Genius Mage in a Cultivation World

Chapter 66 - Adorable Intimacy (R18/wholesome)

"Argh!" At first, Irea's entire body tensed. Even though her lower mouth was already wet from all the kissing and hugging they did over the last few hours in bed, it was clear that her body has yet to know the man.

"Let's take it easy." Whispering those words to the girl's ear, Layn didn't dare to move his hips at all, opting to just rest atop the girl's body for a moment. Lowering himself down, he instantly went for the girl's lips, attempting to fight her pain with the pleasure of kissing.

With her mouth enclosed by Layn's lips, Irea couldn't even utter a single word of protest. Immersing herself in the sloppy intimacy, she continued to relax under Layn's care. Bit by bit, her muscles stopped tensing, shyly attempting to give in to the pleasure and relax.

Keeping his hips perfectly still, Layn made it a point of honor to make sure Irea would remember this moment with happiness rather than with fear and repulsion. Moving his right hand towards Irea's right breast, he stopped right as he was about to immerse his fingers in the soft flesh of the girl. Bit by bit though, his hand continued to climb up towards the sweet mountain before he finally reached the position and turned his fingers into claws, sinking them into the meaty tit.

"Ah…" Freeing her lips only to release this single moan before pulling on Layn's neck to resume this simple act of intimacy, Irea's lower lips finally stopped tightening around Layn's cock. While it was clear that the feeling of pleasure has yet to come from this part of her body, her inner wraps finally started to caress Layn's junior instead of trying to crush or at least repel it.

"Can you feel it?" Stopping the kiss, Layn moved his lips toward's Irea ear. After whispering the question though, he instantly nibbled on her earlobe, sending a powerful wave of pleasure through her body that instantly sparked the chain reaction. Her pussy tightened over Layn's junior, her head leaned to the back as she gasped for air. For the first time since they began, Layn could tell that the girl was starting to feel the pleasure of procreation.

"Y-yesh…" Answering with an adorable yet silly look on her face, Irea focused her eyes on Layn's lips. Taking the hint, the archmage didn't wait for no reason, option to reunite their lips once again. Yet, after just a few moments of mixing their saliva and rubbing their tongues, Irea's legs moved a bit up, as if to make it easier for the man to fuck her.

"P-please… T-take me…"  As their bodies started to move on their own, Irea was only barely able to whimper those words. With her eyes already tearing up in anticipation, with her nipples already hard enough to seriously poke Layn's palm, the archmage couldn't hold himself back any longer.

"Then, become mine." Lowering his head once again, Layn pressed his lips against Irea's mouth before shoving his hips so far that his balls clasped against the girl's soft ass.

"AH!" Not expecting such a decisive movement from the get-go, Irea released all the air from her lungs, only to instantly start gasping in order to regain her breathing. Yet right now, Layn was well past his limit. For over three years he didn't sleep with any woman in a true sense of the word. For over three years, he had to bear the knowledge that the woman he once loved was fucking around with many different men while going as far as to deny Layn entry to her bedchamber.

'Thinking about it, it ended up serving me well…' Recalling the moment when he was first refused access to the spot between Ortensia's legs, Layn felt a silent rage boiling in his abdomen. Yet, rather than letting it run his body, the archmage quickly cleared his mind. After playing around with Irea's right breast for a while now, he finally moved his hand on her back, before pulling both of them up to a sitting position.

"Aaaaa…" Falling powerlessly on his shoulder, Irea couldn't utter even a single word. As she fell under the force of gravity and pierced herself all the way with Layn's manhood, her entire body tensed up only to relax in the very next moment. Finally, it appeared that she could start enjoying herself.

"Let's take a short rest." Running his hands up and down the girl's back, Layn felt the delicate trembles that shook Irea's body. At first, she took her time to properly regain her breath. Then, her hips started to rock up and down slightly only for Irea to raise her face and look at Layn with a clear plead in her eyes.

"I won't know what you mean if you won't tell me." Moving his hand from Irea's back to gently rub her cheek, Layn smiled. As silly and confused as this girl was, with every new experience, she was learning how to pleasure Layn as well. Adding how adorable she was in every move of hers was enough to bring Layn to the limits of his endurance even though they only just started making love to each other.

"Don't be such a meanie…" Irea no longer had the look of someone sane in her eyes. Even though she was still pretty much an amateur in terms of intimacy, for some reason, her movements continued to become more and more sophisticated, more intense, as if her own body was discovering some kind of skills that she never knew she had.

"Meanie? What do you mean?" Layn's blood nearly boiled from how cutely the girl was acting when teased just a little. 'I might get addicted to it…' Rubbing his cheek against the side of Irea's head, Layn wrapped his hands against the lower part of Irea's waist before placing both of his hands on her buttcheeks.

"FUCK ME!" Screaming out in desperation, something appeared to snap in the girl's soul.

"As you wish, my dear." With another wave of warm pleasure spreading through Layn's abdomen, he sunk his fingers into the soft flesh of the girl before raising her up a bit, only to slam her decisively down, pushing the tip of his manhood as deep as he could. With his slightly improved body due to the little shenanigans he did while projecting the gran arcana, even though he had nothing to be ashamed of in his original body, the natural drive of a man to get bigger took the better of him back then.

And right now, when Irea's pressed her lips against his shoulder as if to muffle her moans making the sound vibrate through his flesh and bones rather than the air, Layn could tell that it was actually a good idea. Yet, as much as he wanted to just keep going at it until the end of the days when Irea's inner walls started to strongly suck on his manhood it didn't take long at all for the archmage to reach his absolute limit.

"I'm coming!" Tightening his hold over the girl even harder, Layn slammed her down on his cock a few more times, before he could no longer hold it in. With the girl's arms surrounding his neck as she pressed her bust right against Layn's face, he could feel pretty well that as soon as the first drop of sperm rushed forward, Irea's body powerfully tensed up before her back arched making her throw her head to the back.

Seeing the light droplets of sweat lingering on her neck, Layn instantly pressed his lips against it only to suck at her skin with all his might. This element of a delicate and arousing pain only made Irea climax even stronger, making her pussy wring the last drop of juice from Layn's penis as a result.

As the peak of the pleasure finally concluded, Layn fell to his back, pulling the girl with him. Falling on his chest, Irea breathed heavily as if she was reliving the moment of absolute pleasure she just experiences.

"That was… Amazing." Uttering weakly, the girl somehow found the strength to push her upper body up, exposing her full breasts to Layn's eye before her face covered his vision as she got closer for another kiss.

"I'm glad to hear that. It felt insane for me too." Once their lips parted, Layn added while slowly running his fingers through the girl's soft hair. In this 'post-nut' clarity that suddenly overwhelmed him, the archmage couldn't help but compare the first time he had with Ortensia and the first time he had with Irea right now.

And with how Irea was still hugged closely to him rather than escaping the room while desperately attempting to keep his sperm inside her…

'No, there is no point comparing. I guess Irea is truly interested in me, rather than in what she can achieve by being on my side.' Shaking his head to get rid of those painful memories, Layn rested his head against the bed only to raise it when Irea sent him a slight nudge.

"You are… not tired yet, right?" Asking while a blush covered her entire face, it was already a miracle that she somehow gathered the courage to keep her head straight and eyes glued to Layn's pupils.

"Tired? With such a lovely girl showing me this kind of longing expression?" Saying this, Layn wasn't overestimating the effect of the adorableness.. Right now, even though he has yet to go soft enough for his cock to slip out of Irea's soaking wet pussy, he could feel that his manhood was already well on its way to recovering its full might. "No way!"

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