After sorting out matters at the mining workshop, Charlotte planned to return to the inn, accompanied by the werewolf Luff.

Sebastian and Nice stayed behind at the workshop, with Charlotte leaving the management in their hands, the dog and cat would undoubtedly be busy over the next three days.

Throughout the journey, Luff's gaze never left Charlotte. He tried to speak several times but hesitated, clearly having many questions he wanted to ask.

Charlotte was aware of what was bothering the werewolf and decided to address it directly, smiling as she asked.

"Luff, is there something you want to ask?"

With Charlotte initiating the conversation, Luff finally mustered the courage to speak. After carefully choosing his words, he cautiously asked.

"Lady Charlotte, are you of the Royal Bloodline?"

Instead of giving a direct answer, Charlotte responded with a smile.

"What do you think?"

This response, which was nearly an admission, energized Luff. Despite his prior suspicions, he couldn't help but feel excited at this confirmation.

"Royal Bloodline... So you really are of the Royal Bloodline! The Royal Bloodline has not vanished! It hasn’t vanished!"

He quickly began to mutter to himself.

"Of course, with signs of the great True Ancestor's revival, it makes sense that the descendants of the True Ancestor would also reappear..."

Then, unable to contain his curiosity, Luff asked.

"But if you are of the Royal Bloodline, how did you become the Saintess of the Holy Court?"

Charlotte gently shook her head.

"Saintess? I never said I was the Saintess of the Holy Court."

Luff was momentarily stunned. Upon reflection, he realized that Charlotte had indeed never explicitly claimed to be the Saintess of the Holy Court.


Charlotte continued, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"The identity of the Saintess can be quite useful at times. Perhaps... occasionally using it isn’t such a bad idea."

Luff: ...

"So... does that mean you are not a follower of the Holy Court?"

He asked again.

Charlotte glanced at him.

"Back during the Sacred Judgment, I mentioned that you were all devout followers of the Holy Court. So... are you truly?"

Luff hesitated.

This was a question that had puzzled and intrigued him. Their Blood Wolf Tribe did not worship the Holy Lord Harald, but rather the "Evil God" Bloodborne True Ancestor, according to the Holy Court.

Yet, they had not only escaped the Holy Court's judgment but had even appeared as devout followers under the Sacred Judgment’s scrutiny.

Luff had always believed that it was the work of Charlotte, as the Saintess, who had saved them. But if she didn’t follow the Holy Lord Harald, how had she managed it?

Divine power can only be countered by divine power, a well-known truth in Myria. Twisting the outcome of the Sacred Judgment was not something ordinary divine magic could accomplish.

Recalling his earlier conversation with Sebastian, Luff's heart raced.

Could it be... Could Lady Charlotte be the divine agent of the True Ancestor?

It must be. Only a divine agent could alter the Sacred Judgment’s results. Only a divine agent could exert such powerful royal authority!

The Bloodborne Royalty were followers of the Bloodborne True Ancestor, but Lady Charlotte must be more than just a follower!

"Lady Charlotte... Are you not the Holy Court's Saintess, but the agent of the Bloodborne True Ancestor?"

Luff asked, unable to contain himself.

Charlotte laughed, her words filled with meaning.

"Sir Luff, Sebastian has already told me the true reason you remained at the Castell Silver Mine."

"I have high hopes for you. Please fulfill your goals well. Your faith... will not betray your loyalty."

Hearing Charlotte’s words, Luff’s spirit soared. At that moment, he had no more doubts.

Indeed! Lady Charlotte must be the agent of the great True Ancestor, THEIR divine envoy!

Seeing the werewolf's slightly flushed face, Charlotte smiled gently, putting her finger to her lips like a mischievous little devil.

"Oh, by the way, Sir Luff, today's conversation must remain a secret."

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Luff soon left, in a daze but filled with vigor. As he departed, his whole body brimmed with enthusiasm. He planned to return to the tribe and quickly attempt to spread the true faith of the great True Ancestor among the miners.

Previously, he had hesitated, worrying that his actions might displease Charlotte and that their differing faiths might eventually cause a rift between him and his worldly lord. But now, he had no such concerns. Not only was she not an enemy, but she was also likely a forerunner in his faith!

All along, they had to hide, even knowing that the True Ancestor had begun to revive, always being cautious of the Holy Court's pursuit.

But now, they no longer had to worry. Because the highest lord of Castell was one of them; the Countess of Castell was the True Ancestor's agent!

"Great True Ancestor! Luff will not fail your expectations. Luff will strive to spread your faith! May your glory fill the world and protect your people, ensuring their prosperity!"

The excited werewolf prayed in his heart, dreaming of a bright future.

Watching Luff leave, Charlotte felt a burden lifted from her heart.

The werewolf was her follower, and any misunderstandings needed to be cleared up to avoid future mishaps.

However, she did not plan to reveal her true identity to him. Even though his faith pointed to her, she still felt a strange guilt about directly accepting the identity of the "Bloodborne True Ancestor."

Despite all signs suggesting that she currently occupied that position, for safety reasons, she preferred to keep her true identity a secret.

Even with the [True Ancestor's Liberation] power, she could only maintain her invincible state for a short time, so the fewer people who knew her secret, the better. Besides, there might also be an element of keeping some distance to maintain her mystique.

Luff was a believer. While Sebastian and Nice were her followers, they were not strictly believers. Conversations with followers and believers were different. Charlotte was not yet ready to face her believers as an object of worship.

After parting ways with Luff, Charlotte returned to the Redwood Inn.

Entering the city with a grand escort of guards, she experienced the treatment of being surrounded by adoring subjects. The grandeur of her arrival even startled the elves at the front desk, who thought something significant had happened at the inn.

It wasn't until some well-informed individuals explained the recent events at the mining workshop that the long-eared proprietors of the inn relaxed.

The elves quickly became excited, realizing that having the Countess of Castell stay at the Redwood Inn was tremendous publicity and an endorsement of their establishment.

What could be a better advertisement than the lord personally staying there? The inn's owner, a moon elf from Luna Island, even got up in the middle of the night to personally visit Charlotte, waiving her fees and generously offering many rare gifts from Luna Island.

Their enthusiasm contrasted sharply with the aloof and indifferent demeanor often described in books about elves.

It seemed that even the proud elves couldn't resist the allure of absolute power and benefits. They were not as rigid and old-fashioned as the books depicted. Many elves engaged in commerce were, in fact, even more shrewd than humans.

The following day, after learning about Charlotte's arrival, the mayor of Silver Mine City led a group of officials to personally visit her.

This did not surprise Charlotte. Silver Mine City was a direct domain of Castell, and a lord inspecting their territory was bound to attract attention.

When Charlotte revealed her identity the previous night, she anticipated that the officials would come calling the next day.

They seemed more like they were there to apologize than to pay a courtesy visit. The elderly mayor, appearing to be in his sixties or seventies, led the officials in kneeling before Charlotte and apologizing profusely.

"Lord Amel, please rise. The mining workshop is managed by various families and is not directly under Silver Mine City's jurisdiction. This matter does not concern you or the city officials."

Charlotte said.

This was true, as the Castell Silver Mine had long been used to garner support from various nobles.

However, Charlotte didn't fully believe that these officials were completely unaware of the mine's issues. The secrecy surrounding the mithril mine suggested significant backing, possibly involving some of these officials.

Nevertheless, Charlotte understood the need for experienced personnel to govern her territory. A complete overhaul would only lead to greater chaos.

After reassuring the Silver Mine City officials, Charlotte announced that she would not accept further visits for the time being, particularly from nobles.

Given the turmoil at the Castell Silver Mine, she knew that nobles would soon come rushing to clear their names. She had no intention of entertaining them before the Northport banquet, where she would formally meet with her territory's nobles.

In the following days, various family envoys arrived in Silver Mine City, seeking an audience with Charlotte. Listening to their pleas and declarations of loyalty, Charlotte chuckled.

"They're quick to cut ties, aren’t they? Each one trying to distance themselves from the mining workshop incident."

Of course, she met none of them. Messages were delivered through various means, including envoys shouting their innocence in the inn’s lobby before being escorted out by guards.

Charlotte instructed Sebastian to inform them that she suspected collusion between nobles and cultists and would not meet any nobles until the Northport banquet.

Reading through the list Sebastian had compiled, Charlotte inquired.

"Is this all the information we've gathered from the workshop managers?"

"Yes, this is all. Apart from identifying which families might be backing them, the crimes are mostly pinned on minor players."

Sebastian replied.

"Even using the mind control you granted me, the managers seemed genuinely motivated by greed rather than orders. I suspect they were also under some mental influence. They were mere pawns, and the masterminds likely planned to abandon them."


Charlotte mused.

"But even if these managers were expendable, the nobles still need them. If we can trace the connections back to the families, evidence or not, it’s enough."

After a few more days organizing the workshop, Charlotte left Silver Mine City, having replaced about two-thirds of the managers.

Returning to Northport, she received important news: the Duke of Borde had passed away.

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