Gospel of Blood

Chapter 208: Nez Clan's Remote Meeting

In a majestic and ancient palace.

Black curtains shrouded the surroundings, making the already dark palace even more oppressive. Beneath the curtains, a rectangular table was placed in the center of the palace, with ancient stone seats arranged on either side.

Several tall, blurry figures sat on either side of the table, their appearances indistinct. Only their scarlet eyes flickered with a deep light in the illusory curtain.

Suddenly, a dim red glow appeared on one of the stone seats on one side of the table.

With a distortion of space, a new tall figure slowly materialized in front of the table.

Seeing the newly appeared figure, many of the shadows around the table slightly bowed their heads and respectfully greeted him.

"Lord Count Hol."

Only the two figures at the head of the table merely glanced at the new figure and nodded slightly.

"Count Hol... you are quite late for this meeting."

One of the figures at the head of the table spoke softly, his voice imposing and somewhat displeased.

"Count Hol" was silent for a moment, then spoke in a deep voice.

"Lord Count Yurst, this impromptu meeting was too sudden. I didn't have time to prepare, so I am quite late."

"Count Hol" was, of course, the disguised Lahel.

However, at this moment, Lahel's mind was far from calm.

While he manipulated the illusory figure to converse with the Nez Clan's Count, he couldn't help but glance back at the figure seated high on the Blood Throne.

And beside him, Agnès, who was touching the phantom crystal to maintain the communication, was already dumbfounded.

She couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Although Agnes had known her plan would fail the moment Charlotte unfolded her mental world, it wasn't until she and Lahel fully activated the crystal and entered the meeting in disguise that she realized just how formidable Charlotte's power was...

Because Lahel's consciousness didn't enter the communication crystal as usual. Instead, the virtual meeting room of the crystal was directly projected into reality!

The crimson mist above the communication crystal manifested the meeting scene as if it were a projection, making it feel like they were truly present.

It was like a 3D video conference: the ancient palace descended into the mental world, the shadows of the Nez Clan and the disguised figure of Lahel appearing simultaneously, while Agnès and others watched as if they were spectators.

Including Lahel, who operated the joining illusion.

From the scarlet gazes of the bloodborne members in the meeting room, it seemed they hadn't noticed that their remote meeting had been projected into someone else's mental world, nor had they noticed the three individuals observing their meeting.

This secret online meeting had been forcefully turned into a 3D "movie" by Charlotte!

"Don't be nervous. Continue speaking to them as you normally would. I want you to extract any possible information."

"Don't worry, they can't see us, nor can they hear our voices."

Charlotte, seated high on the throne, watched with interest the meeting of the Nez Clan, directly projected into her mental world through the psychic connection. She ordered Lahel, disguised as Count Hol.

Lahel forced himself to look away.

Suppressing his inner turmoil, he focused on the meeting room and soon noticed an issue.

The seat originally belonging to Count Lachlan was empty!

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's begin the meeting."

The figure at the head of the table, representing the Nez Clan's Count Yurst, spoke in a deep voice.

However, just as he finished speaking, the figure on the other side of the table, who also hadn't greeted Lahel, asked the question Lahel was curious about.

"Lord Count Yurst, you seem to have forgotten that Count Lachlan has not yet arrived."

The figure representing Count Yurst glanced at him and said.

"Count Nottingham, Count Lachlan will not be coming. He has already sacrificed himself for Nez and returned to our master's realm."

Upon hearing this, the remote meeting room fell into an uproar.

Lahel and Agnes were both stunned and then couldn't help but look back at the beautiful figure seated on the Blood Throne.

Having participated in the last remote meeting, they were well aware of what Count Lachlan had been up to before.

However, they had originally thought that Count Lachlan had merely been defeated by Countess Castell, but they never expected that he had actually perished!

A genuine Bloodborne Count!

A true Blazing Sun!

Even though they had once killed the real Count Hol through deceit, they were well aware of how lucky they had been.

Even when they succeeded in killing Count Hol, it was only after gaining his trust and attacking him with poison and ambush while he was in his periodic slumber.

And even so, they had almost lost their lives in the process!

Count Lachlan was even more different. Unlike Count Hol, who had parted ways with the Blood Demon Cult, Lachlan was a bloodborne member of the Nez Clan, with backing from a duke-level bloodborne!

Killing such a bloodborne would be far more difficult than killing a Blazing Sun!

Who could have done it?

Was there a powerful protector behind the Countess of Castell?


Agnes and Lahel's eyes fell on Charlotte, feeling a sense of shock at the absurd idea that arose in their hearts.

However, looking at the almost tangible castle in the mental world, at the meeting projection pulled into the mental world by Charlotte, and at the many bloodborne members in the meeting room unaware of being watched, it was hard for them not to wonder.

Is the Countess of Castell really just a Starry Sky?

"Count Lachlan has fallen? How is that possible?"

"His strength far surpasses an ordinary Blazing Sun, and the Castell County has fewer than five Silver Moons. How could anyone there kill him?"

"What exactly happened?"

In the meeting hall, Count Nottingham's gaze sharpened as he asked in a serious tone.

Count Yurst sighed deeply and said.

"This information comes from the Duke himself. I don't know the specifics yet, but from the Duke's attitude, it seems there is a power within the Castell family that even the Duke fears."

A power that even the Duke fears?

The bloodbornes in the meeting hall looked astonished and soon fell into an uproar again.

"The Castell family? But hasn't the Castell family already fallen? There's only a newly adult Countess left!"

"Yes, I heard that the Countess of Castell almost got killed by the Blood Demon Cult while in the Borde Duchy. How could he possibly pose a threat to Count Lachlan?"

"Wait a minute, could it be the work of the Holy Court? I heard the young Countess of Castell is a Saintess of the Holy Court. Could there be powerful protectors in secret?"

"Impossible! If she were truly a Saintess of the Holy Court, the Templar Knights would have personally escorted her before she even entered Castell County."

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The bloodbornes discussed fervently.

Watching the chaotic scene, Count Yurst knocked on the table and said.


The overwhelming mental force of the Bloodborne Count swept across the hall.

Except for Count Nottingham, the projections of the other bloodbornes trembled and quickly fell silent.

Lahel also felt the unparalleled mental force from Count Yurst.

However, as the mental pressure swept over, he felt a gentle crimson glow envelop him, shielding him from any pressure.

He couldn't help but glance at the small figure on the throne behind him, feeling that she was increasingly mysterious and unfathomable...

Count Yurst's gaze swept across the hall. Seeing everyone quiet down, he nodded in satisfaction and said solemnly.

"I urgently powered the communication crystal to summon you here to relay the Duke's orders..."

"The Duke has commanded that, from now on, all infiltration plans against Castell are to be suspended. No attacks on Castell nobility, especially the Castell family, are permitted!"

He then looked at Count Nottingham.

"Count Nottingham, you are closest to Castell. From now on, you will take over all of Count Lachlan's duties. However... you are not to continue the previous efforts. Instead, you must quickly rebuild communications, restrain the various blood descendants and vassals, and avoid antagonizing Castell!"

Upon hearing this, the Nez bloodbornes were once again taken aback.

"Pause the infiltration plan? But... the plan has reached its most critical stage, and I've received intelligence that the young Countess of Castell intends to move against our people!"

Count Nottingham couldn't help but protest.

"Then have our people withdraw! In any case... the Duke's orders are to avoid antagonizing Castell until he issues new instructions!"

Count Yurst said firmly.

Then he looked at everyone.

"Additionally, the Duke has another order: we are to use all available resources to investigate and gather information about the Countess of Castell—Charlotte de Castell!"

Investigate Charlotte?

Lahel and Agnes were taken aback.

They instinctively turned around and glanced at the figure behind them with a peculiar expression.

"Investigate Charlotte de Castell? Is she connected to Lachlan's fall?"

Count Nottingham's voice held a hint of surprise.

Count Yurst nodded slightly.

"Most likely, as Lachlan was heading towards her when he fell."

Then he looked at the other bloodbornes.

"Many of you have successfully established intelligence points in the Crescent Kingdom. What information do you have on Charlotte de Castell? The more detailed, the better!"

"Charlotte de Castell..."

The bloodbornes fell into contemplation.

"I heard she inherited the usual beauty of the Castell family, known as the Jewel of Borde, and is the most beautiful girl in the Crescent Kingdom."

One bloodborne thought aloud.

"If I remember correctly, the Castell family once had ties with the elves. She likely has some elven blood, albeit diluted, making her a half-elf."

Another bloodborne mused.

"I heard a rumor that the mother of the Countess of Castell came from the Starfall Kingdom, and... she might even be from the Starfall royal family."

Another bloodborne couldn't help but mention.

Upon hearing this, many bloodbornes turned their attention to Count Nottingham.

Count Nottingham's eyes flickered slightly as he said.

"Indeed, she was Anne the 'Devout' of the Roman family, a well-kept secret. Few know of it."

"The 'Devout' Anne? Princess Anne? The half-sister of Henry the 'Fool'? The half-sister of Edward III? But didn't she die of a cold?"

A bloodborne asked curiously.

"A cold? I heard Henry the 'Fool' poisoned her out of fear of her threat to the throne!"

Another bloodborne said in confusion.

Count Nottingham shook his head.

"No, no. Anne the 'Devout' fell in love with the previous Count of Castell during his visit to Starfall, renounced her claim to the throne, and followed him to the Crescent Kingdom in anonymity."

Hearing this, some bloodbornes' eyes flickered.

"Does this mean the Castell family might be protected by the Roman family?"

Count Nottingham shook his head again.

"No, that's unlikely. The Roman family is currently ruled by the Lilac faction. Although Edward III is related to Anne the 'Devout,' there was little affection between them. Moreover, Anne chose the Crescent Kingdom, which the Romans see as a betrayal..."

"If there is a power behind the Castell family that even the Duke fears, it must be something else."

Hearing Count Nottingham's explanation, the bloodbornes fell into discussion again.

Watching the meeting, Lahel and Agnes were surprised.

Anne the 'Devout'?

Princess Anne?

The Countess of Castell... has such a prestigious background?

Charlotte's eyes also twitched.

She didn't expect that her curiosity about her mother's original identity would be unveiled in the Nez Clan's meeting.

And, as it turned out, she really was a princess of the Falling Star Kingdom, and even a sister to both the former and current kings!

However... it sounded like quite a complicated situation.

Watching the bloodbornes deep in discussion, Count Yurst scanned the hall and said solemnly.

"These are old stories. Besides this, does anyone have any more information about the Countess of Castell?"

The bloodbornes fell silent.

After a moment, one bloodborne hesitantly said.

"Actually, I've heard a rumor..."

"When the Countess of Castell was in Borde, she seemed to be involved in an incident concerning the descent of an Evil God..."

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