Gospel of Blood

Chapter 180: Truly deserving of the Countess title!

"Countess Castell, it has been many years."

Viscount Remisio gave a slight bow to Charlotte, looking at the graceful young girl with a smile.

"I didn’t expect that after so many years, you would now look just like your mother, Lady Annie... Hmm, beautiful."

Charlotte: ...

Why is it that every time someone tries to compliment her on growing up, they always look at her height and then subtly change their wording?

So what if she’s a bit petite and looks young?

Had she known this, she wouldn’t have absorbed the old witch’s power while hanging on the cross back then. Even if she were to become a bloodborne, she should have waited until she developed a bit more!

Listening to Viscount Remisio’s subtle praise, Charlotte was filled with regret.

Meanwhile, the senior manager of the mining workshop was completely panicked.

"Sir Remisio, this isn’t what we agreed on..."

"What are you standing around for? Quickly take this criminal who slandered the kingdom’s noble down!"

Viscount Remisio looked at the soldiers with dissatisfaction and shouted.

Following his order, the kingdom’s soldiers roughly gagged the senior manager of the mining workshop and dragged him away.

Charlotte’s eyes followed the terrified senior manager disappearing into the soldiers, while Viscount Remisio bowed again.

"Apologies, Countess Castell. I didn’t know this man dared to act against the kingdom’s nobility. I was deceived into believing he truly represented the Castell family."

"Um... I just heard that the chief manager of the mining workshop, Kode, was executed by you for betraying the family?"

Charlotte retracted her gaze and smiled slightly, saying:

"Kode wasn’t part of the Castell family. He was a spy planted by some covetous individuals. Over the years, he harmed miners, stole Castell’s mithril, and falsely reported the depletion of the mine. His crimes were severe, and he has been duly punished."

Charlotte’s words weren’t loud.

However, they quickly caused a stir among the people.

"What? The miners' disappearances were related to Manager Kode?"

"Ugh! These managers are utterly heartless!"

"So the mithril mine hasn’t run dry?"

"I knew it! How could Castell’s mine have problems when even the royal mines are fine?"

Viscount Remisio also twitched.

"Oh? So the Castel’s mithril mine hasn’t run dry?"

"Of course."

Charlotte nodded lightly.

Viscount Remisio sighed in relief.

"This is wonderful. The mines are always interconnected. You wouldn’t believe the worry that spread through the capital when the news of Castell’s mine depletion reached the king. It’s a relief to know it was all a false alarm."

"Yes, a false alarm indeed..."

Charlotte sighed slightly, looking somewhat regretful.

"I never expected that after being away from Castell County for so many years, so many parasites would emerge. Not only did they deceive everyone, but they even dared to attack me."

"Attack you?!"

Viscount Remisio seemed startled.

"Who had the audacity to attack a kingdom’s noble?"

Charlotte shook her head and sighed.

"It was many days ago. I was ambushed before entering the County. Fortunately, a strong guardian was with me, allowing us to turn the tables..."

She continued with some displeasure.

"Looking back, those who ambushed me were probably connected to these traitors. They didn't want me to return to Castell County and even tried to frame Prince Philip. It’s truly despicable!"

"Prince Philip?"

Hearing a certain name, Viscount Remisio perked up.

Despite his fierce appearance, his upright ears and eager expression made him look like a gossip uncle.

"Yes, they slandered Prince Philip, claiming he was behind the attack on me..."

Charlotte said with some resentment.

After saying this, she sighed and stopped mentioning it.

"It’s all in the past now, no need to embarrass yourself further."

Viscount Remisio, however, was clearly intrigued by what Charlotte left unsaid. He looked like he was itching to hear more gossip but couldn’t force her to continue.

"Um... Countess, since the truth is clear now, I won’t delay your handling of family affairs any longer. I’ll visit again once things settle down."

Viscount Remisio scratched his head and said.

"Of course, thank you for your timely arrival today and for helping to suppress these miscreants."

Charlotte smiled.

"Haha, if you need any assistance, just call me. I’m stationed right outside Silver Mine City. It’s no trouble at all to help deal with a few traitors."

Viscount Remisio laughed.

After giving another noble salute to Charlotte, he hurriedly left with the well-equipped kingdom soldiers.

Charlotte withdrew her gaze from the departing soldiers and looked at the guards of the mine.

This time, the guards didn’t hesitate.

Led by two officers, hundreds of guards knelt on one knee before Charlotte, their voices echoing in the night.

"Greetings, Countess!"

Simultaneously, among the gathered workshop managers, some also knelt.

"Greetings, Countess!"

At this moment, no one doubted Charlotte’s true identity.

Charlotte’s gaze swept over the kneeling crowd, finally landing on the many managers who were pale, retreating, and even trying to hide among the crowd.

Her eyes turned cold, and she issued her first order after regaining control of the mine’s guards.

"Guards, seize these family traitors!"

Following Charlotte’s command, the mine guards immediately sprang into action, swiftly capturing the managers attempting to flee and bringing them before Charlotte.

There were over thirty people.

The managers looked ashen, terrified, and despaired, with many wetting themselves and begging for mercy.

Charlotte looked at them coldly.

"Take them away and lock them up!"


The guards saluted respectfully and escorted the managers away, eliciting cheers from the surrounding miners.

Normally, the mine’s managers were oppressive and bullying, so seeing them in trouble delighted the miners.

Especially after hearing that the managers were involved in the miners’ disappearances.

After dealing with the obviously problematic workshop managers, Charlotte looked at the remaining managers.

"Which of you holds the highest position here?"

"Y-Your Excellency, that would be me."

An elderly steward stepped forward, trembling.

"What is your name?"

"I-I’m Hank, Hank de Leon-Castell, senior manager of the mining workshop, in charge of logistics."

The old manager answered respectfully.

Leon-Castell? A relative of Baron Sharon?

Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

After a moment of contemplation, she said:

"The management of the Castell Mining Workshop has been seriously derelict in their duties. As of today, all managerial positions are revoked. From now on, my steward, Sebastian, will handle all affairs of the mining workshop."

She glanced at the old werewolf Logan in the crowd and continued.

"Werewolf miner Logan, for his meritorious service in assisting the family during this crisis and given his extensive experience in mining, is hereby promoted to senior manager of the workshop, assisting Sebastian in managing the affairs."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to the old werewolf. Their expressions ranged from shock and envy to confusion and excitement.

Some miners regretted not being the one to shout "Protect the Countess!" earlier and were extremely envious of Logan's luck.

The old werewolf was momentarily stunned, seemingly not expecting such a surprise. He quickly regained his composure, his face beaming with excitement, and bowed to Charlotte.

"Logan… at your service! Logan… will not disappoint the Countess!"

"As for the rest of you..."

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Charlotte's gaze shifted to the remaining managers.

"You are temporarily suspended pending review. During this suspension, you will undergo a family investigation. Those who pass the investigation may continue to assist Sebastian and Logan in managing the workshop. The review period will be three months, and those who qualify may resume their managerial positions."

"Hank, you will be the chief responsible manager during this period of suspended management. You will assist Sebastian and Logan in familiarizing themselves with the workshop's operations. If you qualify, you may continue as a senior manager."

The old manager trembled slightly and bowed respectfully.

"Hank... obeys."

Charlotte nodded slightly, raised her voice, and addressed the remaining managers.

"Do any of you have any objections?"

The managers looked at each other, lowering their heads.

However, a different voice soon broke the silence.

"I... I have an objection!"


Charlotte looked over and saw a young manager standing up.

"What is your objection?"

Charlotte narrowed her eyes.

"The appointment of managers for the Castell Mining Workshop requires a vote by the noble council! Even if you are the Countess, you cannot make unilateral decisions!"

The young manager spoke boldly.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow and asked.

"What is your name?"

"I am Gerson de Lagrisse!"

The young manager straightened his back and replied.

Charlotte smiled.

"A manager from the Lagrisse Viscount family..."

In the next moment, her expression turned cold as she said.

"Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. I have reason to believe that noble families are involved in the betrayal within the mines. Thus, I am temporarily reclaiming control of the mines."

"Mr. Gerson, are you representing the Lagrisse family in opposing me? Or perhaps the Lagrisse family is involved in this deceit?"

As she spoke, Charlotte's eyes glinted, and a powerful aura emanated from her.

Feeling the immense pressure, the young manager became visibly nervous.

"I... I... no... not at all..."

He hesitated, sweating profusely, and eventually sat back down.

Charlotte continued to survey the managers, who now avoided her gaze.

"This matter is settled. Sebastian, I want you to sort out the accounts of the mining workshop within three days and uncover any hidden issues. Also, compile a list of managers who can continue working in the workshop."

"In addition, list the miners who have gone missing over the years and send compensation to their families in the name of the Castell family."

"At your command."

Sebas bowed slightly and performed a respectful yet graceful salute to Charlotte.

After instructing Sebastian, Charlotte addressed the surrounding people.

"From tomorrow, the Castell mines will be closed for three days for reorganization. If anyone has concerns or needs to report any wrongdoing within the workshop, you may directly report to Sebastian. Those who provide valuable information will be rewarded by the Castell family!"

Hearing Charlotte's words, the miners' eyes lit up, and their breathing grew heavier as they glanced at the old werewolf Logan.

"Alright, the matter is settled. Everyone, go home and rest."

Charlotte's gaze swept over the miners as she spoke.

With that, she was the first to rise and leave the mine under the escort of the guards.

Watching Charlotte's gradually receding figure, the miners spoke with reverence.

"Although the Countess is young, she has quite an imposing presence!"

"And she's so beautiful..."

"Truly worthy of being the heir of the Castell family and the Holy Court's saintess!"



"Are you... really the Countess of Castell?"

In front of the mining workshop's office, the young werewolf Noah looked at Charlotte, who had revealed her true appearance, and finally mustered the courage to ask.

Even though he already knew the answer, it still felt like a dream to him.

"Do I not look like it?"

Charlotte smiled.

"You do... no, I mean... not like... I mean..."

Noah stammered, at a loss for words.

Charlotte stopped teasing him and looked into his eyes, saying:

"Noah, you must keep our adventure in the mines a secret. Do you understand?"

As she spoke, her eyes glowed faintly red.

The young werewolf appeared dazed.

"Keep... a secret? What secret?"

Charlotte smiled gently.

"Nothing, just go home."

She had erased part of his memory of their time in the mines, specifically the parts where she had taken action.

After sending Noah off, Charlotte entered the workshop's office.

As soon as she entered the chief manager's office, Sebastian followed and spoke in a low voice.

"Master, that Viscount Remisio... took the senior manager away."

Charlotte seemed unsurprised and nodded slightly.

"I know."

"Master, do you know Viscount Remisio? He seems to be involved in some workshop affairs and may have collaborated with Gikode. Yet, you don't seem concerned... what's going on?"

Sebastian asked curiously.

Charlotte sat down in the manager's chair, and Sebastian immediately handed her a goblet of sweet milk.

As she sipped the sweet milk, Charlotte explained.

"I probably met Viscount Remisio a few times when I was young, but I don't remember clearly. However, family records mention him."

"Viscount Remisio has long been stationed as a kingdom military officer in the mines. My father worked with him extensively and compiled a lot of information. I reviewed it before coming to the territory."

"He is a traditional Silver Moon noble with a beloved wife and a happy family. Despite his gruff nature, he has certain principles and dislikes trouble."

"His viscounty has long suffered from the devastation of the Star-Moon War, leaving it impoverished, even destitute..."

"To raise funds for his territory's development, he often takes lucrative jobs. Stationing himself at the Castell silver mines also had this purpose. Years ago, my father provided him with many conveniences, so they are somewhat old acquaintances."

"He might indeed be involved in some workshop matters, but probably only financially, and wouldn't break ties with the Castell family over it."

"Taking away the senior manager was likely due to some guilt, as he probably did some dirty work himself."

"Perhaps he made some promises, but upon seeing you and me, he reevaluated his position and abandoned those promises."

Sebastian nodded in understanding.

"I see."

However, he soon frowned.

"Such a person... cannot be trusted deeply."

"No need to. Such people are opportunists. Use them as needed."

Charlotte said.

Then, she smiled slightly.

"For instance... I was thinking about how to trip up the Third Prince, and here's an opportunity."


Sebas's curiosity was piqued.

Charlotte glanced at him, smiling.

"Family records show that Viscount Remisio is a staunch supporter of the Second Prince."

Meanwhile, at the kingdom's military encampment near the Castell silver mines.

As soon as Viscount Remisio entered the barracks, he hurriedly summoned his personal guards, eyes gleaming with excitement, and ordered.

"Quick, find out what happened to the young Countess of Castell on her way to the territory!"

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