Ace remained unfazed by this news.

Foremost, this demon gate trail has nothing to do with him, and secondly, he would remain Feng as long as this identity suits him.

The moment he deemed Feng’s identity useless or troublesome, Feng would forever vanish!

But he acted according to the situation and didn’t give away his inner thoughts

Clay smiled and continue, “Now the ceremony is over, you can meet with Thomas Boy, he’s on the fourth floor. He’s been waiting for you since this morning. He’s a good friend.”

Ace was startled for a moment and nodded with a smile. “Yes, he’s indeed a good friend.”

Clay suddenly said, “Here’s your token. Don’t lose it, or you’ll be in trouble. Furthermore, since you’re a Demon Earl now, you’ll get a 15% discount on any purchase, and you can sell anything at a good price from any shop within any province especially the Life Demon Association and you can also buy soul pills and soul materials now from the association.”

Ace’s eyes contracted when he heard ‘soul pills’ and ‘soul materials’ and his heartbeat raise slightly. He never thought he would get such a benefit because he knew soul pills or soul materials were sold to the public.

This will also make things easier for him now. He had wealth, and he had nowhere to spend them.

Ace quickly took the five inches triangular golden token with Earl’s word in front and on the back was a goat’s face demon who he knew was the deity of demons, Baphomet. It was the symbol of the royal demon council!

Clay chucked when he saw excited Feng and said, “Don’t get too excited, although you can now buy soul pills and soul materials. But you have an annual limit according to your title. Those stingy soul alchemists won’t give a face to anyone, but the royal demon council isn’t afraid of them. That’s why they have given us this much quota.”

Clay snorted with a hint of anger as if he has some resentment toward the soul alchemists or the Life Demon Association.

Ace frowned. This also put a damper on his plan to buy a large amount of soul material for Noa’s practice and soul pills for himself. But it seemed there was a limit to it.

‘It seemed the relationship between Life Demon Association and the Royal Demon Council is quite cumbersome. But the royal demon council is still strong since they could even force them to give such discount and soul-type treasures to their nobles,’ Ace mused.

‘Well, let’s see how much I could get, and this also confirmed they had soul-type materials and soul pills in large quantities because they can’t satisfy such a large group of noble demons. Although soul-type pills or materials are useless for martial cultivators, they’re wonderful medicine for soul recovery because of soul attacks.’ A thievish glint flashed past Ace’s eyes.

“Thank you, Head Elder. I’ll remember this.” Ace quickly thanked Clay. He really treated him well all this while, when he was in the council pavilion.

Clay smiled and nodded in approval. “I’m looking forward to your performance in the demon gate trial. You have to earn some face for this old man. Hahaha.”

Aura Blade Envoy smiled seeing Clay’s jolly mood. He knew, that as long as Feng perform exceptionally, Clay would get rewards and might even raise his rank in the elder council.

“Let’s go.” He moved toward the exit after bidding Clay farewell.

Ace also bid his farewell and followed Aura Blade Envoy.

Just when they reached the fourth floor,

Thomas was sipping on some alcohol, enjoying himself, and when he saw Feng followed by Aura Blade Envoy, he quickly stood up and greeted them with great enthusiasm.

Aura Blade Envoy said with a smile, “Little Thomas, it’s been many years since I have last seen you. You’ve grown quite strong!”

‘So, they knew each other. Thomas’s background is not simple.’ Ace remained silent and listened attentively.

Thomas smiled and respectfully bowed. “Hehe, it was all because Uncle Aura Duke pointers that time. But I never thought I would see you here so soon.”

Aura Blade Envoy or Aura Duke answer, “You and me both. I heard your brothers have already gone to king domains, and you went toward His Majesty’s domain, but you took a slight detour. It was also because of you little Feng here, got his title.”

Thomas chucked, “Haha, I just wanted to enjoy the scenery on my way, so I took a detour, and it was all because of brother Feng’s talent, he got what deserve. I did nothing except give him a ride.”

“Heh, who’re you kidding? The view of your mountains is even more beautiful than our domain Rainy Mountain Range. Nevertheless, you did well.” Aura Duke nodded in satisfaction.

Thomas looked toward Feng and laughed before teasingly, “Rising Sword Earl, damn you, brother Feng, you left your brother here in the dust with your unique title.”

Ace shook his head helplessly. He knew this guy was joking.

“Well, you better bow before me from now on.” He scoffed jokingly.

He sensed no malice or jealousy from Thomas, and he was indeed worthy of being his friend.

Thomas sneered, “It depends on if you can make me.”

Aura Duke smile seeing the young boys’ friendship and couldn’t help but thought, ‘His Highness Peter, it seemed you’ll get good followers…’

He said, “Thomas, we’re leaving in three days. Since I’m already here, I’ll be escorting the ocean demon duchy’s team for an old friend request. If you want, you can also join us. With senior Maddux, it’ll be a smoother journey.”

Thomas nodded. “Yes, it’s time to depart. I don’t think those other youths coming here will be much of a talent, anyway. I was also waiting for brother Feng to be done with this matter, so we can all leave together. But since Uncle Aura Duke is here, we’ll be following you.”

“Good, you two can catch up. I’m going to pay a visit to senior Maddux. It’s been a long time since we have seen each other.” Aura Duke said with a hint of respect for Maddux.

There weren’t many who can get his respect, and Maddux was one of them.

“Haha, Grandpa will indeed become happy after seeing you.” Thomas nodded with a smile.

Aura Duke left and now only Thomas and Ace remained.

However, Ace was frowning because of the news about his departure in three days, and it seemed he can’t stop them, not until he had a valid reason, which he didn’t.

Furthermore, Thomas’s group was also planning on leaving, and he can’t say no to them as well.

‘Three days… it seemed I have to complete my mission in three days. Although it is sooner than my actual plan. My preparation will be complete tonight. This is also an opportunity to escape with this group before anyone could react, and I will be long gone and enter the domain. I don’t believe whoever it was who’s after this hex magic user will dare to do the same to the king’s domain…’

Ace mused while he and Thomas exited the council pavilion.

“Brother Feng, let’s go to the Life Wine Pavilion for celebrating. It’s the best place with liquor all around the continent, and its owner is none other than the Life Demon Association.” Thomas’s excited voice sounded.

Ace snapped out his thoughts and said, “Let’s go to the Life Demon Association shop first. I heard from Elder Clay, I can now buy soul-type pills and material.”

Thomas’s eyes flash as he said, “Brother Feng, don’t waste your annual quota in the duke level branch of Life Demon Association. Let me tell you since you’re a Demon Earls with martial cultivation, you can only buy Soul Recovery Pills and Soul Calming Pills.

“The limit of ranks is from 6-Star to 9-Star, and you can buy only a hundred both pills of each rank, meaning three hundred pills each and a total of six hundred. The same goes for soul materials. You can only buy these two pills materials and only ten units of each rank are allowed.

“On unit contains a total of ten pills’ worth of material. But what they won’t tell anyone is that there’s a rank of materials and pills as well. There are four quality ranks of pills, Low, Intermediate, High, and Peak.

“You see, in the duke level branch, they’ll only have low quality or intermediate pills, and no matter what quality pill or material you bought, they’ll deduct it from your quota. As long as you are someone who didn’t know how to evaluate the pills, they’ll dupe you.

“Although the Life Demon Association gives us noble demons’ quota because of our status. But giving us high-quality or inferior goods is completely up to them, as long as they can get away with it, and trust me, it always happened. So, save your quota and used it in the domain level branch.

“They only have high and peak quality goods and they don’t dare to go too far because of Blade Demon King!”

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