Gospel of Blood

Chapter 178: I am the Countess of Castell

"Dragon's power?"

Noah looked a bit confused.

Charlotte glanced at Gikode's corpse and said:

"The shapeshifting technique of the bloodborne's wild resonance requires the target's blood. The reason he could transform into a dragon is that he drank the blood of a living dragon."

"In other words, he encountered the black dragon your brother saw and successfully obtained its blood."

Noah still seemed a bit bewildered, but Charlotte didn't continue explaining.

After all, although they were traveling with the young werewolf now, she might consider erasing part of his memory when they parted ways.

Noah had seen her power.

Although it seemed that the demi-humans had some inexplicable connection with the Bloodborne True Ancestor, and Sebastian had mentioned that the werewolf Luff was trying to spread faith among the demi-human miners in the Castell mines, it was unwise to expose too many secrets in front of too many people until she could ensure the loyalty of the demi-humans.

However, Noah didn't dwell on this issue for long.

The revelation that Gikode was the mastermind behind the mine made him think of more things, and his expression became more complex.

"In recent years, many of the new managers in the mine were appointed by Mr. Kode, including Mr. Mael, who was friendly with Grandpa Logan and always helped us..."

"Could it be that the mine turning a blind eye to us bringing in unofficial miners was to convert those strong miners into undead?"

Charlotte sighed.

"I'm afraid that's exactly it."

Noah fell silent.

"Let's go. Now that we know the truth, it's time to leave."

Charlotte said, glancing around the cave.

After a moment, she added.

"Luff, bring Gikode's body with us."

Luff silently nodded, obediently slinging Gikode's body over his shoulder and standing respectfully behind Charlotte.

After witnessing Charlotte's power, his attitude towards her completely changed.

If his previous attitude could be described as respectful and grateful, now it seemed to have deepened with something more profound: awe, fervor, and a hint of curiosity.

He was curious about Charlotte's true identity, wondering if she might be a messenger of the great True Ancestor of Blood walking among mortals.

After all, such overwhelming regal authority was not something an ordinary bloodborne could possess!

"Just the body? Aren't we taking the mithril too?"

Nice looked eagerly at the mountain of mithril in the depths of the cave, rubbing his paws expectantly.

"Lady Charlotte, I've never seen so much mithril in my life! Even though it's unrefined ore, it must be worth at least a million gold tana."

"No need."

Charlotte shook her head.

"With the commotion we caused, the mine authorities must have already been alerted. Let the mining workshop handle it."

"The mining workshop?"

Nice was surprised.

Charlotte nodded slightly.

"Specialized work should be done by professionals. I have no use for raw mithril ore, what I need is the refined mithril and the gold tana from its sale."

"Of course..."

Her eyes glinted.

"Before they can work again, I need to ensure they understand who the true master of the Castell Mining Workshop is."

Nice's eyes lit up instantly at Charlotte's words.

"Are we going to storm the mining workshop's headquarters?"

"Hehe... Hehehe! Let's go, let's go! I love doing this sort of thing! I can't wait to see their faces when they find out your true identity!"

"True... true identity?"

Hearing Nice, Noah glanced at Charlotte, looking even more puzzled.

Everything that happened today had been too shocking for him.

Especially the moment when everyone instinctively knelt before "Resa."

He had begun to sense the respect his companions had for "Resa."

"Resa's" identity was definitely not just "Barce's" sister, or rather... "Resa" and "Barce" might both be aliases.

Moreover, upon leaving the cave, Noah noticed that even Uncle Lulf's attitude towards "Resa" seemed to have changed.

He became more silent but never took his eyes off "Resa."

This only made Noah more curious.

Who was "Resa" really?

Noah wanted to ask, but the earlier command to "kneel" still echoed in his mind, deterring him from speaking.

Though curious, he dared not ask.

Their original path had been blocked by Gikode.

But that was not a problem for them.

The obstacle was merely a hidden stone door, which the most powerful Sebastian easily destroyed, creating a way back.

The journey back was much quicker since they now knew the way.

However, upon returning to the outer mining area, they found not a single miner in sight.

The mining site was in disarray, with tools scattered as if their owners had left in a hurry.

"Where... where are the people?"

The young werewolf looked around, confused and puzzled.

Charlotte was equally surprised.

But seeing the stones on the ground that seemed to have fallen from the cave's ceiling, she quickly guessed what had happened.

"Perhaps the commotion we caused scared them into thinking the mine was collapsing, prompting an emergency evacuation."

Sebastian, a peak Silver Moon, had immense destructive power.

Even though he had restrained his strength, the battle with the dragon-transformed Gikode had been intense enough to shake the mine like an earthquake.

Miners, fearing a collapse, would have evacuated immediately.

As if to confirm her guess, when they exited the mine and reached the entrance, they saw a crowd of miners outside, peering anxiously toward the mine entrance.

The area around the mine entrance was cordoned off.

Sebastian glanced at the guards maintaining order and the manager in the Castell Mining Workshop uniform and smiled slightly at Charlotte.

"Master, it seems we don't need to visit them specially."

The group emerging from the mine naturally drew everyone's attention.

Among them, the old werewolf Logan, who was negotiating with the workshop manager, noticed them and beamed with joy.

"Noah! Luff! You're alive!"

"Grandpa Logan!"

Noah, equally delighted, looked like he had found a family member.

Charlotte's gaze, however, fell on the workshop manager next to Logan.

Unlike other managers, this one was dressed more elaborately, even wearing a family crest on his chest.

He was a noble.

And likely a senior manager.

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Charlotte could also sense a considerable extraordinary aura from him. This senior manager was a Starry Sky extraordinary individual.

Charlotte was scrutinizing the senior manager of the workshop, who was also warily watching them.

Soon, Charlotte noticed someone whispering into the senior manager's ear, and his expression instantly changed.

His face turned cold as he narrowed his eyes at Charlotte and her group.

"So you are the extraordinaries who infiltrated the mine to steal mithril..."

"Hmph! Guards, seize them!"

At the senior manager's command, more than fifty guards clad in chainmail, armed with swords and shields, swarmed around Charlotte and her companions as they exited the mine.

Their movements were precise and coordinated, clearly well-trained.

Noticing the black eagle emblem of the Castell family on the guards' chests, Charlotte nodded to herself.

Her family was indeed formidable.

At least, the guards stationed at the mine were quite competent, and the proportion of extraordinaries among them was high.

Moreover, the two leading guards were obviously captains and were also First Tier extraordinaries, although only at the initial stage.

Seeing the mine guards mobilize, the old werewolf Logan was stunned.

"Manager, isn't there some kind of mistake?"

"Mistake? Logan, I have received a report that these people are not miners but extraordinaries trying to steal mithril!"

Beside the senior manager, Manager Mael, who had always been helpful to the demi-human miners, spoke coldly.

He pointed at Charlotte and Sebastian in the crowd.

"Look at them, do they look like werewolf miners? They are clearly disguised humans and elves! A human-elf combination is typical of mercenaries; these people must be mercenaries from the Eastern Yunette Blacklands!"

Although Logan had suspected that Sebastian and Charlotte had concealed their identities, he was still taken aback to find that they had changed their species.

However, seeing Noah and Luff next to Charlotte, he couldn't help but try to speak up.

"Manager, Noah and Luff..."

"No need to say more."

The senior manager raised a hand to stop Logan, giving him a cold glance.

"We are being merciful by not pursuing your demi-human tribe for bringing intruders into the mine. These two werewolves are clearly accomplices of the intruders and must be captured along with them!"

With that, he ordered the guards surrounding Charlotte and the others.

"What are you waiting for? Seize them!"

The guards charged at Charlotte and her companions, but Sebastian moved faster.

He instantly appeared before the guards, easily lifting the two leading First Tier extraordinaries like chickens and then throwing them aside.

Before the other guards could react, the two extraordinaries were thrown four or five meters away, landing heavily.

The remaining guards immediately halted.

"Si...Silver Moon!"

Their eyes widened as they warily watched Sebastian, taking a few steps back.

The senior manager's expression changed.

He shouted.

"Towers! Level two alert!"

At his command, Charlotte saw the watchtowers around the mine shift, and the guards started aiming several large, dark devices at them.

Her eyes twitched, and with her bloodborne vision, she quickly recognized them as stone-throwers, seemingly magically modified and operated by a few mage apprentices.

Clearly, these stone-throwers were designed to combat higher-tier extraordinaries.

Additionally, some guards pushed forward several heavy crossbows, their large bolts aimed directly at Charlotte and her group.

Charlotte noticed magical runes on the crossbows, indicating they were not ordinary and was also likely designed for extraordinaries.

She even sensed the presence of a Silver Moon.

One of the operators was a Silver Moon mage!

It was clear that, although the highest-ranking guards stationed at the mine were only at the Starry Sky tier, the mine was prepared for an attack by a Silver Moon enemy.

Seeing this, Noah was visibly frightened, but Charlotte remained calm.

"Nice, time to work."

She called to the black cat.

"Hehe, got it!"

Nice jumped to Sebastian's side, waved his paw human-like, and the magical runes on the stone-throwers and crossbows began to flicker.

Then... they exploded.

The surrounding mage apprentices and guards exclaimed in surprise, and when they recovered, the stone-throwers and crossbows were already destroyed.

"High... high-level elemental resonance?!"

The only Silver Moon mage in the crowd couldn't help but exclaim in shock and disbelief.


Charlotte signaled to the werewolf with her eyes.

Luff nodded, stepped forward, and threw Gikode's body at the guards' feet.

"Sir Kode!"

Seeing Gikode's corpse, the senior manager was horrified.

Then, his expression turned even darker.

"You killed Sir Kode; are you declaring war on the Castell family?!"

"Haha, declaring war on the Castell family?"

Sebastian sneered.

He glanced back at Charlotte, who nodded at him. Receiving the signal, Sebastian stepped forward again.

He snapped his fingers, and his worn miner's clothes transformed into an elegant and formal Castell family butler's suit.

Sebastian then elegantly took out a black eagle emblem from his pocket and displayed it to everyone, speaking clearly:

"I am Sebastian Flameheart, the butler of Countess Charlotte de Castell."

"The chief steward of Castell Mining Workshop colluded with external forces, harming family property. After investigation, the evidence is conclusive, and he has been executed."

The butler of Countess Castell?

The miners and guards were stunned.

They were familiar with the Castell family uniform and emblem. Seeing Sebastian's appearance, the crowd began to buzz.

The senior manager's expression shifted.

He frowned and said.

"Who are you really? How dare you impersonate the countess' butler?!"

"Of course, he is the butler of Countess Castell."

From behind Sebastian, Charlotte's clear voice rang out.

The senior manager's gaze shifted to Charlotte.

His eyes flickered with vigilance.

"And you... who are you?"

Charlotte stepped forward, gently touching a magic ring on her finger. A glow surrounded her, and her worn miner's clothes disappeared, replaced by a black and red gothic noble dress.

She elegantly smoothed her golden hair, her doll-like face beautiful and her sapphire eyes sparkling like stars.

"I am the Countess, Charlotte de Castell."

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