Gospel of Blood

Chapter 179: Seize him!

"Countess Castell? She is the Countess of Castell?!"

"Could it be that the Countess has already arrived in Castell?"

"The Northern Eagle emblem, indeed it's the family crest of the Castell family, and she does have the distinctive blonde hair and blue eyes..."

"Her appearance too, I've heard the Castell family has a bit of elven blood and is known as the family favored by the Goddess of Beauty. The rumors seem true..."

"No wonder... No wonder there's an elven butler."

"But isn't the Countess supposed to be sixteen years old? She looks... no more than twelve or thirteen."

"Could it be... also because of the elven bloodline?"

Charlotte's self-revealing statement instantly set off a commotion throughout the mining site, throwing everyone into a frenzy.

In the lowland plains of the Northern Territory, Castell was like the sky, an uncrowned king.

With Charlotte's revelation, all eyes were focused on her, and the murmurs grew louder.

The truth cannot be faked, and the fake cannot be made true.

A highly skilled elven butler, the genuine Castell emblem, along with her distinctive appearance, luxurious noble attire, and mysterious noble demeanor—all these convinced many on the spot.

Young werewolf Noah was utterly stunned.

His eyes widened, mouth agape, almost big enough to fit a goose egg.

He had imagined every possible hidden identity for Resa, but never had he thought she would be the legendary Countess of Castell!

The richest young Countess of the Crescent Kingdom, the ruler of the northern lowlands, a saint walking the mortal realm, the daughter of the god-king Harald...

By the ancestors!

He had met the legendary Countess of Castell and had even chatted with her casually!

Was he dreaming?!

Noah felt dizzy, as if he had been joking around with someone for a long time and suddenly realized the person was the leader of the country. It was absurd and disorienting.

Of course... there was also a sense of delight.

He knew the Countess of Castell!

He had even gone on an adventure with her before!

Noah realized that if this was all true, today's experience would be something he could boast about for the rest of his life.

It wasn't just young Noah who was shocked; the old werewolf Logan in the crowd was equally astonished.

This old miner who had personally brought Charlotte and her group into the mining site never expected that the person he brought in was such a significant figure!

But the most affected were the guards surrounding Charlotte and her group.

After hearing Charlotte's words, they too were shocked and soon fell into a commotion.

One guard after another began to sheath their weapons, starting with one and then followed by a second, a third...

Even the two leading officers, looked hesitant, exchanged glances, and slowly lowered their weapons.

Seeing this, the senior manager's expression completely changed.

He eyed Charlotte with suspicion and a hint of panic.

However, his expression quickly turned resolute.

He gritted his teeth and sternly shouted:

"How dare you! Impersonating the Countess!"

"The Countess is clearly in Northport, how could she be here in the Silver Mine City?"

"The emblem she carries must have been stolen from Lord Kode! She's a fake!"

"Guards! Do not be deceived by her!"

Hearing the senior manager's words, the doubtful guards hesitated once more.

However, none immediately raised their weapons again.

Such was the power of Castell's name.

While these guards were indeed supposed to obey orders, they primarily served as guards of Castell's direct territory, loyal not to the mining managers but to the Castell family.

Seeing this, the senior manager was furious.

He gritted his teeth and barked at the two officers.

"Raymond, Fray! Don't forget your duties!"

The two officers hesitated.

"Raymond! Fray!"

The senior overseer angrily repeated.

The two officers exchanged another glance, gritted their teeth, and commanded the surrounding guards.

"Guards, take up your weapons, and surround them!"

But after giving this order, they both respectfully bowed to Charlotte and her group.

"Sir... even with the Castell family emblem, it might not be enough to prove your identity. Forgive us, but we cannot stand down from our defense."

"If you truly are the Countess, once your identity is confirmed, we will accept any punishment!"

Sebastian looked at the two officers in surprise and smiled at Charlotte.

"Master, it seems... you do have some decent soldiers."

Charlotte smiled and said.

"The Castel silver mine is the family's treasury. Those assigned here are naturally the elite of the elite."

She then fiddled with the Castell emblem in her hand and muttered to herself.

"However... it seems I'll need a unique token of my own. There are just too many family emblems."

"Heh, perhaps no previous countess has ever gone on an incognito visit without even a noble retainer."

Nice chuckled from the side.

This entire conversation was conducted openly, without any concealment.

Although the guards remained on alert, hearing Charlotte and her group's conversation, they seemed further convinced of their identity, and their weapons lowered slightly.

Even the two officers stood more upright subconsciously.

Seeing this, the senior manager's expression grew even darker.

His eyes flickered, and he whispered to the steward Mael beside him.

"Quickly, go and summon Lord Remisio..."

He then raised his head and continued to shout at Charlotte, who was surrounded.

"You... don't move! Until your true identity is verified, you are not to move! Otherwise... we will shoot!"

Sebastian glanced disdainfully at the heavy crossbows and sneered.

He turned to Charlotte and smiled.

"Master, it seems he's trying to call for reinforcements again and is even threatening us with arrows!"

"Let him call."

Charlotte was indifferent, smiling as she said.

"Perfect, we can resolve the mithril mine issue thoroughly."

With that, she gave Sebastian a look, and Sebastian immediately understood. With a snap of his fingers, he summoned a noble chair from his storage space and placed it behind Charlotte with respectful elegance.

After Charlotte naturally sat down, he then respectfully summoned milk and a goblet.

Fortunately, Charlotte stopped him in time with a "not this one," preventing an awkward scene of her drinking milk from a goblet.

In private, it didn't matter much.

But with so many people watching, she didn't want to do that. It felt awkward.

Sebastian quickly got the hint and replaced the milk with tea and the goblet with a beautifully carved porcelain cup from the Far East.

This time, Charlotte naturally accepted it and took a light sip.

While sipping her tea, she didn't forget to chat with the surrounding guards and officers.

"Which one of you is Raymond? Which one is Fray? From which family?"

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The two officers were visibly flattered and respectfully replied.

"I am Raymond."

"I am Fray."

"Madam, we are not nobles but commoners."

Their nervous and respectful posture, looking more like protectors than attackers, created a rather bizarre scene.

The senior manager's face grew increasingly grim.

Charlotte, however, appeared somewhat surprised and smiled, saying:

"An awakened from a civilian background? Impressive!"

"Once this incident is resolved, come back to the Count's estate and serve as my personal guards."

Hearing Charlotte's words, the two officers became visibly excited. While being an officer in the mine might offer plenty of perks, following a noble lord as a personal guard knight presented the chance to become a true noble!

They almost instinctively wanted to bow, but noticing the senior manager's expression, they quickly realized the inappropriateness of their action and suppressed their excitement, straightening their faces again.

Just then, another commotion erupted from the crowd in the distance, with the faint sound of disciplined marching footsteps.

Charlotte's interest was piqued. She handed the porcelain cup to Sebastian and looked toward the source of the noise.

The crowd parted, and a well-equipped troop of soldiers marched in. They were all extraordinary individuals, clad in enchanted steel plate armor. These were the kingdom's regular army, the ones stationed at the Castell Silver Mine.

The kingdom's soldiers took positions on either side, and then a tall, fully-armored knight arrived, surrounded by a group of knights. He appeared to be in his forties, tall and imposing, with a hooked nose and a harsh countenance.

The sight of this middle-aged knight caused another stir among the onlookers.

"It's Viscount Remisio! Commander of the Third Detachment of the First Legion!"

"The commander stationed at the Castell Silver Mine?"

"I heard he's good friends with Manager Kode and is a Second Tier Silver Moon knight, just one step away from Blazing Sun..."

"Oh no, won't this spell trouble for the Countess?"

"Keep your voice down. It's not certain she's the Countess yet..."

The miners discussed in low voices, and many seemed fearful at the sight of the fearsome and respected commander of the kingdom's forces at the mine.

"What happened here?"

The middle-aged knight asked, his gaze sweeping over the crowd.

The senior manager visibly relaxed upon seeing him. He quickly approached, gave a flattering bow, and then said angrily.

"Sir Remisio... someone is impersonating our Countess and has cruelly murdered Manager Kode!"

He then tearfully continued.

"You are Manager Kode's friend and a collaborator of the workshop. Please, you must avenge him!"

"Oh? Impersonating the Countess of Castell and killing Kode? Who is bold enough to do this?"

The middle-aged knight's expression turned dangerous.

"It's them!"

The senior manager pointed to Charlotte and her group, who were surrounded by guards.

The middle-aged knight's gaze immediately locked onto Charlotte and her companions.

Sensing his aura, which was no weaker than his own, and the well-equipped kingdom soldiers ready to engage, Sebastian's expression became serious. He stepped forward to shield Charlotte.

"An elf?"

The middle-aged knight seemed surprised to see Sebastian. But his gaze quickly returned to Charlotte, squinting slightly.

At the same time, the kingdom soldiers raised their weapons, poised for action. The atmosphere, once relatively calm, became tense and hostile.

"Sir Remisio, it's her! She even slandered Manager Kode, accusing him of colluding with outsiders!"

The senior manager cried out.

"Sir Remisio, you know that Manager Kode has always been diligent and is a great benefactor to the Castell family! This impostor not only killed him but also bewitched our Castell soldiers. As a knight of the kingdom, you must uphold justice for the Castell family!"

The senior manager's cries caused another stir among the onlookers. He was evidently seeking to have the kingdom's forces directly suppress the girl, who might be the Countess of Castell.

"This... the manager wants the kingdom's military to intervene?"

"Isn't that inappropriate? It gives the military a chance to interfere in the County's affairs."

"What is the manager thinking?"

"This is really bad... I've heard Viscount Remisio acts without scruples, guided by his whims. If the Countess can't immediately prove her identity, she might be in real danger..."

The onlookers continued their discussions, and among them, the old werewolf Logan's expression shifted.

He glanced at Noah and Luff, then looked closely at Charlotte, who remained elegantly seated and extraordinarily calm. His eyes flickered with thought.

After a brief hesitation, the old werewolf Logan gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted.

"I... I can testify! She is the Countess!"

"The Countess has come in disguise to investigate the truth about the depletion of the mithril mine! That's why she didn't bring any other nobles with her!"

Logan's words left the onlooking miners stunned. They instinctively stepped back from him. For a moment, all eyes were on the old werewolf, even Viscount Remisio looked intrigued.

"Logan! You ungrateful scoundrel! What nonsense are you spouting?!"

The senior manager's expression changed, and he angrily cursed.

"Guards! What are you standing around for? Arrest this werewolf who is colluding with outsiders!"

He commanded the guards. But when the senior steward turned back, he was taken aback.

The Castell guards had not acted but instead stood in front of Charlotte, warily eyeing the kingdom's regular army.

"Raymond! Fray! What are you doing? Have you gone mad?"

The senior manager shouted.

The two guard officers glanced at Viscount Remisio and coldly said.

"Sir Manager, have you lost your mind?"

"Regardless of whether this is indeed the Countess, the affairs of Castell... cannot be interfered with by other kingdom nobles!"

Witnessing this, the old werewolf Logan's spirit lifted, and he grew bolder.

"People! That is the Countess! The Countess is here to reform the mine!"

"Come, stand with me! Protect the Countess with the guards! We can't let these kingdom soldiers harm the Countess!"

With that, he was the first to act, charging out of the crowd and standing with Charlotte and the guards. Some sharp miners quickly followed suit, picking up mining tools and rushing towards the mine entrance.

In an instant, the mine was clearly divided into two factions, creating a highly dramatic scene.

The senior manager stood there, dumbfounded as he watched the Castell guards and many miners quickly switch sides in the presence of the kingdom's troops. Trembling, he exclaimed.

"Treason! This is treason!"

"Sir Viscount! These people have been completely bewitched! Please help the Castell family suppress these traitors!"

Hearing the senior manager's words, Sebastian's expression tightened.

"Master, this viscount... is likely on their side as well."

He said cautiously, watching the middle-aged knight.

However, when Sebastian looked at Charlotte, he found her expression still calm. Not just calm, but with a slight smile as she looked at the middle-aged knight.

Sebastian was momentarily taken aback. Then he saw Charlotte rise from her seat and walk forward. The guards and miners hesitated but stepped aside at her signal. Standing before the crowd, Charlotte calmly looked at the emotionless middle-aged knight and suddenly smiled.

"Viscount Remisio, long time no see. You still look as imposing as ever."

"After all these years, how is Lady Camille's health?"

Hearing Charlotte's words, the middle-aged knight's eyes narrowed further. Then his expression turned cold.

"Seize this offender who dares to impersonate a noble of the kingdom!"

Viscount Remisio commanded.

With his order, the senior manager breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, he was stunned to find the kingdom's soldiers pointing their weapons at him.

"Lord... Lord Remisio?"

He stammered, bewildered, staring at the middle-aged knight.

However, Viscount Remisio didn't spare him a glance. Instead, he bowed slightly to Charlotte and said with a smile.

"Countess Castell, it has been many years."

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