something. I just don’t know if I said it or not…” He pretended to be hesitant.

Clay narrowed his eyes and said, “Speak your mind, don’t worry.”

Ace’s eyes shimmered. “Elder said this hex magic is sinister, and I couldn’t help but think about what happened to the iron demon city a few months ago. Could it also be done by hex magic?”

Ace had taken an enormous risk by saying this because others might think his guess was too accurate, and he might know something, but he knew as long as he signed this contract they will not suspect him.

Furthermore, it was not like he had spoken about some secret matter. Everyone knows about the sudden fall of iron demon city and the common public had no idea what has happened. Many were curious about it. But there wasn’t any kind of news or rumor about it all, as if someone had made the iron demon city forgotten.

That’s why Ace dared to say this since Feng’s tribe had no idea about the iron demon city matter as well. He had to take this risk to confirm his guess.

‘This brat!’ Clay’s eyes went wide for a moment, but he controlled his expression. He never thought, with just this casual information, Feng would connect the iron demon city’s destruction with hex magic.

Aura Blade Envoy was also startled, and he felt this was too much of a coincidence, but he remained stoic and keep observing Clay. But he had activated his ability.

Clay merely shook his head and said, “I don’t know about the matter of iron demon City. No one knows about it.”

However, the little change in emotions of both soul realm beings was enough for Ace to get his answer and he scoffed, ‘So, you know but don’t want to admit it because of that person’s background, huh? Well, I got my answer, and now I know why they’re after me…’

However, Ace didn’t show any kind of reaction and only nodded in defeat.

He didn’t ask or delay anymore because he could tell those two were starting to look at him with more peculiar looks.

“Well, it’s a shame then if there was really such a vile character, then I would do anything to kill it, so the other innocents would not have to suffer such a fate,” Feng mumbled.

He sent his Qi in the loyalty contract and then a drop of blood.

The contract shimmered in golden light.

Ace has already delayed long enough and the last conditions of the contract were also about some other things and the last term was to never reveal this contract or any of its terms and conditions to anyone, which confirmed Ace’s other guess as well.

As the light shimmered, Ace suddenly heard a familiar yet unfamiliar notification:


[System has detected a High-Grade-5 Martial Binding Slave Item!]

[Please choose between two options]

-Option 1: Destroy the Binding Slave Contract

-Cost: 100,000TP

-Option 2: Create a Fake Conscious for Binding Slave Contract

-Cost: 500,000TP

[Please choose within thirty seconds, or the system will auto-select the first option.]


‘Slave Binding Contract? But why the hell is this so expensive this time? Last time only a hundred or five hundred were charged for both options! Could it be because it’s a grade-five, that’s why?’ Ace mused.

Still, he quickly chose the second option since if he doesn’t system would destroy this contract, which will not be good for him in any way. He doesn’t have any third option.


[Option 2 has been activated!]

[Thief Point(s): 17,515,000]


In his martial space, a white smoke cloud was quickly formed, and a golden streak entered it, turning the white cloud into dark golden.

Ace sneered coldly inside as he thought, ‘Heh, I can never be bound by anything…’

Clay and Aura Blade Envoy’s expressions loosen a bit when they saw the contract was signed without any hitch and a dark red marked has appeared on the bottom.

This also cleared their suspicion about Feng, if they had any.

Ace handed the contract to Clay respectfully.

Clay finally revealed an elderly smile and said, “Congratulation, Rising Sword Earl, you’re now an official part of the royal demon council. Be proud!”

“It’s all thanks to the elder’s grace.” Ace act submissively.

“Haha, don’t be so humble, act like a noble earl who had earned a special title. But don’t get too cocky as well, because it seemed you just triggered a competition of sorts. Just yesterday, three more youths appeared out of the blue and earned special recommendations from council elders like me. One of them is also a weapon cultivator with half spear intent, while two others have special abilities.” Clay revealed.

Aura Blade Envoy remained unfazed because he already knew this beforehand.

These three youths were from the eighth and seventh provinces, and they also cause quite a commotion.

Many ordinary young demons understood the competition had raised to another level and that they have to work hard, or they can just say goodbye to their dreams.

Furthermore, there were still over twenty-two months left. Who knows just how many more monsters would appear!

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