Genius Mage in a Cultivation World

Chapter 67 - Layn's Solace (r18/wholesome)

In the end, Layn was a man of his word. Once he claimed to be all right, even hours later where that statement no longer held true, he still forced his body to act as if his earlier claim still held. And Irea proved that in the heat of a moment, she didn't mind taking advantage of such a situation at all.

"Come on, I know you can still keep going!" Moving her hand up and down while gently tightening her fingers around the shaft of Layn's manhood, she graced the archmage with her lovely, lascivious smile. Licking his tip whenever her hand would turn too dry for the man's comfort, she soon swallowed Layn's entire cock, pushing it so deep that her lips kissed Layn's balls.

"Ah! If you do that…" Initially, it was Layn who held the initiative, guiding the girl through her first steps on the path of carnal pleasure. 'How could I know that she would be so natural at it?!' Despairing in his thoughts, Layn couldn't even tell whether he just felt the anguish of overexerting his strength several times beyond what he should be capable of or if he was so drowned in pleasure that he could no longer think straight.

As his hands tightened in fists, with his entire body tensing up, yet another harvest of his seed splurged forward, filling Irea's mouth and throat. Yet, rather than spitting the slimy content away, she kept Layn's cock buried deep in her mouth as she allowed his cum to slowly trickle down her throat all the way to her stomach.

"Slurp!" Adding yet another sensation of sucking all the residual cum from within Layn's shaft, Irea finally brought her lips up, instantly raising her hand towards her mouth to keep the cum on her face and lips from wasting away. Gathering all the slime with her fingers, she then licked them clean all the while sending lustful glances to the man below.

"I'm sorry… I don't think I can keep going anymore…" Contrary to the girl, it wasn't Layn's first time. While taking the fact that his body was freshly formed from magic energy alone into account, one could argue whether he was a virgin or not, Layn refused to have such thoughts. Given how he had the memory of sleeping with a woman already he couldn't just wipe that painful memory from his mind.

Yet, as if such things didn't matter at all, Irea quickly proved that Layn didn't have even nearly enough experience and endurance to fight off against her youthful vitality. 'I guess she wouldn't mind going at it like rabbits for a few hours more…' While his manhood was beyond exhaustion, the rest of Layn's body was more or less in a good state. Moving his upper body up, he reached for the girl's arms, before pulling her down on top of him.

"Can we just stay like that for a moment?" Hugging the girl closely to his chest, Layn felt a shiver traveling down his spine. For some reason, just being able to cuddle like that was enough to fill his soul with happiness. 'So that's what it was all along…' Back in the past, Ortensia would chase him away from her bed as soon as she would be satisfied with the amount of seed he poured inside her. At first, she did it gently, excusing herself with the weakness of the maiden body and a need for rest, yet it took only a few months for her true colors to appear.

Kicking Layn out of her bedchamber no later than the moment his first ejaculation would conclude, she refused to offer him any affection. And right now, holding this soft and warm girl in his arms while listening to the stable pace of her breath was the greatest solace to all those unpleasant memories that Layn could find in the entire world.

"I…" For a moment, Irea clearly wanted to say something. Her lips parted and a single sound came out of her mouth, only to be followed by complete silence. Rather than finishing her sentence, Irea hid her face on Layn's chest before taking a moment to calm down. Then, climbing up on the man's chest a bit, she brought her hands behind Layn's head before pushing his face into her supple chest.

"I don't know what you went through in the past. I don't know who hurt you, but I can feel it in you. I can feel how with all the pleasure we shared, there was always a hint of extreme pain in your soul, in your eyes, and in your body." Caressing Layn's hair,  Irea tightened her embrace on his head. Yet another moment of silence ensued.

"I'm not going to tell you to forget about your past. If you don't want to tell me what happened… Then so be it." Brushing moving her hands on Layn's back, Irea gently moved them up and down his spine. Tears started to squeeze out of Layn's eyes, wetting the skin of Irea's breasts.

"T-thank you." Muttering in a voice muffled by the delicious skin pressing against his mouth, Layn wrapped his hands around Irea's waist before pressing his face even harder against her bust. Coated from all sides by this welcoming warmth, his tears quickly ceased to flow as if Irea's bosom had a healing effect on his soul.

"But yeah, I hope one day you will deem me trustworthy enough to open up this part of yourself to me. Just like I promised my all to you, I hope that someday, you will let me share your burden as well." Swaying her body to the left and right, Irea acted as if she wanted to lul the archmage to sleep.

'To think that a kind word of an affectionate woman could be so powerful…' Hidden in the girl's breasts, Layn allowed the sweet, rosy scent of her skin to calm his senses riled up by all those unpleasant memories that were bound to surface during the intercourse. Surrounded by Irea's affection, those dark memories of his didn't appear as sharp as they used to, as if her warmth shielded Layn's soul from their impact. 'It's as if her words, were some kind of magic…'

"Thank you. It really means a lot to me." Finally pulling away from the delicious bust of the girl, Layn brought his hand to the girl's chest only to gently flick her nipple. "Ah!" Instantly responding with a lovely moan, sparks of happiness appeared in Irea's eyes.

"I'm glad I could help, then." Moving her own hand towards Layn's face, Irea paid him back for earlier by flicking her finger at his nose. Escalating the playful conflict like that, the girl laughed with joy when Layn suddenly pushed her down on the bed, once again hiding his face in her bosom.

"Listen, we will need to go and deal with that inner academy folks." Rubbing his face against the velvet skin of the girl, Layn suddenly brought his face up only to steal a quick kiss from Irea's lips. Yet, despite his attempts to pull back right away, Irea quickly shot her hands up, locking Layn's head in a hold and turning the quick peck into yet another deep and affectionate kiss.

"And that means we can go at it just one last time, for now, right?" Her wide and excited smile, the way in which she pulled her legs up to give Layn a better angle of approach, the way how she held her breath up in anticipation of what was to come… Even a single of the actions mentioned above would be enough to rile Layn to a point where his crotch would regain its vigor.. And all of them combined, resulted in an instant rush of his blood to his lower member which in turn hastily made its way towards Irea's wet and welcoming insides.

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